Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1434 The Ambition of Ryuzoji Takanobu

On a three-story wooden building in Hirado Port, near the window, the Matsuura family governor and Ryuzoji Takanobu sat kneeling opposite each other. There was a table between them with a jar of sake on it. Black sea bream, sea bass and other seafood were brought to the table. The Matsuura family's chef prepared the seafood on the spot. The Matsuura family's maid brought the seafood dishes to the tables of the Matsuura family governor and Ryuzoji Takanobu with their bare feet.

The Matsuura family governor and Ryuzoji Takanobu looked through the window at the sea in the distance.

At this time, the sea was so majestic that it looked like an evil dragon was making trouble in the sea. Wave after wave of several meters high waves rolled up and crashed towards the coast crazily. The earth-shattering roar was like the roar of an evil dragon.

In the distance, the two ships slowly turned into two black spots, and then disappeared as if they had been swallowed by the sea.

After seeing no trace of the two ships, the Matsuura family governor and Ryuzoji Takanobu withdrew their gazes one after another.

"Your Highness, please have a taste. This is the most famous chef of our Matsuura family. Seafood cuisine is unique." The Matsuura family governor poured a glass of sake for Ryuzoji Takanobu and invited him to taste the Matsuura family chef's cuisine.

The chef of the Matsuura family was originally the chef of the shogun Ashikaga Yoshiharu. The governor of the Matsuura family accidentally saved his life, and then he was invited to serve as the chef of the Matsuura family. Every time a distinguished guest comes, Governor Matsuura will ask him to cook and entertain, and his beauty is praised by the distinguished guests. This is one of the things that Governor Matsuura is most proud of.

"The taste is bland, the food is tasteless, and it is hard to live up to its reputation." Ryuzouji Takanobu took a bite and shook his head slightly.

Governor Matsuura couldn't help but be startled for a moment, and then apologized, "I'm really rude, I couldn't satisfy His Highness."

Could it be that the chef made a mistake?

After the Matsuura family governor apologized to Ryuzoji Takanobu, he also picked up a chopstick and put it into his mouth.

I chewed a bite lightly, and then I couldn't help but frown slightly. The frown was not that the food was unpalatable, but that the food was delicious. It can even be described as extremely delicious. This is the first-class palace royal cuisine. Matsuura Kato I think the chef of the shogun's family is nothing more than this, why is His Highness still not satisfied?

"Your Highness, lord, please try this dish." After hearing Ryuzoji Takanobu's comments, the Matsuura family's chef thought for a while and made another meal on site for Ryuzoji Takanobu and Matsuura Family Governor to taste.

Ryuzouji Takanobu ate it with chopsticks and nodded with satisfaction, "It tastes so good."

Hearing this, the Matsuura family governor breathed a sigh of relief, followed by picking up a chopstick and putting it into his mouth, and then he couldn't help but frown.

If the first dish is a first-rate palace cuisine, light and elegant, with all the colors and aromas, then this dish is a third-rate country dish with strong taste, and the sauce almost covers up the freshness of the seafood itself.

Since ancient times, daimyo from all over the world have followed Kyoto, whether it is taste, clothing or popular entertainment. This is a symbol of status and status. Over time, the tastes of daimyo from various places became almost the same as those in Kyoto, which was very different from the tastes and preferences of local common people.

Theoretically speaking, Ryuzoji Takanobu should also like palace cuisine, why did he like the heavy taste of the countryside?

"Haha, Matsuura-sama, I think I am a country boy." Ryuzoji Takanobu looked at the Matsuura family governor and said with a smile.

"How dare you, how dare you!" The Matsuura family governor was told what was in his heart by Ryuzoji Takanobu. Cold sweat appeared on his forehead and he hurriedly replied.

"Haha, why don't you dare? This is a fact. I just like the strong taste of the countryside! Compared with the land of Dragon Ascension God in Kyoto, I prefer the countryside! Mr. Matsuura, what do you think between Kyoto and the countryside? Which one is more serious?" Ryuzoji Takanobu laughed, looked at Matsuura Family Governor with squinted eyes, and asked softly.

Which one is more important, Kyoto or the countryside? ! Do you need to think about this? Of course Kyoto is heavier! However, Ryuzoji Takanobu said that he liked the countryside, but the Matsuura family governor hesitated for several seconds before saying the answer he blurted out, "I thought Kyoto was heavier."

The reason why Governor Matsuura told the truth was that he was afraid that Ryuzoji Takanobu would say that he was inconsistent and untrustworthy.

"Kyoto is heavier?! Haha, Matsuura-sama, this world has changed. It is no longer what it used to be. Kyoto and the countryside, our countryside is heavier." Ryuzoji Takanobu shook his head with a smile and said slowly.

"It's worse in the countryside?!" Governor Matsuura was stunned when he heard this, with a look of disbelief on his face, "Why did your Highness say this?"

Governor Matsuura had 10,000 disagreements in his heart. How could the countryside be compared with Kyoto? Kyoto, that’s Kyoto! For thousands of years, who among the great names from all over the world has not dreamed of going to Luo? !

Shangluo originally means going to Beijing and going to the capital. In the Japanese country, the action of the daimyo leading troops to Kyoto was called "Johanluo". This was the ultimate dream and ultimate ambition of daimyo everywhere, especially during the Warring States Period. To lead troops to Kyoto, control Kyoto, meet the emperor, and establish the shogunate , spread all over the world

"Haha, Matsuura-sama, the era of controlling Kyoto and controlling the world has passed. Only by controlling all places and eliminating all opposition forces can we truly dominate the world. Those who are still clinging to Kyoto will eventually become like history. The same, being eliminated by the times and becoming the past. So, Matsuura-sama, compared with the countryside, the countryside is more important in Kyoto, and whoever wins the countryside will win the world."

Ryuzoji Takanobu chuckled and said slowly.

Governor Matsuura was stunned for a long time as thunder struck his ears.

"Haha, of course, I can only think about Bu Wu Tian Xia now. Let's conquer Hizen first."

Ryuzoji Takanobu smiled again and shook his head.

"Your Highness is wise and powerful, and his troops and horses are strong. He will surely be able to unify Hizen. We can hope to spread military power all over the world. We, the Matsuura family, are willing to do our best for Your Highness." The Matsuura family governor bowed in compliment and expressed his submission.

"Haha, unifying Hizen is not easy. Matsuura-sama's words don't work, and neither do my own words. Only iron and blood will work, and all the opposing forces must be defeated. In this war, we need to recruit troops, have food, grass, and ordnance. , military pay, pensions, etc., everything requires money, I am poor."

Ryuzoji Takanobu spread his hands and cried.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness, the Ming Dynasty on the other side has countless wealth, tens of thousands of times that of our country, Yamato. General Nabeshima Naoshima and Matsuura Sanbanro are going to attack the Ming Dynasty in the west. The Suhu area is the richest place in the Ming Dynasty. There are two proverbs, one is "Suhu is good enough for the world" and the other is "There is heaven above, and Suzhou and Hangzhou are below", which shows that the Suhu area is the richest in the world. In recent years, most of the areas that have been robbed during the Ming Dynasty are Jiangsu and Zhejiang. , Fujian, and the Suzhou and Hangzhou areas, including the Ming Dynasty, were rarely plundered. This time, after General Nabeshima Naoshima and Matsuura Sanbanro return, our Matsuura family is willing to do our best to assist His Highness in plundering the Ming Dynasty Suzhou and Hangzhou areas. , to obtain the countless wealth of the Ming Dynasty to help His Highness unify Hizen and spread military power across the world." The Matsuura family governor said slowly while filling Ryuzoji Takanobu's wine glass.

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