Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1409 There are two kinds of young people in the world

"Well, yes, what my nephew said is true. It's hard to find a three-legged toad, and it's hard to find a two-legged soldier. If they really don't know what to do and don't know how to cherish it, then disband and recruit again. Old Xu, if you use your wise nephew's good advice in the future, don't forget to thank your wise nephew." Linhuai Marquis nodded in agreement, then smiled and patted Wei Guogong on the shoulder to remind him.

"That's natural, but I hope I won't need it in the future." Wei Guogong smiled bitterly.

"Wei Guogong, as Mr. Xiao Zhu said, as long as military discipline is strict and rewards and punishments are strict in the future, I believe there will be no more troubles. Today's troubles are the first and must be the last, otherwise"

Eunuch He raised his orchid finger and said to Duke Wei. He didn't finish his words, but his meaning was made clear.

"Don't worry, father-in-law, you will gain wisdom after every experience, and there will be no next time." Wei Guogong hurriedly patted his chest and promised.

"Haha, then the Za family is relieved." Eunuch He nodded with a satisfied smile, then looked at Zhu Ping'an with admiration and gratitude, raised his orchid finger and praised, "Thanks to Mr. Zhu for turning the tide for what happened today, otherwise The consequences are immeasurable, and the Za family will ask for credit for Mr. Xiao Zhu."

"No." Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly.

"Ah?" Eunuch He was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

No? ! The Duke of Wei and the Marquis of Linhuai were also stunned. The Marquis of Linhuai reached out and tugged off Zhu Pingan's clothes, reminding Zhu Pingan with his eyes, "Why are you talking? Eunuch He is kind enough to ask you for credit, why are you still wrong!"

"Haha, Eunuch He, it's not me, Zhu Pingan, who is trying to turn the tide today, but we are trying to turn the tide together."

Zhu Ping'an smiled and pointed at Eunuch He, Duke Wei and Marquis of Linhuai one by one, and said meaningfully.

Eunuch He, Duke Wei and the Marquis of Linhuai were startled at first, and then their eyes showed a look of joy. They couldn't wait and pretended to be reserved and coughed in confusion, "Ahem, nephew/Master Xiao Zhu, what do you mean by this?" ?”

After finishing speaking, the three people stared at Zhu Pingan without blinking, with faint drool dripping from the corners of their lips.

Seeing this, Zhu Ping'an chuckled in his heart and said seriously: "Today, the officers and soldiers of Zhenwuying rebelled because of the reduction in silver, the cancellation of wife's grain, and the delay in military pay. At the time of the incident, Yingtian was guarding He Shou and Lin. Huaihou Li Tingzhu and Yingtianhu Ministry Supervisor Huang Maoguan inspected Zhenwu Camp. Jiangsu and Zhejiang Prosecution and Prosecution Envoy Zhu Ping'an received sponsorship of military equipment. Wei Guogong Xu Pengju and Yingtian garrison eunuch He Shou, Linhuaihou Li Tingzhu and Yingtianhu Huang Maoguan, the governor of the Ministry of Finance, and Zhu Ping'an, the governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, immediately offered condolences and mediation to the rebels. The rebels refused to listen, and the noise became louder and they denounced the soldiers' pay, food for their wives, and silver. Huang Maoguan, the governor of the Ministry of Household, reprimanded " Every guard has killed people, but your guard alone can't kill anyone?!', the rebels got out of control and slaughtered Huang Maoguan, the governor of the Ministry of Household Affairs. They chased him in a fierce manner. The situation was critical. At the critical moment, Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu took the lead in throwing the gold he carried with him. Silver, ordered the rebels to fight for it to stop the rebels; Wei Guogong Xu Pengju took the opportunity to summon his own soldiers and set up a defense line to control the situation; Jiang Zhejiang and Zhejiang's Procuratorate signed the signature of Zhu Pingan, saying loudly, "Huang Shilang fell from his horse and died. It was not the fault of the rebels. He promised He ordered the rebels to respect and return Huang Shilang's body, and promised to issue death-free certificates to stabilize the rebel soldiers. Yingtian Guards He Shou and Wei Guogong Xu Pengju promised to restore his wife's food and silver as before, and to make an extra payment. The two taels of silver were discounted, and the soldiers were paid within three days, and the rebel soldiers were rewarded with thirty thousand taels of silver. The rebel soldiers were ordered to kneel down and admit their mistake, and slowly retreated under the command of Yingtian Guards He Shou, Wei Guogong Xu Pengju, and Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu."

