Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1418 Gentleman’s Appointment

That being the case, why am I not Cao Sun and Liu, but Xun, Zhang, and Zhuge?

After hearing Xu Wei's rhetorical question, Zhu Ping'an knew that he was destined to return in vain today when he saw the constant light in his eyes.

Xu Wei is proud. He wants to be a leader like Cao Cao, Sun Quan, and Liu Bei, rather than an auxiliary staff like Xun Yu, Zhang Zhao, and Zhuge Liang. In other words, Xu Wei still wants to pass the imperial examination and enter an official career to achieve his goals. I don’t want to be someone else’s staff or a laborer.

Zhu Ping'an was disappointed at first, but he soon felt relieved and realized that this was Xu Wei, and that was how Xu Wei was during this period. According to historical records, Xu Wei always adhered to this view of his official career and took the imperial examinations many times. Although he always failed, he fought and failed. It was not until the thirty-seventh year of Jiajing, when he repeatedly failed in the imperial examinations, that he compromised with reality and became the then Zhejiang and Fujian official. Staff of Governor Hu Zongxian.

It is only the 31st year of Jiajing, and there is still a long time to go before the 37th year of Jiajing. It is not the time yet.

Now Xu Wei is proud and confident that he will not be inferior to others throughout his life. How can he accept being a staff member and looking up to others? !

Only after a few more years of social ravages and beatings can Xu Wei grow into the genius Xu Wei in history. If Xu Wei is taken away now and his growth trajectory is interrupted, maybe he will no longer be Xu Wei.

Then let him grow up like history. He is already six years ahead of Hu Zongxian. During this period, he has come to visit him three times. I believe Xu Wei has also seen his sincerity. When Xu Wei can accept the position of staff, time, I believe that I must be Xu Wei's first choice.

Although Xu Wei became Hu Zongxian's staff in history, according to historical records, Xu Wei was not so willing. He was very entangled, hesitated for a long time, and was forced to become Hu Zongxian's staff due to reality. Xu Wei is a staunch anti-Yan faction, and he is very disgusted with Yan Song. The year before last, Beibei Anda led his troops to surround the capital and plundered the capital at the base of the imperial city, creating the "Gengxu Rebellion" in history. After Xu Wei heard the news and learned what Yan Song had done, he was extremely angry and wrote the famous "Today's Song" (The Ryukyu sword shines in the water, and the embroidered purple is not polished for three years. In exchange for money, the answer is hanging in the market, I am more valuable than others and I have nothing to do with it) Poems such as "People's Market" and "Er Horse Poems" denounced Yan Song's traitorous ministers who had harmed the country and the people. A few days after the "Gengxu Incident", Shen Lian wrote a letter asking him to punish the traitor Song. Then, as expected, he was retaliated by Yan Song's gang members, and his life was in danger. This was also witnessed by me personally. At that time, I took the opportunity of meeting the saint and extinguished Emperor Jiajing's desire to kill Shen Lian with a clear and derogatory sentence about Shen Lian's death seeking fame, and sent Shen Lian away from the Great Wall. Shen Lian and Xu Wei are relatives and friends. They are both "ten sons of Yuezhong", and it is said that Shen Lian is also Xu Wei's cousin-in-law. Shen Lian impeached Yan Song for harming the country, rebelled and retaliated, and was sent to the outside world. Xu Wei felt the same way and hated Yan Song even more.

As for Hu Zongxian, Hu Zongxian is now the seventh-rank censor. According to historical records, he will soon get involved with Zhao Wenhua, and then become Yan Song's confidant, and then embark on the road to great success. He has the indelible mark of being a member of the Yan Song Party, and is a member of the Yan Song Party that everyone knows.

Xu Wei hated Yan Song, and Hu Zongxian was Yan Song's confidant. How could Xu Wei be willing to become Hu Zongxian's staff?

The reason why they can come together is, on the one hand, reality, and on the other hand, the common goal of eradicating Japanese pirates.

As for myself. He was demoted to Jingnan because he provided revision opinions to Yang Jisheng's impeachment of Yan Song's Five Traitors and Ten Crimes, participated in the impeachment of Yan Song to some extent, and opposed the Yan Party, so he was demoted to Jingnan. In this stance, Yang Jisheng is consistent with himself and has a natural advantage over Hu Zongxian.

As for eradicating Japanese pirates, this is also his current focus and goal. I had just asked Xu Wei to come out to help, on the grounds of "wiping out the Japanese pirates, being loyal to the country, and praying for the people."

Therefore, if Xu Wei compromises with reality and accepts being a staff member after experiencing severe beatings from society, he will definitely be his first choice.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ping'an smiled and picked up the wine flask and poured a glass of wine for Xu Wei and himself. He smiled and picked up the wine glass and saluted Xu Wei, "The roc rises with the wind in one day and soars up to ninety thousand miles. Brother Xu is so talented that he soars." Up, it's just around the corner. What Brother Xu just said is true, it's because Ping An was abrupt, I'll punish myself with a drink, I hope Brother Xu won't be surprised."

"Tsk, tsk, Zhu Ping'an, you are so hateful." Xu Wei suddenly said as he picked up the wine glass.

"Uh, what does Brother Xu mean by this?" Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but was startled, not knowing what Xu Wei meant by this.

Liu Mu and Liu Dadao immediately glared at Xu Wei, especially Liu Dadao. If Liu Mu hadn't pulled him, this guy would have exploded.

"Haha, you don't look very good, but you are a decent person. Even if I want to lose my temper, I have no reason to do so."

Xu Wei shrugged, raised the corners of his lips and said jokingly.

Uh, it turns out they were praising my young master for his good character. Liu Mu and Liu Dadao reacted and withdrew their angry glares.

When Zhu Ping'an heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. He raised his glass again and said, "With this glass of wine, I wish Brother Xu that all his wishes will come true, he will be named on the gold list, and he will win the title of Toad Palace."

"Haha, I was named on the gold medal list, and Toad Palace won the title. Okay, I'd like to lend you some good words." Xu Wei raised his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

After a glass of wine, Xu Wei wiped his chin, with a big fat smile on his face, and winked at Zhu Ping'an, "Just now you were the one who wished me that all my wishes would come true, and I would be named on the gold medal list. If I didn't, I would be the one who wished that all my wishes would come true and be on the gold medal list." You are responsible for the title."

Damn it! You damn fat man is so shameless. My young master kindly wishes you that all your wishes will come true, but you can rely on my young master for all this. You even shamelessly said that you failed to be named on the gold medal list and you still want my young master to be responsible! Damn, I've never seen anyone as shameless as you! Liu Dadao couldn't bear it anymore.

Liu Mu stepped on him in time and stamped out his fire.

Unlike Liu Dadao, Zhu Pingan was overjoyed after hearing Xu Wei's shameless words. He nodded happily, fearing that Xu Wei would regret it and expressed his position repeatedly, "What Brother Xu said is absolutely true. Everyone must be responsible for their own words. Pingan Of course, you have to be responsible for your own words, and blessings are no exception. Ping An will be responsible for Brother Xu to the end. The door of my house will always be open to Brother Xu. If Brother Xu comes to collect debts, Ping An will welcome him and ask for advice day and night. As a distinguished guest, I dare not restrain Brother Xu in the slightest."

"Haha, I hope this day never comes." Xu Wei shrugged his shoulders and chuckled.

"Natural, natural." Zhu Pingan agreed.

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