Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1420 Peach Blossom Gathering Outside Peach Blossom Town

Jinshan County, Yingtian Prefecture, is surrounded by mountains on three sides, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack; Taohua Town, with mountains on its back and water on its side, is a holy place for garrisoning.

In the morning, before the rising sun reached three o'clock, the sound of horse hooves rutting broke the tranquility of Taohua Town. Carriages loaded with luggage passed through Peach Blossom Town in an endless stream, rushing non-stop to the Peach Blossom Market outside the town.

"I heard the day before yesterday that a high-ranking official was going to train and garrison troops in Taohuaji. Who are these carriages pulling heavy baggage?"

"Yes, that's right. Someone came up and asked me just now. They were going to the peach blossom market outside the town."

"Well, things are unpredictable. I don't know if having a garrison in Taohuaji will be a good thing or a bad thing for us."

"It's a good thing. Just now those officials bought a whole pork from Zhang Tu's, twenty piglets from me, and a total of 500 chicken cubs and 500 chickens from Granny Lin's." As for the ducklings, Grandma Lin found three households that hatched chickens and ducklings to get them together, and she made at least half a year's worth of money."

"Why, a little profit has captivated your eyes?! Over the years, these soldiers have become more and more disgraceful. Rather than being soldiers, they are more like thieves in official guise, bullying the market and bullying men. Tyrant girl, haven't they done enough? Even the most heinous things like murder and arson, they have done a lot."

"It also depends on who leads the troops. I heard that the officer leading the troops is not bad. Whose name is Zhu? He used to be the magistrate of Jingnan County. My second aunt is from Jingnan. She said that Mr. Zhu is a real parent officer. . He should be good at training and garrisoning troops."

"Hearing is false, seeing is believing. How this person is, we will know after a while. Let's go home and wish you good luck."

The people of Taohua Town looked at the carriages pulling the baggage and started discussing with complicated emotions. They didn't know whether the garrison in Taohua Town was a blessing or a curse for them, and whether it brought them good luck or bad luck.

Ten miles outside of Peach Blossom Town is Peach Blossom Collection.

Amidst the discussion among the people in Taohua Town, the endless train of luggage was getting closer and closer to Taohuaji.

"Sir, there is a peach blossom market one mile ahead." Liu Mu rode up to a carriage and reported.

"Okay, let me tell you, after arriving at Peach Blossom Ji, rest for a while before setting up camp." Zhu Pingan replied.

"Follow your orders." Liu Mu went to deliver the order.

"There is a peach blossom market in front of you, but you haven't seen any peach trees yet?" Hua'er heard that there was a peach blossom market in front of her. She couldn't help but curiously opened the curtains and observed the surrounding environment. Then she was surprised that she didn't find any peach trees.

"There are many peach trees planted on the mountains over there. By March or May next year, peach blossoms will be blooming all over the mountains and plains."

Zhu Pingan pointed to the hillside not far away and said to Hua'er.

"Okay, let's go see the peach blossoms with the lady then." Hua'er was as happy as a ninety-pound child.

"Oh, what's so beautiful about flowers? You can't eat or drink them. If you want to see them, they only look good when the branches are full of peaches."

The voice of the witch Ruonan came from the side.

"Of course flowers are beautiful, how can a girl not love flowers?" Hua'er retorted with her little mouth pouted.

"I don't like it." The demon girl Ruonan replied matter-of-factly, and then said with a look of disgust, "Flowers are useless except for their beauty. Not only can they not be eaten or drunk, but they are also picked by people, bees, and butterflies. , being picked by moths, and being able to pick flowers regardless of whether they are mixed or not is a weakling who cannot live up to expectations, allows others to bully him, and can only please others with his color!"

"You think too much, flowers are just for people to see." Hua'er listened to the words of the demon Ruonan, Baozi's face couldn't help but wrinkled up, he just looked at the beautiful flowers, who would think about these messy things.

"You think too little," the demon girl Ruonan glanced at Hua'er and said leisurely.

"You obviously think too much." Hua'er puffed out her cheeks and said.

"Then tell me if what I said is true. Can the flowers be eaten? Can they be drank? Have they been picked by people, bees, butterflies, or moths?" The demon Ruonan blinked. Blinked.

"." Hua'er's cheeks were bulging high, and she wanted to refute, but when she opened her mouth, she realized that what she said was true. However, she still felt that what she said was wrong in her heart, but she couldn't react and didn't know how to refute. It's like making dumplings in a teapot but not being able to pour them out. In the end, you can only get angry.

"You see, right? So you think too little." The demon Ruonan said with a victorious smile.

Just when the demon girl Ruonan was feeling proud, Zhu Pingan turned around and looked at the demon girl Ruonan with a smile, and said with a wicked look on her face, "Haha, actually you think too little."

"What?! I didn't think too much?!" The demon girl Ruonan heard this and sneered with dissatisfaction, "I wonder what advice you have, nerd."

Zhu Ping'an smiled and shook his head, "Do you think that flowers are picked by bees, butterflies, and moths? They are weak and can be bullied by others?"

"Otherwise?! If someone picks you up, will you become a strong person?" The demon Ruonan retorted with a sneer.

"So you think too little and your vision is too short-sighted." Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

"You are short-sighted!" The demon Ruonan gritted her teeth and said, "If you don't tell me why today, you will look good."

"You think that when flowers are picked by bees and butterflies, they are the weak ones who are bullied by them. You are wrong. Butterflies, bees and the like are actually workers who are enslaved by flowers. Well, that is, they work."

Zhu Pingan said with a smile.

"Giggles, you are a scholar, you are a liar. Those who pick flowers are slaves, and those who are picked are masters?! You are deceiving Hua'er with these words." The demon girl Ruonan rolled her eyes and sneered again and again.

"If only boys and girls knew the truth about flowers and fruits." Zhu Ping'an still smiled.

"Of course I know." The demon Ruonan said calmly.

"To put it simply, humans are divided into male and female, but plants are still the same. Only the combination of yin and yang can reproduce. Flowers are in full bloom, colorful, emitting various sweet and exciting smells, attracting butterflies, bees, etc., and pollen is also spread through butterflies, bees, etc. They go to other flowers, complete the union, and then bear fruit, thus multiplying. So, it is the flowers that use bees and butterflies to spread pollen and multiply."

Zhu Pingan explained with a smile.

When the demon girl Ruonan heard this, her face immediately turned red, she frowned and glanced at Zhu Pingan, "That's nonsense."

"This is a fact, isn't it?" Zhu Ping'an replied with a smile in the same tone as the enchantress Ruonan before.

"Bah! According to what you said, those flowers are not, aren't they..." The demon girl Ruonan's face turned red and she couldn't continue.

"Of course, from this perspective, flowers are indeed the organs for plant reproduction." Zhu Pingan shrugged.

"Shameless, dirty, and obscene." When the demon girl Ruonan heard this, she felt goosebumps all over her body when she thought of the blossoming flowers. She felt that she would never be able to look directly at the flowers again.

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