Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1411 Good vision

Because tomorrow he has to go to He Gong's guanzheng yamen to collect bowl-mouthed cannons and to Linhuaihou's navy camp to collect 100 horses, Zhu Ping'an had to stay in Yingtian for another day and postponed his departure date.

"Ah, there was a mutiny among the soldiers at Zhenwu Camp?! My uncle, are you okay? Are you injured anywhere?"

During dinner, Hua'er listened to Zhu Pingan's story about what happened in Zhenwu Camp. When she heard the news about the mutiny in Zhenwu Camp, her face turned pale with fright. Not to mention how nervous she was, it was as if it was not Zhu Pingan who was mutinied but her. He immediately put down his chopsticks and came to Zhu Pingan to check whether Zhu Pingan was injured.

"It's okay, I'm back, what else can happen?" Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but smile when he saw Hua'er's nervous look.

Hua'er checked up and down, and after confirming that Zhu Ping'an was not injured, he felt a little relieved. However, he pouted his little mouth and scolded, "It's true that these big-headed soldiers will not mutiny one day early, and they will not mutiny one day late. It just happened that the mutiny happened when my uncle went to the camp. He doesn’t know how to read the almanac well."

Read the almanac? ! Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help crying or laughing. Hua'er was really trying to force someone into a difficult situation.

"Hua'er, let me tell you, mutiny is 10,000 times more dangerous than you think." The demon girl Ruonan said plausibly, "The nerd got lucky this time and saved his life."

"Ah?" Hua'er's little face suddenly turned paler, and her little mouth opened wide enough to fit an egg in, "Ten thousand times?!"

"Of course. If you think about it, the soldiers are all rich and powerful. If you pull any one out, they can beat up the nerds. They wield swords and guns every day and practice killing skills. What about the nerds?! He is black and black. Thin, with no strength in his hands, he writes and draws every day. Do you think these ruffian mutinies are dangerous?! Moreover, who are these ruffian mutinies targeting, not just nerds and officials like them? of."

Because Zhu Ping'an didn't take her to Zhenwu Camp, the witch Ruonan was busy adding fuel to the fire.


After listening to the demon girl Ruonan's embellished description, Hua'er's face turned pale and her mouth opened wide.

"I'm not trying to scare you." The demon girl Ruonan said seriously, "I'll give you a real example. In the Black Wind Village next door to us, there are five or six hundred bandits with strong soldiers and horses. They are the strongest in the mountain. They are called the "Big Boss" Tai Sui, a man with black hair and a beard, is as strong as a bear. He wields two large axes, each of which weighs a hundred kilograms. They are used to block gods and kill Buddhas. They are the second master of the family and are known as the One-Sword Master. , do you know why he is called the One-Sword Man? It is because he only needs one sword to kill, unsheath the sword, and seal the throat with one sword, so he is called the One-Sword Man. The three heads of the family, known as Sai Li Guang, can shoot With a hard bow made of two stones, he could shoot through a poplar with a hundred steps when he was drunk. He said he would shoot a fly in the left eye but not in the right eye. The fourth of their masters was known as the Living King of Hell. He was a ferocious character who tore people alive and stammered human flesh. With his roar, the wild beasts in the mountains were stunned. The dogs were so frightened that they became incontinent. As a result, once the spoils were unevenly distributed in Heifeng Village, which caused the bandits to mutiny. Didn't you see it? It was a hell on earth. The entire Juyi Hall was stained with blood. It turned red. The first master of Heifeng Village had half of his head chopped off with his own axe, and his brains were sprayed onto the beams. The second master had seven or eight transparent holes poked into him without even pulling out his sword, and his intestines leaked out. In one place, the third master was shot into a hedgehog by a hidden arrow. The fourth master was the worst. He was cut into seven or eight pieces, which made it easier for the wild dogs in the village. It was so miserable that our village was called to clean up the mess. People who came back did not dare to close their eyes at night, and had nightmares for a whole month. Think about it, a mutiny of hundreds of bandits in a broken village is so terrifying, but what about the mutiny of thousands of murderous and ruffian soldiers? It doesn’t have to be a hundred times or ten thousand times more terrifying.”