After hearing Zhu Pingan's description, Wei Guogong couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyes shone with excitement.

According to Zhu Pingan, he played a major role in the quelling of the mutiny. He summoned soldiers to form a defense line, stopped the rebels from advancing, controlled the situation, and promised the rebels with Yingtian garrison He Shou to restore their wives, food, and silver. Old, an extra tael of silver would be discounted, soldiers would be paid within three days, and the rebel soldiers would be rewarded with 30,000 taels of silver. This played a key role in settling the matter! Finally, together with Eunuch He and the Marquis of Linhuai, he commanded the rebels to retreat slowly, completely quelling the mutiny.

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's description, the Marquis of Linhuai was so happy that he couldn't help himself, and the light in his eyes came out.

According to Zhu Pingan, at the critical moment when the rebels were chasing and killing them, he was the Marquis of Linhuai who took the lead in throwing gold and silver to induce the rebels to fight for it and bought precious time to quell the mutiny. If not for himself, Out of desperation comes wisdom, how can the mutiny be quelled! Moreover, in the end, together with Eunuch He and Duke Wei, he commanded the rebels to retreat and quelled the mutiny.

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's description, Eunuch He was so excited that goosebumps arose all over his body, and his eyes shone brightly.

According to Zhu Ping'an, he was not tricked into Zhenwu Camp by the rebels, but came to Zhenwu Camp for inspection. In addition, he played the most important role in quelling the mutiny. He promised to restore his wife's food. , the discounted silver is the same as before, an additional one tael of silver is discounted, the soldiers are paid within three days, and the rebel soldiers are rewarded with 30,000 silver. In one fell swoop, they turned the tide, helped the building to collapse, and quelled the mutiny.

This time, not only did he have no fault, but he also made merit.

"Ahem, isn't this good?" Eunuch He, Duke Wei and Marquis of Linhuai coughed and said coyly.

After finishing speaking, the three of them looked at Zhu Pingan nervously, fearing that Zhu Pingan would take back what he just said.

What do you think is typical? Another archway needs to be erected.

"This is the fact. Later, we will jointly draft an official document and summarize it."

Zhu Pingan replied seriously.

"Ahem, since Mr. Xiao Zhu/nephew insists, let's do it. Mr. Xiao Zhu/nephew is the number one scholar in the world, so it's my nephew who has worked hard to draft the official document, so we'll shamelessly add his name to it."

The Duke of Wei, the Marquis of Linhuai, and Eunuch He said helplessly and happily.

When Zhu Pingan was writing the summary document, Eunuch He looked at Zhu Pingan with bright eyes, raised his orchid fingers, and commented from the bottom of his heart: "The Za family has heard about Mr. Xiao Zhu's reputation and deeds before, such as the youngest number one scholar in the Ming Dynasty. Lang and his bare buttocks inspected Taicang and so on. To be honest, the Zajia family didn't feel much in their hearts. However, after what they saw today, the Zajia family was completely convinced. It turns out that there are two kinds of young people in the world."

"What two kinds of young people?" Linhuai Marquis asked curiously.

"One type of young people is Mr. Xiao Zhu, and the other type of young people is other young people."

Eunuch He said with emotion.

"My father-in-law has given me too much praise, and Ping An is really unworthy of it." Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but cup his hands and smile bitterly.

"Haha, it's not that the Za family is overly praised, it's that Mr. Xiao Zhu is overly modest. The Za family's tricks are quite accurate in judging people. The Za family has seen many young talents when they were in the capital, such as Li Chunfang, Yuan Wei and others, but none of them Is there anyone who can compare with Mr. Xiao Zhu?" Eunuch He said with an orchid finger and a smile.


In your eyes, the heroes are Li Chunfang and Yuan Wei? ! Li Chunfang should just pay it back, but Yuan Wei should forget it. You didn't notice Gao Gong or Zhang Juzheng, so it seems like your vision isn't very good either.

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips, feeling no emotion at all regarding Eunuch He's praise.

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