Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1436 There is no rule without rules

Tens of thousands of peach blossom trees have withered, and the sun is dazzling in the sky. But after all, in winter, the temperature is limited and a little solemn.

At the Zhejiang Army military camp training ground, Zhu Pingan was sitting on the ground holding a bowl and two steamed buns in his hand. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Hua'er and the demon girl Ruonan, who were disguised as men; Hua'er, the little maid with steamed buns, was carrying a basket and her eyes were red. , tears were still flowing down; the demon girl Ruonan stood aside and rolled her eyes at Zhu Pingan.

"Uncle, don't eat this vegetable soup." Hua'er looked at Zhu Pingan with distress, sobbed and said, holding the basket in front of Zhu Pingan like a treasure, "I made braised prawns, braised prawns in braised oil, Mutton and a bowl of old hen soup with longan and lotus seeds are stewed. It’s delicious. My uncle, please drink it while it’s hot.”

Zhu Ping'an shook his head, stood up from the ground with the bowl in hand, rejected Hua'er's kindness, then looked at Baozi's maid Hua'er and the demon Ruonan with a serious face, and asked in a deep voice, "Where did you come in from?"

If Hua'er and Yaonv Ruonan came in through the gate of the military camp, it would prove that military rules and regulations were broken;

If the two people came in not through the gate, but from other places, then there would be a problem with the defense of the military camp. Since yesterday, the entire Zhejiang Army camp has been closed. The entire camp has been blocked by trenches, fences, antlers, etc. Currently, only the gate in front of the camp is allowed to pass. If the two people did not pass through the gate, but came in from other places, it would mean that there were loopholes in the defense of the military camp.

Hua'er, Baozi's little maid, was stunned for a moment and replied without knowing why, "We came in through the gate."

After answering, Hua'er urged Zhu Pingan again and again, "Uncle, eat it while it's hot. It won't taste good when it's cold."

Zhu Ping'an waved his hand and asked with a serious face, "The guards on duty at the gate of the camp let you in without approval?!"

The military discipline and rules for entering and exiting the camp are clearly recorded in the military discipline manual, and Zhu Ping'an has solemnly emphasized in public more than once that no one without a badge or command arrow or who cannot answer the command will be prohibited from entering the camp. Visitors from outsiders must You can only enter the camp after getting approval from all levels, otherwise you are strictly prohibited from entering the camp.

I have given repeated orders, but there are still people who violate military regulations and disciplines!

Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi, has never seen Zhu Pingan look so serious before. Seeing Zhu Pingan's serious face at this moment, she couldn't help but shrink her head back and asked timidly, "Uncle, did I do something wrong? ?!”

"What's wrong? Where did we go wrong? We are so compassionate and kind-hearted that we make delicious food to see someone, but let it go if someone is ungrateful and puts on a bad face. Do you really think we I'm willing to come." The demon girl Ruonan took a step forward and walked in front of Hua'er, the little maid of Baozi. She rolled her eyes at Zhu Ping'an and choked.

"We wanted to come." Hua'er whispered behind the demon Ruonan.

The demon girl Ruonan broke through her skill instantly, turned to look at her pig teammates, and said helplessly, "Hua'er, you don't have to say this."

"Hua'er, tell me, how did you get in?" Zhu Ping'an looked at Hua'er past the demon Ruo Nan and asked.

"I, we..." Hua'er lowered her head as if she had done something wrong, and her words were a bit awkward.

"Let me tell you! The guards at the door are Erdan and Datou from our cottage. They know me. There is also a person whose name I can't remember. I helped move in town last time and know that Hua'er is from your room. When we came to the military camp and said we were looking for you, they opened the door and let us in. What’s the point of asking?”

The demon girl Ruonan said angrily that in her eyes, Zhu Ping'an was like a dog biting Lu Dongbin, and he was not a good person.

She and Hua'er went to the morning market early in the morning to buy the freshest ingredients for Zhu Ping'an. The old hen was the oldest hen Hua'er had selected after shopping around for two times. The two of them stewed it for a whole morning, and in the end, only the bowl of soup came out of a large pot of water.

It is no exaggeration to say that the essence of an old hen is in that bowl of soup. Really, not to mention how fragrant it is.

They were so busy from morning to noon that they didn't even bother to eat, just because of someone! But what about someone? Not only is this someone ungrateful, he actually has a bad face and is very picky!

"Uncle, have we done something wrong?" Baozi's little maid Hua'er asked with a nervous look on her face.

"You didn't do anything wrong." Zhu Ping'an shook his head slightly, briefly comforted Hua'er, then turned to look in the direction of the gate, and said with a serious face, "The guard on duty at the gate did something wrong! Zhejiang Army's military regulations and disciplines It is clearly stated that those who do not have waist badges and arrows and cannot answer the orders are prohibited from entering the camp; outsiders visiting the military camp must obtain approval from all levels before entering the camp, otherwise they are strictly prohibited from entering the camp; anyone who dares to violate it will be punished by military law! They are doing so without permission Letting you enter the camp violates military regulations and discipline."

"Military law, what military law?!" Baozi's little maid Hua'er suddenly became nervous when she heard this.

"If you let outsiders into the camp without authorization, you will be on guard duty that day. The first offender will be punished with a hundred sticks. If he is committed again, he will be beheaded in public!" Zhu Pingan said slowly.

"Huh?! The first offender will be punished with a hundred sticks, and the second offender will be beheaded?! So severe! Uncle Wuwuwu, they all have good intentions. We insisted on coming in, so they were kind enough to let us in. We don't want to deal with them under military law, okay? Okay?!" When Hua'er heard that the military law was so severe, and that the guard at the door would be punished with a hundred sticks for letting them into the camp, and there was even the danger of beheading, she couldn't help but burst into tears, and she quickly begged the guard for mercy.

"No! There is no rule without rules! Military law is the life of the army! If laws are not followed, law enforcement is not strict, and violations are not punished, then military law will become child's play! If military law becomes child's play, then the army will become child's play!"

Zhu Ping'an shook his head firmly, rejected Hua'er's plea to the guards, and insisted on punishing the guards with military law!

"Uncle, just once, just this time, please." Hua'er begged with red eyes. She felt that the guard was kind-hearted in letting them in. If the guard was punished by military law for this, how could she feel comfortable with it.

"No! Once the military law is opened once, it will definitely not be opened the second or third time." Zhu Pingan shook his head firmly again, rejecting Hua'er's plea.

"Uncle." Hua'er clasped his hands together and put them under his chin, looking at Zhu Pingan pitifully.

"No!" Zhu Pingan turned his head, "If it's for their own good, don't enter the military camp without permission next time!"

Hua'er bursts into tears

"Hua'er, don't beg him!" The enchantress Ruonan couldn't stand it for a long time. She stepped forward and stood in front of Hua'er. Then she gave Zhu Pingan a hard look and said angrily, "Hey! Zhu Pingan, you sir?" Use chicken feathers as command arrows! Don't tell us anything about military law and discipline. It's not like you don't know the two of us. How long have we lived with you? We are neither enemies nor spies. We are harmless to humans and animals in your military camp. Yes! What happened to Erdan and Datou when they let us in?!"

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