Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1431 I am a soldier

Peach Blossom Gathering, at noon, the sun hangs high above the head, casting thousands of golden rays. The Zhejiang army, which had been training all morning, sat on the ground in a circle with sentry units as units. Standing in the center of the circle was Zhu Pingan.

"You all performed very well this morning. You have worked hard. Lunch has been prepared at the Huotou Military Camp, and the pork promised by me has been stewed in the pot. Before lunch, I will teach you a song of our Zhejiang Army's military song. Song, please study the whistle seriously. Those who have learned the whistle can have lunch first. Those who have not learned the whistle can not have lunch until they have learned it. If they still can't learn it, then lunch will be saved. Oh, yes Sorry, I almost reminded you that pork is limited, those who arrive first can eat meat, and those who arrive later can only drink soup."

Zhu Ping'an stood among the crowd, first praised them, and then asked them to learn to sing military songs.

When everyone first heard Zhu Pingan say that the pork had been stewed in the pot, everyone was excited and shouted mighty, but when they heard Zhu Pingan asked them to learn to sing military songs before they could eat lunch, they all looked bitter.

"Sir, if you ask us to sing military songs, aren't you asking Zhang Fei to do embroidery? That's because we have more than enough ambition but not enough energy."

"Sir, we are all bandits and bandits. We are illiterate. You ask us to sing military songs. Isn't it difficult for us?"

"Besides, what's the use of singing military songs? We're not kiln sisters and oirans, so what's the use of singing?"

"That's right, no matter how beautiful the singing is, what's the use. We go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, is it possible that we can still sing to kill the enemy?"

The people in the audience grimaced and started complaining in confusion.

"What's the use of singing?!" Zhu Pingan looked at everyone with a smile and said slowly, "Do you know about the dispute between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu between Chu and Han?"

"I've heard it, I've heard it. Liu Bang, who cheated on food and drink, became emperor in the end. Her wife is amazing, a poisonous queen."

"It's such a pity for King Chu Ba. Why didn't he cross the Wu River? If he did, the dynasty might have changed."

"Liu Bang just wanted to steal Xiang Yu's wife Yu Ji, so he killed Xiang Yu."

Everyone replied in confusion, obviously they had all heard stories about the Chu-Han Controversy, unofficial histories and the like.

Zhu Ping'an nodded slightly, "Well, since you all know about the conflict between Liu Bang and Xiang Yu between Chu and Han, you should have heard the story of being besieged on all sides. Of course, it doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it. Let me give you a brief introduction. The conflict between Chu and Han back then In the Battle of Dingding, Liu Bang mobilized Han Xin, Peng Yue and other generals and led a large army to surround Xiang Yu's 100,000 troops and horses at Gaixia. Xiang Yu was surrounded, and his troops and horses were reduced day by day. He could not get supplies, and his food and grass were getting less and less. Late at night, Liu Bang devised a plan to be surrounded by enemies on all sides, and ordered the Han troops surrounding Gaixia to sing the songs of the Chu people, which were the songs of Xiang Yu's home base of Chu. Xiang Yu, who was sleeping in the commander's tent in Gaixia, was awakened by the singing. After listening carefully, he was shocked. , 'Has Liu Bang already obtained the Chu land? Why are there so many Chu people in his army?' He suddenly lost his fighting spirit and sang a generous lament to his favorite concubine: 'Strengthening the mountains and overwhelming the world, the times are not favorable. "The immortal will not die. What can you do if the immortal does not die? What can you do if you are worried?", after singing it several times, his beloved concubine also sang along, and then the two of them were speechless and shed tears. In the end, he His favorite concubine Yu Ji committed suicide in front of Xiang Yu's horse, but Xiang Yu's hero came to an end and took his only remaining soldiers to Wujiang River, where he finally committed suicide by the Wujiang River."

"This is the story of being besieged on all sides. You just asked what the use of singing is, and this is the answer." Zhu Pingan looked at everyone with stern eyes and said loudly: "Singing can unite the morale of the army, boost morale, and also destroy the enemy's morale. It's no exaggeration. It is said that a song is worth a thousand troops!"

Everyone present was enlightened.

"We understand. However, we are illiterate and our brains are not very good, so we are afraid that we will not be able to learn."

Someone said worriedly, which was echoed by many people.

"Don't worry, the military songs I will teach you have simple and easy-to-understand lyrics. There is nothing special about them. They are all in vernacular. The lyrics are not long, only a few sentences. As long as you study hard, there is nothing you can't learn." Zhu Ping'an He smiled slightly and said to everyone, "Okay, now I will teach you. The name of this military song is "I am a soldier."

"I am a soldier. This is a good name. It sounds like we are singing it." Everyone in the audience was excited and curious. They looked at Zhu Pingan eagerly, waiting for Zhu Pingan to teach them.

"I'm a soldier


Yes, the military song Zhu Pingan taught them to sing was the famous revolutionary song "I am a soldier" from the early days of the founding of our country.

This is a popular song, written and composed by Lu Yuan and Yue Lun, and was born after the outbreak of the Korean War. Once it came out, it quickly became popular all over China and spread throughout China and the ends of the earth. Its lyrics and music are simple, but full of power; its lyrics and music are simple, but they burst out the strongest sound of the era. After its birth, it inspired generations of compatriots and soldiers of the armed forces to fight bloody battles for New China with overwhelming momentum! During the Korean War and the rise of New China, this song contributed a force that cannot be ignored.

Of course, Zhu Pingan made some changes to the lyrics of the song on the basis of respecting the original work.

"This song sounds really exciting. Just like what we adults said, the lyrics are simple and I can understand them."

"After listening to this song, I feel that as a soldier, I am very proud."

After listening to Zhu Ping'an singing it once, everyone present was excited and felt their blood boiling.

Soon, after Zhu Ping'an taught him the lesson once, in less than a minute, a sentry raised his hand to show that he had learned this military song. Zhu Pingan inspected and asked them to sing it again in public, and suddenly a majestic, sonorous and powerful singing voice sounded.

"Not bad! You have all learned the skills, and there are no fake ones. You can go have lunch." Zhu Pingan nodded.

"Thank you, sir!" A sentry soldier clasped his fists in thanks and walked towards the temporary canteen in the eyes of everyone with envy. He winked at everyone proudly and said, "How about we help you taste the saltiness of the pork, hahaha."

"Go to hell!"


A burst of laughter and curses.

This song was so catchy that everyone present learned it quickly, in less than a quarter of an hour.

"I'm a soldier"

The majestic, sonorous and powerful singing voice resounded throughout the Peach Blossom Collection, and self-esteem, confidence, pride and sense of responsibility were also slowly brewing in the singing.

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