Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1426 Competition to determine the team leader

"Liu Mu, Liu Dadao, Liu Dagang, Liu Dachui, Liu Daxe, Liu Daqiang" Zhu Pingan called again.

"My subordinates are here!" Liu Mu and others came forward to pay their respects.

"As a seventh-grade bannerman, you also hold the position of battalion commander." Zhu Pingan announced the appointments of Liu Mu and others in public.

"Yes, thank you sir." Liu Mu and others knelt down to express their gratitude and accepted the order.

After Zhu Pingan announced the appointment of the battalion commander and general manager, he turned his attention to the waiting troops and announced loudly: "I will no longer appoint the commanders of your respective corps and the commanders of your posts directly. Determined by competition. The strongest person in each corps will temporarily serve as the corps commander, and the strongest among the sentry commanders will temporarily serve as the sentry commander. In ten days, I will conduct an inspection and assessment on you, and each corps commander will It is necessary to know the status of the soldiers in each group, some are strong and some are weak, some are going somewhere, some are diligent and some are lazy; every call will be taken, and every one will be recognized at the first sight. The commander of each sentry is still the same. Those who pass the test will be promoted to regular positions. , those who are unqualified will abdicate and make way for those who are worthy.”

"Decide by competition?! Rely on your ability to become a corps commander or whistle commander!"

"Whoever has the strongest fist will be the corps commander and whistle commander. This is fair and everyone is convinced."

"Your Excellency is wise! Thank you for giving us this opportunity."

After Zhu Ping'an announced the method of selecting corps commanders and sentinel commanders, everyone in each corps reacted strongly and became extremely excited.

"Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. The opportunity is right in front of you. Whether you can seize it depends on your own ability." Zhu Pingan encouraged everyone, and then said seriously, "However, I emphasize that, We will all be brothers in the future, eating from the same pot, sleeping in the same tent, and fighting side by side on the same battlefield! Compete for team leader and sentinel leader, remember to hit the mark, and never intentionally hurt people's lives, otherwise I will not be able to do it. Qingrao. Do you hear me clearly?!"

"Listen clearly!" Everyone in each group responded one after another.

"Soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers. What you say is really exciting. My blood is boiling. I must seize this opportunity and strive to be a corps commander first. If there is a chance, I will become a sentry commander." Well, you will be proud of your ancestors all of a sudden, and you will have the honor to meet the elders in your hometown."

"I am a good soldier, and I want to be a general! As a corps commander today, I must work hard!"

The people in each group were licking their lips one by one, eager to try, and their eyes were full of fighting spirit.

Zhu Ping'an ordered Ruofeng, Liu Mu and other newly appointed battalion commanders to supervise the competition between each team and each post, so that while supervising and presiding, they could also get acquainted with the strength of their future subordinates.

The bandits who surrendered totaled 697, divided into seventy groups, with the last group numbering seven.

The venue of Peach Blossom Fair is large enough for each of the seventy-five groups to occupy an open space and compete in boxing and kicking skills.

"Let's begin." Zhu Ping'an gave the order, and each team began to compete, and the Peach Blossom Fair became lively in an instant.

"Hey, hey, brothers, I am not very talented, I want to be the captain of our team, what do you think?" Zhu Daniu stood in the field where the first team was, moved his hands and feet, and shook his head. The neck made a crackling sound, and he said to Wang Ergou and others with a smile.

"Haha, not so good. Daniel, if you want to be a corps commander, don't we brothers want to do it?! Our Lord is right, soldiers who don't want to be generals are not good soldiers, and we are also good soldiers."

Wang Ergou chuckled and looked at Zhu Daniu without showing any signs of weakness, making it clear that he was also quite a team leader.

"Hey, Ergou is right, we brothers are all good soldiers, and we all want to be corps commanders." Gao Mian came out and said to Zhu Daniu with a smile, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

"Yes, we are all quite a team leader! In today's world, there is no fairness at all. If we don't say anything else, even if we are a copycat village, we have to have connections to be a small leader. How can we ordinary people have any chance to stand out? Opportunity. Now, it’s not easy to meet a wise official like our lord, and have such a fair opportunity to get ahead by relying on our own strength, how can we give up?!"

Wang Tiezhu, Xia Beifeng and others did not back down, and they all wanted to compete for the position of captain of their team.

"Okay! If that's the case, then let's see the truth between our fists and our feet! Whoever has a stronger fist will be the corps leader!"

Zhu Daniu rubbed his fists and looked at Wang Ergou and others.

"This is how it should be. Whoever has a strong fist and can fight will be the leader of our team." Wang Ergou and others said in unison.

"Okay, all of you, stop beeping and come here to draw lots. I have ten lots in my hand. Anyone who draws the same lot will compete against each other. The five winners will come to my place to draw lots. Likewise, they will draw the same number. People with the same lottery numbers will compete and compete with each other. Of course, one lucky guy will get the lottery and get a bye in this round. Luck on the battlefield is also a very important factor. The winner of the guessing game will get a bye, and the loser will get a bye. The lucky guy who had a bye in the previous draw had a fist fight, and the winner had a fist fight with the person who won the guessing game. The one who won in the end was the captain of your team. Do you all understand?" Liu Dadao is responsible for supervising this person. The first group, seeing Zhu Daniu and others bickering, couldn't help but glare at them and shouted to them loudly.

"Listen clearly!" Zhu Daniu and others knew that Liu Dadao was the newly appointed battalion commander and responded loudly.

"If you heard clearly, why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and draw lots! The other teams are still waiting to draw lots!"

Liu Dadao urged.

"Yes!" Zhu Daniu and others responded as they trotted over to Liu Dadao to draw lots.

Zhu Daniu drew one without even looking, followed closely by Wang Ergou and others, who also rushed to draw a lot. When Zhu Daniu drew the lot, he wanted to see what kind he had drawn. He scratched his head in embarrassment after just one glance. He realized that he was illiterate. Wang Ergou and others were also illiterate.

"You are stupid, you are illiterate and can't read. The same strokes are the same lottery. Also, remember, this is the upper lottery. The person who draws this lottery next time will be the lucky one who gets a bye!"

When Liu Dadao saw that Zhu Daniu and others were illiterate, he immediately lectured Zhu Daniu and others with a sense of superiority.

But in fact, Liu Dadao is not really literate. Under Zhu Pingan's guidance, he can only write his own name and simple words like A, B, C, D, Shang, Zhongxia. But it doesn't matter. Today's signature is "Shang Shang" There are two of the five lots, "Lot", "Lot", "Lot", "Lot", "Lot", there are two in each lot, there are ten lots in total, and he happens to know all of these lots.

"General Liu is still smart." Zhu Daniu and others complimented Liu Dadao, and then compared their lots with each other.

"Hey, Ergou, our numbers are exactly the same. Come on, let's make signs."

Zhu Daniu found that the lot in his hand was exactly the same as the lot in Wang Ergou's hand, and he couldn't help but walked towards Wang Ergou with a smile.

"It's true, haha, Daniel, you are unlucky today. When you meet me, your dream of becoming a corps commander has come to an end."

"Okay, let's see whose corps leader's dream is over!" Zhu Daniu was full of fighting spirit.

Wang Ergou is still there.

Wang Tiezhu, Xia Beifeng and others also found their respective opponents. They were all full of fighting spirit, and the competition was imminent.

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