The enchantress dances like a man, her voice changes and emphasizes from time to time, and she speaks as if she is actually there, which is very captivating.

"Ah" After hearing this, Hua'er couldn't help but make up her mind, and then her hair stood up in fear.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uncle, you better not go to the military camp again, it's too dangerous."

Hua'er looked at Zhu Ping'an eagerly, crying like a frightened little beast.

"Halo, Hua'er, don't listen to her nonsense. It's nothing. What about Black Wind Village? That's all her nonsense."

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but said speechlessly.

"Nonsense? Haha, am I also the one who made the nonsense about today's mutiny?!" The demon girl Ruonan chuckled.

"Uncle, isn't the Marquis also in Yingtian? Can you please ask the Marquis for help? Please don't worry about the military preparations." Hua'er said in a tearful voice, holding Zhu Pingan's sleeves tightly with her two little hands.

"Halo, where are all this? The ordering of the army is the order of the Holy One. It's useless to ask anyone to ask for permission. Don't listen to Ruonan's nonsense. There is no Black Wind Stronghold, and the risk of mutiny is rare in a hundred years. , our Ming Dynasty has been a country for hundreds of years, with thousands of military camps, and the number of mutinies that have occurred is only a handful. Let’s put it this way, the probability of a mutiny is lower than the probability of choking to death from drinking cold water, not to mention that the mutinies are all because of Shangguan It was caused by withholding food and wages and mistreating the soldiers. How can I, Zhu Pingan, be the one who withheld food and wages and mistreated the soldiers? Besides, everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, and as an official of the imperial court, I am even more responsible. Now the Japanese pirates are rampant in the south of the Yangtze River, burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of evil. , the once land of abundance has been turned into a hell on earth by the Japanese pirates. How can I just sit back and do nothing? Now that the Holy One has given me the responsibility of rectifying the military, I can do my part to drive out the Japanese pirates and save the people of Jiangnan. How can I avoid it just because of the slightest risk? Responsibility?! The earlier we get rid of Japanese pirates, the less common people will suffer."

Zhu Ping'an glared at the demon girl Ruonan, stretched out his hand to rub Hua'er's hair, and explained with silent relief.

The witch Ruonan gave Zhu Ping'an a blank look in return.

"Is it really lower than the risk of choking to death from drinking water?" Hua'er looked up and asked after hearing Zhu Ping'an's relief.

"Of course, have you heard about the mutiny before this?" Zhu Pingan asked.

Hua'er shook her head. She was a little maid who barely left the house and never stepped outside. She had never heard of any mutiny.

"So, mutiny is a rare thing that happens once in a hundred years. If I encounter this mutiny today, I will never encounter it again in the next hundred years." Zhu Ping'an said in a serious tone.

"Really?" Hua'er was dubious.

"Of course it's true. When did I lie to you?" Zhu Pingan nodded vigorously.

"Yeah." Hua'er nodded.

"You've lied to her now." The demon Ruonan rolled her eyes.

Hua'er looked at Zhu Ping'an and then at the demon Ruonan.

"That was a white lie. In order to reassure you, he deliberately lied to you." The demon Ruonan said to Hua'er, "Usually there are few mutinies, but when there is a war, there are more mutinies because of the food, wages and danger. They got together. You heard what he said, how can we eliminate the Japanese pirates and fight without them?"

"Indispensable" Hua'er was led away by the demon girl Ruonan.

"Your uncle is another nerd. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country. He is bound to be in danger in the future." The demon girl Ruonan continued.

"What should we do?" Hua'er became nervous again.

"The simplest way is to have a careful expert protect him. Even if there is danger, he can still save his life."

A witch is like a man who is good at seducing people.

"Careful masters? Liu Dadao and the others" Hua'er thought of Liu Dadao and the others.

"Oh, men are all careless, how can they be relied on? Today they also followed your young master, and you heard what the nerd said, they all went to get military equipment, and no one was around the nerd to protect him. So, light It’s not enough to be a master, you have to be careful enough, not a careless man.”

The fox tail of the witch Ruonan was exposed.

"Careful master? Men can't?" Hua'er muttered a few words and looked at the enchantress Ruonan thoughtfully.

"Good taste." The corners of the demon Ruonan's mouth curled up.

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