Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1425: Killing the Donkey

After one stick of incense, the various ranks have been assigned. Oh, it can’t be said that the assignment has been completed. There are still nine people who have not been assigned ranks. These nine people are all high-level leaders of the three cottages (the first, second and third masters) .

Ruonan, her father Ruofeng, Xia Laoqi, and Zhang Hu, all three of them are the owners of their respective villages, that is, the bosses. Wang Xiong, Xia Laojiu, and Liu Bo are all the second-in-commands of their respective villages, while Hu Laosan, Qian Bao, and Zhang Heizi are the third-in-charges of their respective villages.

"Sir, why didn't you read our names? Which team do we belong to?! It's not the 'Zhejiang Army' that doesn't want us, right?!" Hu Laosan was impatient. Seeing that everyone else was assigned to a team, Only a few of them, the masters of the cottage, were left behind, and they couldn't help but raise their heads and ask anxiously.

"Aren't you going to kill the donkey?!" Zhang Hu's face darkened, he frowned and asked loudly. He suspected that Zhu Ping'an was killing the donkey and kicked them out of the team in order to fight with the men who controlled their three villages.

Although Zhang Hu has never read a book and is illiterate, it does not prevent him from listening to stories. This scene reminded him of stories he had heard before, such as the story of Liu Cong's surrender to Cao Cao in the Three Kingdoms. Liu Cong was Liu Biao's second son. He inherited Jingzhou after Liu Biao's death. When Cao Cao sent troops to attack Jingzhou, he voluntarily surrendered to Cao Cao. On the surface, he was named the governor of Qingzhou by Cao Cao. However, in fact, Cao Cao sent people to kill Liu Cong with him. When his mother, Mrs. Cai, was sent to Qingzhou to take office, she secretly ordered Yu Jin to intercept and kill him on the way!

There is also a more recent one, the story of Xiao Ming Wang. Zhu Yuanzhang, the ancestor of this dynasty, was on the eve of the final decisive battle with Zhang Shicheng. Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was worried about King Xiao Ming's safety, so he sent people to escort King Xiao Ming from Chuzhou, which was far away from the front line, to Yingtian in the rear. On the way to escort Ying Tian, ​​when they took the boat to the middle of the Yangtze River, everyone's boat was fine, but the boat on which King Xiao Ming was riding capsized and he drowned on the spot.

After thinking about it like this, Zhang Hu came to a conclusion: when one force surrenders to another force, the leader will always end badly. He suspected that Zhu Pingan wanted to do this, first kick them out of the team, and then kill them, so that the bandits under them would be leaderless and easily controlled by Zhu Pingan!

Zhang Hu couldn't help but regretted why he wanted to recruit An to surrender. He quietly reached out and held down the dagger hidden in his waist, preparing to kill everyone.

In addition to Zhang Hu, Xia Laoqi, Xia Laojiu and others also looked at Zhu Pingan with caution and suspicion, and were secretly on guard.

"What are you farting about? Hu Laosan, and you, Zhang Hu, what are you talking nonsense about? Why do you kill a donkey by killing a donkey?! My lord is kind and righteous, how can you be the person who kills a donkey by removing a mill?" Ruofeng cursed Hu Laosan, He glared at Zhang Hu and others.

However, even though he said this, Ruofeng was still murmuring in his heart, worried that he didn't know people well, and worried that Zhu Ping'an was really going to kill the donkey and eliminate them, the bosses, so that he could control their subordinates.

Everyone else had been assigned to the team, but they were the only ones left. This situation had to worry them.

"Haha, you don't belong to any group." Zhu Pingan looked at them with a smile and replied with a smile.

You don't belong to any group! ! ! !

When Hu Laosan, Zhang Hu and others heard Zhu Ping'an's words, they were like thunder on a sunny day!

Zhu Pingan said that we do not belong to any group! Doesn’t that mean we don’t belong to the “Zhejiang Army”? ! Zhu Ping'an really wants to eliminate us from the "Zhejiang Army", eliminate us who were the leaders of the original cottage, and swallow up their subordinates! It's a waste of time! Is this not killing the donkey? !

Hu Laosan and others suddenly changed their expressions. Zhang Hu and Xia Laoqi glared at Ruofeng, regretting listening to Ruofeng's words and surrendering to Zhu Ping'an!

When Ruofeng heard this, his expression couldn't help but change. He felt guilty for Zhang Hu and Xia Laoqi. Under their angry looks, he lowered his head guiltily, then raised his head to look at Zhu Ping'an. I want to ask Zhu Pingan why he did this? !

Hu Laosan, Xia Laoqi and others put their hands on their waists and were ready to summon the old troops to fight to the death.

They licked the blood from the knife edge for a long time, and they were not people who just washed their necks and let others slaughter them.

At this moment, Zhu Ping'an's voice rang above their heads again, "Haha, you don't belong to any group. Because... you are the 'General Commander' and 'Batalion Commander' appointed by this official."

"Ah?! We are the unofficial commander and battalion commander?!"

Hu Laosan, Xia Laoqi, Ruofeng and others couldn't help but open their mouths in surprise and exclaimed.

This turn is too sharp!

They thought that Zhu Ping'an left them behind to get rid of them, but they didn't expect that they were actually appointed to be the commander-in-chief and the sentinel commander! The commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief don’t belong to either group! This is an officer!

It turns out that they wrongly blamed Zhu Pingan! It turns out that they used their villain's heart to judge Zhu Ping'an, a gentleman! At this moment, Hu Laosan and the others couldn't help but blush, blushing and feeling a little ashamed for what they just said and what they thought.

"What, Hu Laosan, do you have any objections?" Zhu Pingan looked at Hu Laosan and others with a smile and joked.

"Hehehe, no, no, how could a villain have any objections to what the adults said, hehehe."

Hu Laosan touched his forehead and giggled.

"Okay, since you guys can't wait any longer, I will announce first that Ruofeng is the first village leader to surrender to me, and I have also helped me persuade the two heads of the village, Xia Laoqi and Zhang Hu, to come to the village. Therefore, I appointed you as the deputy commander of the first battalion; He will be in charge of the second and third battalions. Once you have made merit, you will be promoted to battalion commander. Wang Xiong, Xia Laojiu, Liu Bo, Hu Laosan, Qian Bao, and Zhang Heizi are all commanders. General. Do you have any opinions on this?"

Zhu Pingan announced the appointments of Ruofeng, Xia Laoqi, Hu Laosan and others, and asked them with a smile if they had any opinions.

"Thank you for the reward, sir. We have no objection!" Ruofeng, Xia Laoqi, Hu Laosan and others knelt down to express their thanks.

Although Xia Laoqi and Zhang Hu were both village masters like Ruofeng, they surrendered later than Ruofeng. Moreover, Ruofeng also said that he had made a contribution by surrendering them, and Ruofeng became the battalion commander. , they serve as deputy battalion commanders, and they feel that it is natural for them to do so. Moreover, although they were deputy battalion commanders, half a level lower than Ruofeng, they managed a battalion just like Ruofeng and had the same actual power. They were even more convinced by this.

As for Wang Xiong, Hu Laosan and the others, they are the second and third bosses of the village, one level lower than the first boss. How normal. They are very satisfied to be the boss. Moreover, in their view, Zhu Ping'an's appointment was very caring and flattering to them, so how could they have any objections.

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