Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1423 Pay

The most beautiful morning light never belongs to lazy people, only those who get up early are qualified to appreciate it. Today's Peach Blossom Collection has this qualification. When the first ray of sunshine bursts from the east, everyone has gathered at Peach Blossom Collection.

Zhu Ping'an stood at the highest point of the hillside, with three half-meter-high boxes neatly placed at his feet.

"I didn't expect that you have to get up so early to be a soldier. Back then, as long as you didn't have to stand guard in the village, you could sleep until midnight."

"I spent a long time cutting down trees yesterday, and I'm sore and tired all over. Can't you let us sleep a little longer? We're not going to fight."

"What are you mumbling about? What happened when you got up early? All the meat from yesterday's meal went into the dog's belly?!"

"Hehe, if we could eat meat every day, we would be willing to do it, let alone get up early, even if we don't sleep."

"Hey, tell me, what are the three big boxes at your feet, what's in them?!"

A group of new and obedient bandits were on their first day as soldiers. They were full of novelty about getting up early to gather, and they were whispering among themselves.

"Brothers, today is the first day for you to officially join the team training! Before you come, I promised you that you will receive military pay on a monthly basis! You believe in me, Zhu Pingan, and come to submit. I, Zhu Pingan, will never betray your trust. Today , I will give you your first month’s military pay!” Zhu Pingan stood on the high slope and said loudly to the people down the slope.

"What?! Salary?!"

"Did I hear you right? Our Lord wants to pay us?! It's just our first day as soldiers and we're already being paid?!"

"Did you drink too much yesterday and talk drunkenly, sir?! But you didn't drink yesterday either?!"

"Is this how you get paid?!"

When everyone down the slope heard about the salary, they all opened their mouths in surprise and couldn't believe their ears. I’ve only heard of people who were paid in arrears, but never heard of people who were paid in advance? !

"Brothers, you heard me right. Today, your first month's military pay will be paid out! From now on, today will be your pay day every month. I promise you that I will never default on your military pay!"

Zhu Pingan stood on the hillside, looked at everyone with a smile, took everyone's expressions into his eyes, and said loudly.

"It's really a paycheck!"

"Oh my gosh, we really need to be paid! I never dreamed that I would be getting paid on my first day as a soldier!"

"Yesterday we had all-you-can-eat meat, and today we are getting paid. It's such a beautiful day for us. We can't help but smile from our dreams."

"Oh my God, surrendering to Your Majesty is the most correct decision I have ever made in my life, bar none!"

When everyone heard Zhu Pingan repeating today's pay again, everyone was so excited that they almost jumped up.

"Brothers, your military salary is tentatively set at one or two and a half silver dollars per month!" Zhu Pingan said to everyone.

"Oh my God, one or two and a half silver?!"

"There is a clerk in our town who works in the government office. He is so powerful, but he only earns ten taels of silver in a year!"

"I heard that soldiers in the general guard station only get one tael of silver a month, but we actually get one tael and a half of silver a month?!"

"One and a half taels of silver, one and a half taels for a month, three taels for two months, and eighteen taels of silver for three months and four months in a year. My dear mother, eighteen taels of silver is enough. Get a wife!"

"What?! Eighteen taels a year?! So many, oh, why didn't I come to be a soldier earlier!"

"Hahaha, you are stupid. It's useless for you to be a soldier. You can't meet our adults! Other soldiers don't get this kind of treatment!"

"Yes, yes"

After everyone heard that their monthly soldier's salary was one or two and a half silver, they were all shocked and dumbfounded. Their mouths were as wide as the mouth of a box. They couldn't believe their ears, and they swallowed saliva loudly!

"Sir, you are not lying to us, are you?! We are surrendered by bandits, and you actually pay us one or two and a half silver dollars a month?! This is like pie in the sky."

The person in the front row asked boldly and stammered.

"Haha, what did I lie to you for? Come on, open the box!" Zhu Pingan replied with a smile, and waved his hand to order the box to be opened.

Liu Dadao and others followed the order and went forward to open the box. Suddenly, a flash of silver light dazzled everyone's eyes.

"Oh my god, so much money."

"Silver, a lot of silver"

"Hey, why do I feel that the sunshine today is so golden, like a piece of gold ingot?"

When everyone saw the three big boxes full of scattered silver, they all suddenly breathed rapidly and swallowed their saliva.

"Okay, now let's start distributing wages! Everyone stand still, don't move around, don't be in a hurry, I will guarantee it with the heads on my neck, and everyone will have a share. Everyone, listen to my orders! Okay, starting from the easternmost point, in order Come forward and collect your salary. I will wait until I register you and then collect your salary."

Zhu Pingan shouted to everyone.

"Yes!" Everyone responded excitedly.

"Let's begin." Zhu Ping'an sat in front of the table and chairs brought by Liu Dadao, picked up a brush and dipped it in ink, and shouted to the excited people.

"Hey, I'm the first one. I kowtow to you. From today on, I'll hand over my 150 kilograms to you." The first person in the row on the east side chuckled and walked up. Not to mention, Gudong immediately knelt on the ground, kowtowed heavily to Zhu Pingan, and said with a sincere face.

"Get up, get up and talk." Zhu Ping'an got up from the chair, stepped forward to help him up, and asked with a gentle face, "What is your name, where do you live, and who is there at home?"

"Sir, my name is Zhu Daniu. I live in Zhujiazhuang, Linhai County. I have an old mother in my family."

Er Niu stood up and replied.

Zhu Ping'an recorded Zhu Daniu's situation in the book and nodded, "Haha, we are still the same family. Okay, go get your military pay. Train well, be loyal to the emperor and serve the country, and strive to achieve more meritorious deeds. I will not be stingy with rewards. It’s enough for you to marry a daughter-in-law and let your mother have grandchildren as soon as possible.”

"Thank you, sir. I will definitely listen to your words, train well, be loyal to the emperor and serve the country, do more meritorious deeds, and not embarrass our old Zhu family." Zhu Daniu did not expect that Zhu Ping'an would actually encourage him, and said excitedly with his chest raised.

Zhu Ping'an smiled and nodded, indicating to him to pay for the soldiers. After Zhu Daniu thanked him again, he received his military pay of one or two and a half silver coins.

Everyone at the bottom of the slope saw that Zhu Daniu had received one or two and a half silver soldiers' pay after registering with Zhu Ping'an, and they all became more expectant and excited.

"Next one!" Zhu Pingan shouted.

The second person came forward to register, and then received their military pay. Then an hour after the third and fourth people, everyone received their silver reward. Everyone had a smile on their face and was full of longing for the future.

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