Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1421 Three villages surrender

The distance of one mile was enough to say a few words, and Zhu Pingan got off the carriage immediately. On the one hand, he wanted to get out of the car and direct everyone to arrange their arrangements. On the other hand, he really couldn't bear the glare of the demon girl Ruonan. The carriage was only so big, and there was no way to avoid the eyes of the demon girl Ruonan who was swishing like a sword.

Zhu Pingan had already stepped off the carriage, and the demon Ruonan did not forget to glare at Zhu Pingan's back.

When she thinks that flowers are plants, the enchantress Ruonan feels disgusted when she hears the word "flower". And the culprit of all this is that bastard Zhu Ping'an, so if you don't give him a look, you will give a look.

Although Hua'er also has a flushed face, the way she looks at Zhu Ping'an is different from that of the demon girl Ruonan. The demon girl Ruonan has white eyes, while she has big, watery eyes that are both shy and smelly, but full of affection.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard. Don't be in a hurry to unload the goods. Someone will help you later. Let's rest for a while."

Zhu Ping'an stood on a high place and said to a group of convoys. The convoy consisted of one hundred and thirteen carriages. Except for ten of the carriages, which were self-provided by the Procurator's Office, the Si Yamen Yamen, the others were rented from the government. There were three people accompanying them. Ten of them were servants of the Yamen of the Prosecution Office, and the remaining one hundred or so were servants seconded from other Yamen.

"Thank you, sir." All the officers thanked him happily.

While the officers were resting, Zhu Ping'an did not rest. He led Liu Dadao and others to ride horses around Taohuaji, observe the topography and landforms, and then use bamboo poles to build the outer barriers, sentry towers, tent living areas, and toilet areas of the general camp. , training ground area, shooting area, etc. are planned and marked one by one.

"Sir, do you think the master can bring the person here on time?" Liu Dadao looked into the distance and asked with some worry.

"Definitely, because they arrived yesterday, in the nearby forest. I asked them to come here at three o'clock, well, they are almost there." Zhu Pingan said to Liu Dadao with a smile.

"They arrived yesterday?!" Liu Dadao was stunned immediately, "Didn't you see them coming to deliver the message?"

"Ruonan has a special way of contacting them." Zhu Pingan smiled slightly and explained simply.

Sure enough, I soon saw a large group of people coming out of the forest on the hillside not far away, running towards this side.

"Look, they are coming, let's welcome them." Zhu Pingan said to Liu Dadao and others.

"Dad~~" The demon girl Ruonan is worthy of her foundation in Qinggong. She arrived first, quickly passed Zhu Ping'an and others, and was the first to greet him. She hugged the arm of the strong leading man and shouted happily. .

The strong man in the lead was Ruonan's father Ruofeng. When he saw the demon Ruonan, every fiber of his body was laughing. He patted the demon Ruonan's shoulder gently and said with a smile, "Haha, girl, I'm back."

"Welcome brother Ruo to make a triumphant return. We will reward you based on your merits later. Welcome all heroes." Zhu Ping'an stepped forward with fists clasped.

"Greetings to Mr. Zhu." Ruofeng stepped forward and knelt down on one knee to salute, expressing his formal submission to Zhu Ping'an.

Hu Laosan and others from their cottage also knelt down.

However, the other two bandits who had returned to the village looked at the young Zhu Ping'an and stood there with their mouths wide open in surprise. They all smacked their tongues. How come Master Zhu is so young and can be described as a young boy? .

"Xia Laoqi, Zhang Hu, why are you still sitting around here? Why don't you come here and pay homage to Master Zhu? And you bunch of bastards, why don't you kneel down quickly? You are lucky to meet a master who accepts you." It's over." Ruofeng turned and shouted at the two village leaders and the bandits.

"Greetings, my lord."

Under Ruofeng's shouting, the bandits from the other two villages came to their senses and knelt down to pay their respects. They were just surprised that Zhu Ping'an was so young, not that they were resisting recruitment.

The demon girl Ruonan looked at her father kneeling to Zhu Pingan with a complicated look on her face, but did not stop her, because it was normal for subordinates to kneel to their superiors, but she still couldn't accept it.

"If you please get up, brother, please get up."

After everyone knelt down, Zhu Pingan stepped forward to support Ruonan's father and shouted to Ruonan's father and the bandits with a smile. It wasn't that Zhu Ping'an wanted to take advantage of Ruonan's father, but he wanted to confirm the fact that the bandits would surrender.

In a feudal society with strict etiquette and strict hierarchy, kneeling had a special and profound meaning. On this occasion, their kneeling expressed acceptance of the invitation and submission to the court. Zhu Ping'an had to accept their kneeling.

"Thank you, sir. Sir, please don't call me brother Ruo again. You are a sir, and I can't bear it." Ruofeng stood up and scratched his head. However, when Zhu Ping'an called him brother in front of everyone, he looked at Xia Feng. The two cottage owners, Lao Qi and Zhang Hu, were both full of pride. Did you see it? The adults call me eldest brother. You didn’t believe it when I told you about it at first. You believe it this time.

"Haha, in public affairs, we should treat each other by position, but in private we talk about brothers." Zhu Ping'an said with a smile.

"We can't do it privately." Ruofeng declined repeatedly. Of course, when he looked at Xia Laoqi and Zhang Hu, he even

"Okay, you have come all the way to trust me, Zhu Ping'an, and I, Zhu Ping'an, will never betray your trust. Today, the Japanese pirates are rampant and all life is in ruins. This is the time for my government to employ people. If you can abandon the darkness and turn to the light, our government will naturally let go of the past. Your past sins have been wiped out. From today on, you will all be incorporated into the regiment training under my command. From today on, you are no longer precarious mountain bandits, but regiment training officers and soldiers who eat royal food and receive pay. I promise you that every month Pay your salary on time, and you will be rewarded for your merit! Of course, you must also obey your orders and abide by military discipline, otherwise you will be severely punished!"

Zhu Pingan stood on a high slope, waving his arms, and made a loud promise to a bandit who had just surrendered.

"When we meet your lord, we will obey your orders." A group of bandits knelt on the ground.

"Okay, let's bury the pot and make rice. I bought a slaughtered pig and a sheep in Taohua Town. I will stew meat for today. I have enough rice and steamed buns. You can eat with open belly. We will discuss other matters after eating. .”

Zhu Pingan waved his hand.

"Ah, a pig, a sheep." After hearing this, all the bandits drooled.

Since the flood, their life has been difficult, otherwise they would not agree to the recruitment. It's been a long time since I've had a full meal, not to mention that today I had a pig and a lamb stew.

Everyone shouted excitedly, "Thank you, sir, thank you, sir."

At this point, the three major mountain villages have officially submitted to Zhu Ping'an. Of course, this is only preliminary. It will take time to completely conquer these bandits.

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