Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1408 No, the mutiny is not over yet

"Well, no matter what, today's mutiny, no, it should be said to be an attempted rebellion. Thanks to Mr. Xiao Zhu, it finally passed safely and smoothly. The heart and soul of the Za family were frightened."

Eunuch He let out a long sigh of relief, stretched out his hand and patted his chest, sighing as if he had escaped from a disaster.

"Yes, thanks to my virtuous nephew today." Linhuai Marquis and Wei Guogong nodded at the same time and agreed.

"No, it hasn't passed yet." Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly.

"Ah?! They are here again?!" When Wei Guogong heard this, his hair suddenly became angry again. Wei Guogong took three steps and two steps at a time and ran to the door of the handsome tent. He opened the door curtain with one hand and looked out nervously. .

"Not yet?! The rebels haven't left yet?!" Eunuch He and Marquis Linhuai couldn't help but become frightened again. They followed Wei Guogong to the door. They also came forward and looked out nervously.

"There's no one here," Wei Guogong and the others said in confusion.

"That's not what I meant." When Zhu Pingan saw this, he couldn't help crying and shook his head.

"Nephew Hu Xian, please speak clearly, you shocked us." Wei Guogong breathed a sigh of relief.

"What I'm saying is that this mutiny is not over, and there is still a huge possibility of a resurgence."

Zhu Pingan explained.

"Ah?! My nephew is saying that the Ministry of War may not necessarily restore the wife's food and the amount of money as before?! I'm just saying, the Ministry of War is the superior, how can my nephew be the leader of the Ministry of War? That's it. I fooled you today and changed it. If the Japanese Ministry of War does not restore the wife's grain and silver coins as before, the rebels will definitely mutiny again on the grounds that the promise has not been fulfilled!"

Wei Guogong shook his head and sighed. He was worried about the Ministry of War, worried that the Ministry of War would not restore his wife's food and the money would remain as before.

"Uncle, you don't have to worry about the Ministry of War at all. The Ministry of War will definitely restore the silver and wife's food as before." Zhu Pingan said confidently.

"Since the Ministry of War will definitely return to the old situation, why does my nephew say that the mutiny is not over yet? After my nephew's promise today, they are satisfied. They happily laid down their weapons and disbanded and returned to the camp."

Wei Guogong said with a puzzled look.

"That's right, my dear nephew, the officers and soldiers have laid down their weapons and dispersed back to the camp. How come it's not over yet?"

The Marquis of Linhuai was equally puzzled.

"Master Xiao Zhu, don't scare the Za family. Why are you so frightened?" Eunuch He moved two steps back and stood behind Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis in case anything unexpected happened.

"Uncle, Eunuch He, today's mutiny seems to have subsided on the surface, but it is not the case. Today's mutiny is obviously planned, instigated and induced by people with ulterior motives behind it. If these instigators are not eliminated, there is a possibility of another mutiny in Zhenwu Camp. This time they used the excuse of giving wives food, discounted silver, and soldiers’ pay to induce mutiny, and next time they may use other reasons such as moving camps, suppressing Japanese casualties, etc. to induce mutiny again.”

Zhu Pingan reminded Wei Guogong and others.

"Yes, what my nephew said is true. That damn Wang Baihu must be one of the black sheep!"

Upon hearing this, Duke Guo of Wei nodded in agreement, and when he mentioned Wang Baihu, he couldn't help but gnashed his teeth with hatred.

"That makes sense." Marquis Linhuai and Eunuch He also nodded.

"Okay, I will order Wang Baihu and the other guys who dance the most happily to be arrested and hanged!"

Duke Wei gritted his teeth and turned to look outside the tent. He was about to call his own soldiers and issue this order.

"Uncle, wait a minute." Zhu Pingan hurriedly stopped Wei Guogong.

"Why did my nephew stop me?" Wei Guogong looked at Zhu Ping'an in confusion. It was obviously you who proposed to cut off the chief envoy.

"Uncle, if you give an order now, wouldn't it make the entire battalion uneasy and possibly trigger another mutiny?"

Zhu Pingan explained.

"That's right, Lao Xu, you just gave the whole battalion officers and soldiers a life-saving certificate. Now you ordered to arrest and hang Wang Baihu and the others. The rabbit dies and the fox hurts its own kind. Can the whole battalion officers and soldiers not be frightened? The mutiny was calmed down, and I have to be aroused by you!" Marquis Linhuai grabbed Wei Guogong and agreed.

"Gong Wei, Duke Wei, please calm down." Eunuch He pointed at the orchid.

"So, what can be done?!" Wei Guogong looked at Zhu Pingan.

"Ahem, that's right, nephew/Xiao Zhu, what should we do?" Marquis Linhuai and Eunuch He also looked at Zhu Pingan.

"It's easy. I ordered Wang Baihu and other leaders to be closely monitored and arrested in a few days. I have said it before, so as not to avoid the crime of rebellion and conspiracy. I see that they have been tempting the officers and soldiers to rebel and defect to the Japanese pirates. , he must have evidence of liaison with Japanese pirates, search and collect the evidence carefully, and kill the chief culprit for the crime of collaborating with Japanese pirates. The rest of the envoys will be exempted from death, and they will be punished to guard the border to serve as a warning to others."

Zhu Pingan suggested with his hands raised.


When Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis heard this, they couldn't help but nodded.

"You use both kindness and power, Mr. Xiao Zhu is very clever." Hearing this, Eunuch He was full of praise for Zhu Ping'an.

"But..." After a while, Wei Guogong thought of something and spoke worriedly.

"But what?!" Eunuch He and Marquis Linhuai asked.

"With such a combination of kindness and power, the mutiny can be eliminated, but I am afraid that the officers and soldiers in this battalion will taste the sweetness of this mutiny and be stimulated by this time. Their appetite will become bigger and bigger in the future. To be honest with you, Jianzhen was originally When I was in the military camp, in view of the tight time and heavy tasks, when selecting soldiers, I only focused on physical fitness and did not check their wealth too much. As a result, there were many scoundrels, arrogant and lawless people in the camp. I am afraid that these people will have greater appetites in the future. , more arrogant, more unruly and unruly."

At this time, Wei Guogong did not care about his face, and told Zhu Ping'an and others the private truth, expressing his concerns.

"Well," Linhuai Marquis touched his chin and pondered.

"There is nothing but strict military discipline and strict rewards and punishments. Military discipline must be strictly enforced and all officers and soldiers in the battalion should be restrained by military discipline."

Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and replied.

"My dear nephew, what you said makes sense, but if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you should be afraid of just in case. What if it is just in case? What if all the officers and soldiers in the battalion are stimulated by this, their appetites are increased, and they will collude at every turn, call for mutiny, and force more troops to join forces. How good is it?" Wei Guogong said worriedly again. He was a little unsure. He was worried that it would be difficult to implement military discipline in Zhenwu Camp, make strict rewards and punishments, and worry that he would not be able to control the officers and soldiers of Zhenwu Camp.

"Well, strict military discipline and strict rewards and punishments are easy to say but not easy to do." Linhuai Marquis said with emotion.

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch his lips. Is it difficult to enforce strict military discipline and strict rewards and punishments? !

"Then there is only one way?" Zhu Pingan looked at Wei Guogong and others and said softly.

"What method?!" Wei Guogong and others asked curiously.

"Disband Zhenwu Camp." Zhu Pingan said calmly.

Wei Guogong and others opened their mouths. This is really a solution to the problem. The problem is gone.

Once and for all, no future troubles!

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