Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1424 Distribution of troops

"Okay, is there anyone who has not received their military pay?" Zhu Ping'an stood on the slope and asked everyone loudly.

"Sir, we have all received it." Everyone down the slope responded in unison, feeling the military pay of one or two and a half coins hidden close to their bodies. Everyone's face was filled with happiness and a beautiful longing for the future.

"Very good!" Zhu Pingan nodded, then glanced at everyone, and then said: "Everyone, the current military salary is one or two and a half silver dollars per month. I know, it is a little lower, but the current financial situation of the imperial court is tight. I hope you will understand the imperial court. Difficulties. In addition, please rest assured that the payment will be made on time and in full every month. I will also do my best to apply to the imperial court for an appropriate increase in your military pay in the future."

"One or two and a half silver a month is not low."

"What? Soldiers' pay will be increased in the future."

After everyone heard that Zhu Pingan would apply for an increase in their military pay in the future, everyone couldn't help but smile.

In fact, they could not be more satisfied with the military salary of one or two and a half silver dollars per month. It can even be described as overly surprised. When they were bandits, they had no hope of having a full stomach. As for legendary things like military pay, they had only heard of it, but had never received it.

When they first agreed to surrender, they boldly thought that if they could take care of three meals a day and receive half a tael of silver per month as military pay, they would be satisfied.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Ping'an tripled their bold dream and paid soldiers one and a half taels of silver every month.

Now they are still saying that they will strive to improve in the future. They were hit on the head by the huge surprise and were so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

"In addition to military pay, your treatment will also include silver rewards. In the future, your reward will be distributed in teams. Every ten of you will be a team, that is, a team. Later, I will assign you a team. In the future, If each team kills one Japanese pirate, I will reward you with thirty taels of silver. If you kill ten Japanese pirates, your reward will be three hundred taels. If you kill one hundred Japanese pirates, your reward will be three thousand taels! Don’t worry, as long as you can kill, I will definitely honor the reward! You train well and kill more Japanese pirates in the future, and you will make a fortune."

Zhu Pingan said to everyone with a smile, describing a wonderful and attractive "money" scene to everyone.

"The reward for killing one Japanese pirate is thirty taels of silver?! Even if it is divided among ten people, each person can get thirty taels of silver! If he kills ten Japanese pirates, the reward is three hundred taels of silver, and each person can get thirty taels. Wouldn't that make you rich? With the military pay, you can earn forty or fifty taels of silver a year. This money is enough to build a big house and marry a wife. Hehe, your life will be wonderful in the future."

"I didn't expect the heads of Japanese pirates to be so valuable! If I had known better, I would have gone to snatch the heads of Japanese pirates."

"You are stupid. We haven't met our adults before. You just killed the Japanese pirates. Where can you get the reward?!"

"Where are the Japanese pirates! I can't wait to fight with the Japanese pirates. Hehe, that's not fighting, that's collecting money. In the future, I will point at these Japanese pirates to make a fortune and marry a wife!"

"I can't wait to go find the Japanese pirates now. Don't let me meet the Japanese pirates. They will be killed!"

When they heard the silver reward plan announced by Zhu Ping'an, everyone suddenly became excited. Fighting and killing Japanese pirates, a high-risk job with their heads tied to their waistbands, they had previously avoided, but now in their eyes, it has become a matter of making a fortune. Everyone is eager to try the road and can't wait to fight the Japanese pirates.

"Okay! Don't be impatient. There will be many opportunities to kill Japanese pirates in the future! You have received my salary and you will be my soldiers from today on! My official name is Zhu Pingan, and now I am Si Qian, the prosecutor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang. I am an official of the fifth rank. I am ordered by the Holy One to rectify the military equipment of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, lead the militia, and organize regiment training. You are all soldiers of the regiment training under my command. The group training organized by this officer is tentatively named "Jiangsu and Zhejiang Regiment Training". Referred to as the 'Zhejiang Army'! You will be a member of the 'Zhejiang Army' from now on! I assure you that in the future, you will be paid your military pay on time, your reward will be cashed in full, and your rewards and punishments will be strict! If I violate my guarantee, you will be fine. Report to the Ministry of War in Yingtian, to the Censor of Zhejiang, and to report this official to the imperial court!"

Zhu Pingan stretched out his hands and pressed down, calming everyone's excitement, and said to everyone.

"We are the Zhejiang Army! We are the Zhejiang Army! Your Majesty, the Zhejiang Army is mighty!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Everyone was very excited. From today on, they have a name - Zhejiang Army! From now on, he will be a member of the Zhejiang Army.

"I promise you, and you must also promise me: obey the command and abide by military discipline! If there is any violation, you will be severely punished!" Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone with stern eyes and said in a stern voice.

"Don't worry, sir, we will obey orders! Observe military discipline!" Everyone shouted in unison again.

"Very good! Now let's allocate the troops! Every ten of you will form a small team, that is, a team, with a team leader; four small teams will form a large team, that is, a sentry, with a sentry leader; four large teams will form a general team, that is, the general Also, there is one commander-in-chief; the four commanders form a battalion, that is, the camp, and there is one battalion commander! Do you hear this clearly?!"

Zhu Pingan stood on the slope and said loudly.

"Listen clearly!" everyone down the slope shouted back.

"Who will be the corps commander, sentry commander, commander, and battalion commander?! How are they selected?!"

Everyone asked curiously and concernedly.

"I will first read out the personnel composition of each corps, and later I will announce the method of selecting corps commanders, sentry commanders, commanders, and battalion commanders! Now I will read out the list of each corps. Those whose names are read out will be listed according to my officer's instructions. The order in which the names are read is in units of wu. Stand in a row in the open space to the right of the officer. The "wu" read first stands next to the officer, and the "wu" read next is arranged next to each other to the left. Everyone Did you hear everything clearly?" Zhu Pingan said loudly.

"Listen clearly!" everyone replied.

"Very good, now let's read out the list of first team members, Zhu Daniu, Wang Ergou, Wang Tiezhu, Xia Beifeng, Gao Mian."

Zhu Pingan stood on a high slope and read people's names loudly. After reading each word, he repeated it again to ensure that people heard clearly.

Zhu Daniu, Wang Ergou and other people who heard their names walked out from different directions in the crowd and came to the open space on the right side of Zhu Ping'an to get to know each other; then came the people in the second team, the people in the third team, and the people in the fourth team.

Zhu Ping'an did not organize the personnel of each team casually, but disrupted, separated and reorganized the people in the three cottages to prevent the people from each cottage from clumping together, making it difficult to control and command. Later, when we organize sentries and generals, we will also use this principle to disrupt and restructure in order to control the entire team training.

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