Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1435 Poseidon is cheering for victory.

"Matsuura-sama, I remember that you had an evil monk from the Ming Dynasty under your command?! Many foolish men and women in Hizen regarded him as a living Buddha and defrauded him of a lot of incense money. In addition, he also borrowed huge debts many times. In Satsuma, Osumi, Tsushima, Hyuga, Tanegashima and other places, they gathered broken farmers, market scoundrels, ronin samurai, etc., built sea ships, purchased armor, weapons, and iron cannons, and went to the Ming Dynasty many times to burn, kill, and loot. I heard that they robbed a The bowl is full. Why didn’t Matsuura-sama make him the vanguard to lead our army to the Ming Dynasty to carry out piracy activities? Why did he sacrifice the near for the distant, waste time and energy, and send people to go all the way to the Ming to spy on the route?!"

Ryuzoji Takanobu squinted his eyes while he was drunk, half asking and half accusingly.

The Matsuura family governor knew that the evil monk of the Ming Dynasty mentioned by Ryuzoji Takanobu was Xu Hai, so he couldn't help but explain with a wry smile, "Your Highness is unaware of something, and I have no choice but to do this. One: People who are not of my race must have different minds." , this evil monk Xu Hai is not of my race, must have selfish motives, and cannot be entrusted with important tasks. Your Highness and my army crossed the sea to plunder the Ming Dynasty, which is related to your Highness's unification of Hizen and the spread of military power in the world. It is of great importance. If the evil monk Xu Hai leads the way , if they are betrayed or framed, the consequences will be disastrous, and the Ma family, Shaoer family, Otomo family, Shimazu family, etc. who are already ready to take action will definitely take the opportunity to take action."

After hearing this, Ryuzoji Takanobu nodded noncommittally, with no unnecessary expression on his face.

"Secondly, the evil monk Xu Hai plundered the Ming Dynasty, mostly in Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong. This area was not the key area of ​​the Ming Dynasty. The Ming army was weak and easy to succeed, and the risk of advance and retreat was small. However, this area is far inferior to The Suhu area is rich. The Suhu area is the economic center of the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty is accompanying Yingtian. This evil monk has always been cautious and cautious, and he does not dare to invade the Suhu area, lest he be targeted by the Ming army and concentrate his military power to annihilate him."

"Third, I am not afraid of His Highness's jokes. I used to be able to control Evil Monk Xu Hai, but now that he has grown in power and has many followers, he has gradually escaped my control. Now my relationship with Evil Monk Xu Hai is more of a creditor. Although I can force the creditor to do things in the name of the creditor, this relationship is not reliable. Your Highness, so it is not that I sacrifice the near for the distant, but the situation dictates that I have to sacrifice the near for the distant."

Governor Matsuura continued.

"I see, I understand. Then let's wait for Nao Nan and Saburo to come back." Ryuzouji Takanobu nodded and said slowly. After that, he turned his eyes to the window and looked at the rough sea outside.

"Your Highness, please rest assured. General Nabeshima is brave enough to be worthy of all men. My nephew Saburo is also a rare general in my Matsuura family in a century. Moreover, there are thirty warriors in their group who have followed Xu Hai to plunder the Ming Dynasty many times. This On a spying trip, they will be able to successfully complete the spying mission and return safely."

Governor Matsuura filled the wine glass for Ryuzoji Takanobu and said with a smile.

"円西. This drink is for Naonan and Sanbanrou." Ryuzoji Takanobu raised his glass and looked at the sea outside the window.

"To General Naonan and Sanbanro." Governor Matsuura then picked up the wine glass and also paid respect to the sea outside the window.

While they were toasting out the window, a huge wave hit the coast.

"Haha. The huge waves are beating like war drums. This is Poseidon beating the drums to encourage Zhi Nan and Saburo."

Ryuzoji Takanobu laughed.

"With the support of Poseidon, we will surely triumph." Governor Matsuura followed.

Ryuzoji Takanobu and Matsuura Family Governor looked at each other, and they both laughed at the same time, full of confidence in Nabeshima Naoji, Matsuura Sanbanro and their entourage.

While Ryuzoji Takanobu and Matsuura Family Governor were laughing over wine, Zhu Pingan taught the Zhejiang Army the second military song:

“Every officer and soldier of the Zhejiang Army must remember the Four Iron Rules and Eighteen Kills;

First, follow the command in all actions and work in unison to win;

Secondly, I don’t take anything away from the masses, the masses support and like me;

Third, all seizures must be returned to the public, and efforts should be made to reduce the burden on the court."

Fourth, if you freeze to death without demolishing your house, if you starve to death without taking prisoners, the soldiers are loyal to the king and love the people;


Zhu Pingan borrowed and modified the lyrics of the revolutionary martyrs' "Three Major Disciplines and Eight Points of Attention" and compiled the Zhejiang Army's military discipline and military regulations into the catchy song "Four Iron Rules and Eighteen Cuts", so that the generals and soldiers can firmly understand the military discipline and military regulations through singing. Keep it in mind.

Just like last time, the whistles who learned military songs were given priority to eat, so every whistle was very active in learning.

"Very good, let's go have a meal." After Supervisor Zhu Pingan sang the military song "Four Iron Rules and Eighteen Cuts" at the last whistle, he nodded and let them go to have a meal. He took Liu Dadao and others with him. Finally go to dinner.

Zhu Pingan did not build a small stove for himself, but also ate from a big pot. After Zhu Pingan and his party waited for the last sentry to finish the meal, basically only some soup and water and leftovers were left in the big iron pot. .

Zhu Ping'an didn't mind it either. He made a bowl of soupy leftovers, took three steamed buns, and found an open space to sit on the ground. He broke open the steamed buns and dipped them in the vegetable soup to eat. The food was quite delicious. One steamed bun after a while. Just finished it.

Eating, drinking, and sharing joys and sorrows with the soldiers is a major key point of training for famous generals in ancient times. There is an ancient saying: A general must share the same experiences and dangers with his soldiers, and enemies can be added to them. Therefore, the army has complete victory, and the enemy has all causes. In the past, when good generals used their troops, they would be thrown into rivers and drank with the soldiers if they were given a basket of rice wine. A man's basket and a mash cannot taste the water of a river, but the soldiers of the three armies think of killing the dead and taste it to themselves.

This is one of the magic weapons that the flying general Li Guang won the support of the soldiers, and Zhu Ping'an naturally had to practice it.

The effect is also very ideal.

"In the past, in our village, the masters kept small stoves and served delicious and spicy food every meal. We could only eat some leftovers. But our general, how big an official he is, actually ate a pot of rice with us, and it was still our leftovers. , Such a general deserves our support.”

"No, just because of this one thing, I, Shitou, will leave my life to our general."

When a group of soldiers saw that Zhu Pingan did not turn on a small stove, but ate the same big pot of rice as them, and the leftover soup was the last meal, they couldn't help but be deeply touched. Their good impression of Zhu Pingan greatly increased and their support increased.

"Uncle, just eat this. How can you keep eating this? You still don't let me deliver the food. If the young lady saw this, she would shed tears of distress and she would definitely scold the maid for not taking good care of my uncle, wuwuwu."

When Zhu Ping'an was eating his second steamed bun, he heard a familiar sobbing sound behind him. He turned around and saw Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, and Ruonan, the enchantress, who were disguised as men. The sobbing sound was made by Hua'er.

"Why are you here?!" Zhu Pingan raised his eyebrows.

"Why can't we come?!" The demon girl Ruonan snorted and rolled her eyes: "Unless you have a guilty conscience!"

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