Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1412 Surprise (1)

The witch Ruonan racked her brains and tried her best to seduce Hua'er, but she succeeded in persuading Hua'er. However, unfortunately, she went to the wrong temple to worship the wrong Bodhisattva. Although Hua'er was persuaded, she had no right to make the final decision. The one who calls the shots is Zhu Pingan. Zhu Ping'an had a standard iron will of a working man, but was not swayed by Ruonan's sharp tongue. Ruonan's efforts ultimately ended in failure.

This also caused the demon girl Ruonan to roll her eyes at the dinner that day, when Zhu Ping'an had not eaten the food.

On the second day, Zhu Pingan, Liu Dadao and others drove two carriages to Eunuch He's garrison office as scheduled.

"Sir Xiao Zhu, you are here. What do you need to register? Please come in directly. My godfather has been waiting for you for a long time. If he hadn't been frightened yesterday and was slightly ill, he would have been waiting for you at the door. .”

A young eunuch with delicate features and delicate features was waiting at the yamen gate, and he warmly welcomed Zhu Ping'an and his entourage into the yamen.

"Thank you, father-in-law. I wonder what you call me?" Zhu Pingan asked politely.

"You're welcome, Mr. Xiao Zhu. Just call me Xiao Xizi." The little eunuch replied with a smile on his face.

"It turns out to be Mr. Xi, whom I have admired for a long time." Zhu Pingan said politely.

"Haha, Mr. Xiao Zhu is really good at joking. How can a young eunuch deserve Mr. Xiao Zhu's admiration for a long time? It should be the famous name of Mr. Xiao Zhu that he has admired for a long time. Whether it is Mr. Xiao Zhu winning the first prize and riding a horse on the street, Whether it is the inspection of Taicang, the first play of the Ming Dynasty, or the deeds of Mr. Xiao Zhu in governing Jingnan, the small ones are all like thunder."

Xiao Xizi replied with a smile, she knew Zhu Pingan quite well and knew Zhu Pingan's deeds very well.

This surprised Zhu Pingan. It was a bit unusual for a young eunuch to pay so much attention to him. Although I have some shining points, after all, I am young and my official position is not high, so I am not so famous.

"Haha, I also deliberately inquired about Master Xiao Zhu after Master Xiao Zhu beat Xiao Qianzi with a cane."

Seeing Zhu Pingan's surprise, Xiao Xizi explained with a smile.

"Xiao Qianzi? That's the villain who cheated and pretended to be the emperor's official." Zhu Pingan remembered it after thinking for a while.

"Haha, yes, it is that arrogant and self-righteous fool." Xiao Xizi nodded with a smile, and while leading Zhu Ping'an to Eunuch He's room, he said happily, "To be honest with Mr. Xiao Zhu, back then, When I was in the capital, this fool made things difficult for me at every turn. He framed me many times and made me suffer a lot. He even caused me to be rewarded with ten pieces of gold by my father-in-law once. However, God has eyes at last. I sent Master Xiao Zhu down to earth to avenge Xiao Qianzi. You don’t know how happy I was after I got the news that Xiao Qianzi was beaten to death in Jingnan."

I see.

Zhu Ping'an finally understood that the reason why Mr. Xi paid so much attention to him was not because he was too famous, but because there was a reason for it. Eunuch Xi was persecuted by the arrogant Eunuch Qian, and he severely punished Eunuch Qian in Jingnan, which was equivalent to avenging him, so he paid so much attention to himself.

"Master Xiao Zhu, you should be careful about this idiot Xiao Qianzi in the future. He is a villain with a heart smaller than the eye of a needle. He has suffered such a big loss at your hands, Master Xiao Zhu, and he will definitely wait for an opportunity to take revenge on you in the future. . If you meet him in the future, you must be more careful. Don't be deceived by him, and don't show mercy. A treacherous villain like him bullies the weak and fears the strong. The more ruthless you are, the better." As Eunuch Xi walked away, While reminding Zhu Ping'an.

