Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1430 It is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders

The scorching sun shines on the peach blossoms, and the mountains and rivers set off against each other, forming a landscape painting of early winter in the south of the Yangtze River.

On the simple and flat ground at the foot of the Taohuaji hillside, more than 700 men in military uniforms stood at attention, took a rest, and walked in step, sweating profusely under the scorching sun. They thought they were dreaming of modern military training.

Zhu Ping'an stood on the high slope, looking at the training of everyone down the slope, squinting his eyes slightly and nodded. Although their movements are still very irregular and the queue is still very unorganized, they have improved a lot compared to the beginning.

Liu Mu and Liu Dadao were very good, they were almost born soldiers. I trained them for a few nights in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, and they mastered the essentials of movements and started to perform formation movements. They were better than myself in modern times. People who have gone through junior high school military training, high school military training, college military training, and watched numerous military parade videos and military magazines need to have standards and the content of the training is on point.

Although it is Jiangnan, it is also very cold in winter, but the more than 700 men on the field were sweating profusely. After nearly an hour of high-intensity training, it was hard not to sweat.

Zhu Pingan couldn't be more satisfied with their performance.

"Stand still for me. When I shouted 'stand firm', you were all nailed to the ground like nails, riveted to the ground, motionless, unable to be pushed down, unable to be bent! Liu Laoqi, Zhang Tiesuo, and The four of them are all standing firm for me! If any of them move like maggots again, let me go out and run along the field three times! Don't stop and rest until you finish running, otherwise, we will hit the thirty-big board again!"

Liu Dadao, one of the military training instructors, was carrying a mahogany stick as thick as his forearm in his hand. He was patrolling among the first, second and third sentry teams. If he saw someone who was not standing straight or moving around, he would hit him with a heavy stick. .

"I can't understand why we adults, so wise all our lives, could be so confused for a moment. What's the use of training this lazy boy to stand at attention, take a rest, and walk in step? Is it possible that we can still make the enemy stand still to death?!"

"Stand to death?! Haha, what are you talking about in your sleep? The enemy has always been killed in battle, how can he stand to death?!"

"It's impossible to stand to death, but I think it's possible to die from laughing. Haha, think about it, two armies are facing each other, and we stand straight at attention, motionless like a target, how can the enemy be unhappy? What?! And what about us ‘walking in goose-step’? It’s really awkward to go to grandma’s house. If the enemy sees it, they will probably die laughing!”

"Such things like standing at attention, taking a rest, walking in step, etc., how have I heard that other armies have trained them! I am not criticizing our lord, I just think that our lord is a scholar, and he must be a good hand at writing. But When it comes to military matters, we adults may be just laymen."

"If other troops saw us training such things as standing at attention, taking a rest, and walking in step, they would probably laugh to death."

During the training breaks, some people complained from time to time and had objections to the queue training. This kind of training was cumbersome and boring. They were all free and loose bandits and bandits, and they couldn't stand this boring training.

"Let me see whose anus has no control and farts there. Luo Si, Liu Laoqi, Wang Ergou, and Xia Tiedan, you guys are doing me a favor. You are so brave. You dare to criticize my lord. ! Run five laps around the training ground for me. You are not allowed to stop until you finish. If anyone dares to stop, I will break their legs!" During Liu Dadao's inspection, he heard Luo Si and others criticizing the training, and he couldn't help but be furious. , picked them out one by one, gave each of them a stick, and then made them run ten laps around the training ground.

"Five circles?!" Luo Si couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard this.

"It's ten rounds now!" Liu Dadao said coldly.

"Isn't it five circles?! Why is it ten circles?!" Luo Si couldn't help but protest after hearing this.

"Fifteen rounds!" Liu Dadao spoke again.

"Fifteen." Luo Si's exclamation stopped abruptly when Liu Laoqi slapped him in the mouth. Liu Laoqi dragged Luo Si to run and cursed fiercely, "That's enough, you fucking motherfucker." Luo Si! If you push harder, it will become twenty circles!"

In addition to the first, second and third posts in charge of Liu Dadao, other posts in charge of Liu Mu, Liu Daqiang and others also had similar situations. The bandits and bandits who were used to being lax encountered a lot of criticism when they encountered such an irritating and boring queue training.

Zhu Pingan also noticed a similar situation, so he gathered everyone together during the halftime break of training.

"Everyone, you have performed well today. Let's add pork for lunch!" Zhu Pingan stood on the high slope and applauded everyone.

"Thank you, sir!"

Everyone on the field suddenly became excited, which relieved some of the boring and tired training.

"I noticed that many people are confused about queue training. They feel that it is a waste of time and futile efforts. They are not coping with the training." Zhu Pingan glanced at everyone and said slowly.

Under Zhu Pingan's gaze, Luo Si, Liu Laoqi and others could not help but lower their heads with guilty conscience.

"I'm going to explain this once, this time, and I won't do it next time!" Zhu Pingan said with a serious face.

Everyone in the audience immediately focused their attention on Zhu Pingan. In fact, not only Luo Si, Liu Laoqi and others, almost everyone present did not know the meaning of queue training. I don’t know why, but they had emotions in their hearts for the boring queue training. , it’s just that some people expressed their opinions and some didn’t.

"It is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders! Queue training is your first and most important lesson. The purpose of this lesson is, first, to shape and train you to have a mighty and upright image, coordinated and uniform movements. Don't think that Queues are useless. War is not about robbing fat sheep and smashing kilns. War is about two armies confronting each other. It is a fight between tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands or millions. Whether it is offense or defense, queue formations are very Important, this is the key to ensuring the victory of the war. Only by maintaining the formation can we ensure the continuity of attack and defense. If the position is messed up, there will be problems in attack and defense. The defeat is just a matter of time. If the army is defeated, you will Your life will be at risk!"

"The second is to cultivate your fighting style of obeying orders, enduring hardships, perseverance, and fighting continuously! This is also the most important purpose of this class. An army must possess the qualities of obeying orders, obeying commands, and following orders and prohibitions before it is qualified Become a real army, an army with combat effectiveness!"

"Speaking of this, I would like to emphasize it again! You must remember it firmly! It is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders! Regarding the superior's orders, it does not matter whether they are right or wrong! Whether you understand it or not! As long as the superior's order does not violate the national law Military regulations! You must obey! Absolute obedience! Unconditional obedience!"

Zhu Pingan stood on the high slope, glanced at everyone with stern eyes, and said to everyone with a serious face.

"As you command!"

The sound was like thunder.

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