Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1442 Commendation

After Hu Zongxian left the Daxiaochang Camp, he visited and inspected several other military camps in Yingtian. The navy camp of Linhuai Marquis and the Zhenwu Camp of Wei Guogong were naturally no exception, and because Zhenwu Camp had just had soldiers. During the mutiny, Hu Zongxian specifically stayed in Zhenwu Camp for two days as the focus of his inspection.

Every time he inspected a military camp, Hu Zongxian's mood became a little worse. Every military camp had a lot of problems. Almost all of them had common problems such as false reports of soldiers, lax discipline, abandoned armaments, weakness and low morale.

There were so many problems, but no military camp took the initiative to rectify them. Hu Zongxian gave them both rewards and punishments, so he reluctantly made them verbally express their rectifications. However, it is still unknown whether they can actually implement the rectifications.


Their faces and eyes are full of "cope"!

Hu Zongxian was very angry, "Back then, the Jiubian side camp was barely visible, but these Beijing camps are simply unsightly! Now that the Japanese invasion is so serious, each camp turns a blind eye and is unprepared for war! They still eat empty pay and prepare troops. It is still abandoned, military discipline is still lax, and morale is still low. Yue Wu Mu said: Civil servants do not love money, military generals are willing to die, and the world is peaceful. But if military officers love money and are afraid of death, what will happen to the world?!"

"There was a mutiny in the Zhenwu Camp only, but these Beijing Camps still don't know how to learn lessons and find out their shortcomings."

"You can deal with me, Hu Zongxian, but when the Japanese pirates come, how will you deal with it?!" Hu Zongxian couldn't help but get angrier when he thought about some people who were obviously coping with the matter and didn't really take it seriously.

"What other military camps are there nearby?" Hu Zongxian asked his accompanying officials after sighing gloomily for a moment.

"Sir, there is a Beijing camp called Zhenwei Camp in the outer city of Yingtian, and there is also a regiment training camp more than sixty miles outside the southwest city." The accompanying official replied after opening the book and checking it.

"Zhenwei Battalion Regiment Training Camp" Hu Zongxian recited silently, turned to the accompanying officials and asked, "The Regiment Training Camp was established by Zhu Ping'an, the Minister of Prosecution and Prosecution of Jiangsu and Zhejiang?"

"Sir, the regiment training was established by Master Zhu Ping'an. It was registered as the 'Jiang-Zhe regiment training army', or 'Zhejiang Army' for short." The accompanying officials flipped through the books and reported back to Hu Zongxian.

After Hu Zongxian confirmed that the regiment training camp was established by Zhu Pingan, interest suddenly appeared on his face, and he nodded and said: "You must go and take a look at the regiment training camp organized by Zhuangyuan Lang. Maybe it can give me a surprise."

"Sir, if the capital camp is in such a state of decay, what can the group training do?" the accompanying officials couldn't help but wonder.

In his opinion, the Beijing camp is a regular army among the regular armies, and the regiment training is not even considered a local motley army, it is just a militia. If the Beijing camp is so bad, what can the regiment training do? It will only be worse.

"I can't tell, Zhu Pingan is an extraordinary person, maybe he can give me a surprise."

Hu Zongxian said without comment.

"Sir, will our next trip be to the 'Zhenwei Camp' or to the 'Zhejiang Army Training'?" the accompanying official asked.

"Of course it's the 'Zhenwei Camp'." Hu Zongxian said without hesitation, "Zhenwei Camp is the capital camp, and the Zhejiang Army is just a regiment training. In terms of importance and priority, Zhenwei Camp is naturally given priority. I'm going back to the office today. , sort out the inspection situation, and go to the 'Zhenwei Camp' early tomorrow morning. After the Zhenwei Camp inspection is completed, we will go to the Zhejiang Army Corps for training."

"Here!" The accompanying officials took the order.

In front of the gate of the Zhejiang Army camp in Taohuaji, Linhuai Marquis and Wei Guogong came hand in hand. They did not come empty-handed. They brought with them twenty carts of supplies, all of which were in short supply of cotton, cloth, grain, grass, etc.

The two wanted to go straight into the military camp to visit Zhu Pingan, but were stopped by the guards at the gate of the camp. The two men showed their official badges, but it didn't work, nor did they say they were Zhu Ping'an's uncle. The guard insisted that they wait outside the camp until they reported inside and got permission before they could enter. The day before yesterday, Datou and Erdan were beaten with canes for letting outsiders into the camp without permission. They remembered it vividly, and how dare they repeat the same mistake. Therefore, no matter how the Duke of Wei and the Marquis of Linhuai tried to coerce or induce them, the guards at the gate insisted on reporting inside first according to military regulations, and only allowed them to enter the camp after getting permission.

"They are really stupid and don't know how to deal with them!" Wei Guogong couldn't help but glared at them, "Why don't you go and complain!"

The Marquis of Linhuai looked at the guard at the door, thoughtfully.

Not long after the guard at the door passed the message in, Zhu Ping'an ran all the way from the military camp.

"My uncle is here. I am sorry to hear you come from afar. Please forgive me." Zhu Pingan bowed his hands to the Marquis of Linhuai and Wei Guogong. He was still out of breath as he trotted all the way over.

"My dear nephew, don't be anxious. It's not too late to catch your breath, haha," Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis said with a smile.

"Haha, let uncle laugh. Please, uncle." Zhu Pingan paused for two seconds, smiled, and stretched out his hand to invite the two of them in.

"Please my dear nephew."

The Duke of Wei and the Marquis of Linhuai nodded and entered the camp.

"My dear nephew, these guards of yours are very tight. We showed our identity badges to show our identities."

After Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis entered the camp, the guards at the door heard Wei Guogong talking to Zhu Pingan. Due to the distance, they could not hear clearly, but they could clearly feel Wei Guogong's unkind tone.

"Did you hear that the Duke who just came in is complaining to us adults? Do you think we will be punished?"

A guard said worriedly.

"No way. When Datou and Erdan were beaten the day before yesterday, your Majesty emphasized the military regulations. Your Majesty said, 'As long as they are not soldiers of our Zhejiang Army, and do not get permission from all levels of people, even if the King of Heaven comes, they will not be released. Enter the military camp! 'We also follow military discipline and act according to the wishes of the adults, so we can't be punished, right?!" said another guard.

"But the Duke and the Marquis are your uncles. If they file a complaint, can you not give them the honor?"

"No way?"

The guard at the door became worried for a moment.

Just when they were worried, Liu Mu came from the camp. The guard at the door tensed up when he saw Liu Mu. Military discipline, military regulations, and military laws are all the responsibility of the Supervisory Battalion. Liu Mu is the commander of the Supervisory Battalion. Could it be that after listening to the complaint from the Duke, you sent Liu Mu to deal with us according to the military law? !

The guards' toes clench nervously.

"Don't be nervous, it's a good thing. You did a good job today. My lord asked me to reward you. Starting from this month, your monthly military pay will be increased by 10%." Liu Mu smiled in the nervous eyes of the guards.

"Ah?! Thank you, sir! Thank you, sir."

The guards were ecstatic.

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