"Haha, I won't offend anyone unless they offend me. If someone offends me, I will offend them. If they offend me again, I will eradicate them."

Zhu Pingan smiled and said softly.

Eunuch Xi's reminder contained his personal belongings, but it didn't matter, Zhu Pingan had his own judgment.

"What Mr. Xiao Zhu said is really good. I was enlightened after hearing this. I will not offend others unless they offend me. If they offend me, I will offend them. If they offend me again, I will eradicate them. Yeah, that's the truth."

Grandpa Xi was full of praise for Zhu Pingan's words.

Zhu Ping'an was unfazed and walked for a few minutes before arriving at Eunuch He's room. Eunuch Xi knocked on the door to report. Soon he heard footsteps coming from the room and a creak. Eunuch He opened the door from inside.

As expected, Eunuch He looked sickly, wearing pajamas and a warm towel wrapped around his head. Although he was greeted with a smile, his face was pale and bloodless, and his steps were not so steady.

Eunuch Xi quickly stepped forward to help Eunuch He.

"Haha, I made Mr. Xiao Zhu laugh. The Za family was frightened yesterday and forced themselves to go to the Ministry of War. When they came back, they were infected with wind and cold. They sweated frequently and had no strength. Otherwise, the Za family would be waiting for Mr. Xiao Zhu at the door. .”

Eunuch He said with a bitter smile.

"Eunuch He, lie down quickly. Yesterday, three thousand rebel soldiers hacked Huang Shilang to death with machetes. The murderous intent was on his head. Eunuch He was able to break out of the encirclement with the sword of the rebel soldiers and spread the news of the rebellion to the camp. In the eyes of the lower official, he was more courageous than Changshan Zhao Zilong, who was seven in and seven out at the foot of Changban Slope, did not try to make too many concessions. It was He Eunuch who bought precious time for quelling the chaos and laid the foundation for quelling the chaos. The subordinates' admiration was not enough, so how could they laugh at Eunuch He? .”

Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and replied.

Eunuch He sat on the bedside with Xiao Xizi's support, and Xiao Xizi tucked a pillow behind his back.

Hearing Zhu Ping'an compare his hasty escape from the chaos to Zhao Zilong who went in and out seven times on the Changban slope, Eunuch He couldn't help but feel a touch of excitement on his pale and sick face. He felt so benefited that he couldn't hide the smile on his lips. , but still said modestly on his face, "Master Xiao Zhu is joking, Changshan Zhao Zilong is full of courage, the Za family has become a sick cat after this incident, how can it be compared to him."

The conversation was very pleasant.

"Haha, if I hadn't known Mr. Xiao Zhu's identity, I would have thought that Mr. Xiao Zhu was a miraculous doctor who could rejuvenate his body and make his godfather feel ten times better." Xiao Xizi joked.

Eunuch He scolded Xiao Xizi with a smile, and Xiao Xizi suddenly felt as refreshed as if she had drank a jar of old wine.

For a long time, Eunuch He couldn't hold it any longer, so he reluctantly ended the conversation and asked Xiao Xizi to take Zhu Pingan to the back office warehouse to collect the cannon. Finally, he sold a pass to Zhu Pingan, saying that there would be one later. Surprise for Zhu Pingan.

surprise? What surprise? !

Zhu Ping'an was a little curious, but seeing that Eunuch He was not feeling well and deliberately showing off, he had no choice but to suppress his curiosity.

"Master Xiao Zhu, you are so awesome. My godfather has never looked so favorably on any foreign minister. Master Xiao Zhu is the only one." Xiao Xizi said while leading Zhu Ping'an to the back office warehouse.

"Really? I'm extremely honored." Zhu Pingan replied with a smile.

In the past few days, there have been many changes in work and trivial matters, and the poor updates have made things worse. Lao Zhu was so ashamed that his shamelessness was stained with shame, so he knelt down and confessed.

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