Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1428 Selection and Appointment

After more than half an hour, all seventy corps commanders, including Zhu Daniu, were born. Zhu Pingan gathered them together, marked their names on the books one by one, recorded them as corps commanders, and officially announced their corps in public. Long appointment.

Zhu Daniu and other 70 newly minted corps commanders were officially appointed as corps commanders by Zhu Ping'an in front of more than 700 people. They were all excited, their faces were red with excitement, and they were looking forward to it. Their pride, excitement, and excitement were beyond words. Many people were even excited and happy. Tears filled their eyes, and they would never forget this moment in their lives.

They were born into poverty and were looked down upon by others in the countryside; they took the wrong path and became bandits, and were despised by others. Now, they have returned from their lost ways, abandoned darkness and turned to the light, and have become upright members of the Zhejiang Army. They have also encountered a rare opportunity in a century to fairly run for corps commander and sentinel commander, and have become a grassroots officer - corps commander - based on their ability.

Even though they are just a mere corps leader, for them, this is a big step in the qualitative change of their lives!

So, how could I be so excited?

The bandits who had surrendered off the field looked at Zhu Daniu and other new corps commanders with envious eyes.

However, they were convinced because their skills were not as good as their own.

"First of all, congratulations. With your own abilities, you have become the grassroots officers of our Zhejiang Army - corps commander! In the future, you can lead a corps of troops, and you can receive an extra two coins of military pay per month."

After Zhu Pingan publicly announced the appointment of Zhu Daniu and others as new corps commanders, he congratulated them.

"Thank you, sir, for giving us the opportunity to compete fairly for corps commander! Thank you for your appreciation and appointing me as corps commander! I will go through the mountains of swords and the sea of ​​fire, and I will die to serve you!" Zhu Daniu and others all turned red with excitement, as if they had beaten a chicken. Like blood, he knelt on the ground, clasped his fists and swore allegiance to Zhu Pingan.

Military spirit is available!

Zhu Ping'an inspected the new corps commanders, and it could be seen that their words were sincere.

Through fair elections for corps commanders and sentinel commanders, the goal of gaining control of grassroots officers has been initially achieved.

Looking at the excited corps commanders, Zhu Ping'an smiled slightly, stretched out his hands and made a gesture of inviting them to stand up, and said to them with both grace and power, "Commanders, please stand up quickly. This is the victory you have won with your own strength." There is no need to thank me for coming. However, I would like to emphasize that the position of corps commander is both an honor and a responsibility. As the saying goes, a soldier is like a wolf, and a general is like a den. New corps commanders, you have a lot of courage on your shoulders. Everyone must shoulder heavy responsibilities. You must be responsible for your own officers, and even more responsible for the soldiers in your corps! As my official said, in ten days, I will conduct an inspection and assessment on you. The commanders of each corps will It is necessary to know the status of the soldiers in each group, some are strong and some are weak, some are going somewhere, some are diligent and some are lazy; every call will be taken, and every one will be recognized at the first sight. The commander of each sentry is still the same. Those who pass the test will be promoted to regular positions. , those who are unqualified will abdicate and make way for those who are worthy! Did all the new corps commanders hear this clearly?!"

"Listen clearly! I obey your orders!" Zhu Daniu and other new corps commanders knelt down again excitedly.

"Soldiers who are unsuccessful in the selection, don't be discouraged, let alone be discouraged. Next, you will study hard and practice hard to increase your skills. There will be opportunities like this in the future. First, the initial size of our Zhejiang Army is set at 3,000 people, but currently there are only 700 The remaining people will definitely expand the army in the future. After the army expansion, there will be a large number of vacancies for corps commanders and sentry commanders. These vacancies will be selected from among you first. Secondly, in our Zhejiang Army, corps commanders and sentry commanders are not static. Those who are superior and those who are mediocre are inferior. This is the principle of selecting generals and employing people in our Zhejiang Army."

After Zhu Ping'an encouraged Zhu Daniu and other new corps commanders, he looked at the soldiers who had failed to be selected as corps commanders and gave them encouragement.

"The army will be expanded. It will be three times more. There will be more vacancies for corps commanders and sentry commanders. We will still have a chance."

"Okay, I will study hard and practice hard to improve my skills. Next time, I will definitely stand out next time!"

"I, Ergou, swear that I will work hard to practice my skills, and next time I will be elected as the captain of the corps and honor our ancestors!"

When all the soldiers heard that Zhu Pingan said there would be a chance next time, they were all excited and secretly vowed to study hard and practice hard to increase their abilities. The next time the army is expanded, they must win a corps commander back to honor their ancestors.

"As ordered, we will study hard and practice hard to live up to your expectations!" A group of defeated soldiers knelt down to express their stance.

"Everyone, please stand up. I believe in you." Zhu Pingan stretched out his hands and made a gesture of standing up.

"Thank you, sir!" Everyone thanked them.

"Alright, all new team commanders, please take a break for one stick of incense. After one stick of incense, the selection competition for captain selection will begin."

Zhu Pingan ordered.

"Follow your orders!" Zhu Daniu and others replied with fists clasped, and then returned to their respective groups to drink water, regulate their breathing, and recharge their batteries.

After a stick of incense was burned, the whistle commander selection competition officially began, and everyone surrounded the selection venue on three levels inside and three outside.

"Captain, Commander, you are the strongest!"

"Commander Wu rises! Commander Wu, defeat him!"

"Commander, be careful! Captain, corps, lift your vaginal legs for him! Let him know how powerful you are!"

"Captain Niu, fuck him, don't show mercy to him, you are not fighting alone, we are behind you to support you!"

When the captain of each team participated in the competition, the soldiers of his team spontaneously became their cheerleading team and cheered for them at the top of their lungs. First of all, the corps commanders win based on their strength and skills, not nepotism, village party connections, relatives and friends, etc. Their skills are inferior to others, and they are willing to be inferior. They obey their corps commanders. Secondly, if their corps commander succeeds in running for the post of captain, then their corps corps will become the direct descendants of the sentry commander. In the future, if there are any benefits for their outposts, such as weapons and armor, logistical supplies, distribution of rewards, etc., they will definitely be given priority to their direct descendants.

Therefore, the soldiers from each corps shouted hysterically to cheer for their respective corps commanders, and the cheers came one after another. Whenever their corps leader has the upper hand, they are even more excited off the court than their corps leader on the court, and the applause is thunderous, especially when their corps leader wins; When they had the upper hand, or even when they lost, they were more sad than their team leader, but when their team leader came off the field, they all rushed up to him, hugged each other, comforted and encouraged, "Captain, don't be sad, the adults have said it, and you will do it again in the future." If I have a chance, I'll come back next time.

If we look at the essence through the phenomenon, each "team" has initially developed a sense of belonging and a sense of community.

After seeing this, Zhu Pingan nodded slightly and was very satisfied with this. Stripping off the imprint of the copycat and branding it with the imprint of the Zhejiang Army is the first and most critical step for the "Zhejiang Army" to become an army.

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