Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1427 The Elite among Thieves

As his name suggests, Zhu Daniu is as strong as an ox, not bloated and fat, but strong and strong.

In order to better display his fists and kicks, when Zhu Daniu came off the stage, he immediately took off his shirt and tied it around his waist. His body was big and round, and his body was full of lumps, which looked very visual. He raised his fingers and said with a provocative look, "Ergou, don't say I won't give you a chance, just take action first. If I take action first, I'm afraid you won't even have a chance to take action."

Although Wang Ergou is not as strong as Zhu Daniu, he is not a thin person. He has a normal figure. Like Zhu Daniu, he takes off his shirt and ties it upside down around his waist. His muscles are very smooth.

When Wang Ergou heard Zhu Daniu's provocative words, he couldn't help but sneered, "Okay, I want to see how you prevent me from taking action. This time I will let you take action first." .”

"Okay! Then don't blame me for being rude. You have to be careful! Brother Niu, I will punch you to death!"

Zhu Daniu stopped being polite, shouted, and stamped the ground hard with his right foot. He rushed towards Wang Ergou like a heavy cannon. When he approached Wang Ergou, Zhu Daniu drew back his arm and was about to give him a blow. Wang Ergou threw an old punch, but just when they were about to engage in hand-to-hand combat, Zhu Daniu suddenly whipped Wang Ergou in the head.

This guy looked like a bull, but he was actually quite cunning. He shouted, "Punch me," and pretended to punch, but at the end, it suddenly turned into a whip kick. It's really hard to tell what a person looks like.

Wang Ergou was not surprised that Zhu Daniu was actually cheating. However, he had been highly nervous. Although Zhu Daniu's whip came suddenly, Wang Ergou still ducked down to avoid it at the critical moment.

While ducking to avoid it, Wang Ergou twisted his waist and performed a neat sweeping kick. At that time, Zhu Da Newton was so swept that he fell forward to the ground.

A smile appeared on Wang Ergou's lips, but before he could smile, a big forty-five-sized foot appeared in front of his face.

It turned out that when Zhu Daniu was swept by Wang Ergou's sweeping leg, he deliberately threw himself to the ground. When Wang Ergou thought he had succeeded and was careless, a scorpion swung his tail, hooked his leg and kicked Wang Ergou in the face. Door!


Wang Ergou fell to the ground! There was darkness in front of him, and gold stars were shining in the darkness! A popular saying to describe Wang Ergou's inner thoughts at this moment is: Zhu Daniu doesn't talk about martial arts, I was careless, and there was no flash.

Zhu Daniu pressed his hands on the ground, turned over and sat on Wang Ergou, pressed the dizzy Wang Ergou firmly to the ground, unable to move, and said with a smile, "Brother Ergou, I accept. "

Wang Ergou shook his head and regained his consciousness. He looked at Zhu Daniu with an unwilling face, and finally sighed, "You are cheating! However, there is an old saying that goes well, soldiers never tire of deceit. I am not as skilled as others, so I am willing to be defeated!"

Hearing Wang Ergou admit defeat, Zhu Daniu immediately let go of Wang Ergou, stood up, bent over and stretched out his hand to pull Wang Ergou up, "Your skills are not bad, if I hadn't used tricks, you might not have been able to get it." Here you go."

Zhu Daniu's group was the first to decide the winner, and the other four groups were still fighting fiercely.

You punch, I kick. The punches hit the flesh, and the feet are strong.

Zhu Daniu stared intently at the four groups of duels on the field, taking the opportunity to observe his next opponent.

Zhu Pingan, accompanied by Liu Mu, Ruofeng and others, patrolled the various competition venues to observe his group of subordinates. Zhu Pingan silently remembered the names of those who were good at fighting and resisting. , as a potential target that can be promoted and trained, we will focus on observation and training in the future.

Zhu Ping'an took a tour and found that the physical fitness of these newly subordinated subordinates was generally good. After all, they were all bandits and bandits. After days and years of plundering and killing, government extermination and killing, etc., the weak among them have returned to their ashes, and the rest are all thieves. Elite.

Zhu Pingan was deeply impressed by several of them.

One is a man named Zhang Kuang. He does not look amazing in appearance and has an average body shape, but he has strong kung fu and his fighting style is just like the name, highlighting a wild and domineering character. His opponent was a fat man who weighed nearly 200 kilograms. He was not bloated, but fat and strong. He was very powerful in punching and kicking. Faced with Fatty's fists and kicks, Zhang Kuang refused to dodge. Fatty punched Zhang Kuang. Zhang Kuang was fine, but Fatty grinned in pain as if he had been punched on a steel plate. Zhang Kuang didn't dodge, he received Fatty's punch, and also gave Fatty a punch. With one punch, Fatty spit out the sour water. In this competition, there was no suspense. Zhang Kuang completely crushed Fatty.

One is a man named Wang Sixi, nicknamed Monkey. He has a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and is agile like a monkey. In a competition, his opponent barely touched the corner of his clothes and was completely beaten. The result is self-evident. Wang Sixi won easily. Wang Sixi is from Ruofeng Village. Ruofeng explained to Zhu Pingan that Wang Sixi used to be a gentleman in Liangshang, that is, a thief. He was agile, good at speed, and had strong endurance. His walking speed was not slower than that of a galloping horse, and he could run continuously for an hour. . In addition, he can also use the hidden weapon flying knives, which is almost perfect, if not perfect.

Zhu Ping'an felt that this Wang Sixi was a bit like a fusion of Shi Qian, the flea on the drum, and Dai Zong, the magical eunuch in Water Margin. In the future, he can be used as a scout, a messenger, or a special forces unit that can take advantage of his strengths. These talents are all malleable.

There was also a man named Li Yuanye. Although his name was literary, he looked like Zhang Fei and was very skilled. Zhu Pingan watched him compete in a competition, and he neatly defeated his opponent with one move.

Zhu Ping'an asked Ruofeng and others. Xia Laoqi said that Li Yuanye was from his village and his ancestors were from Baihu. However, he was deprived of his position in his great-grandfather's generation. By his father's generation, he had been reduced to A tenant. When it came to Li Yuanye's generation, he had no family, and because he committed an incident in his hometown and offended the powerful, he had to travel all over the mountains to become a bandit. Xia Laoqi also said that Li Yuanye was good at using an iron spear eight feet eight feet long, and even four or five people could not get close to him. He was one of the best in their village.

There is also a man named Zhang Xiong. This man is fat, has amazing brute strength, and has thick blood and high attack power. His opponents were crushed by his strength. Zhang Hu said that Zhang Xiong was a distant cousin of his. He was not very smart but extremely strong. There was a stone roller in their village and Zhang Xiong could lift it easily.

Zhu Pingan inspected the area, and when he returned to the first corps, the captain of the first corps had already been selected. Zhu Daniu had the last laugh in the end, but he did not win easily. His body was bruised and bruised, and his face was stained, but he looked happy and smiled like a child.

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