Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1443 Emperor Jiajing’s special award

Zhu Ping'an led the Marquis of Linhuai and Duke Wei into the camp and expressed his gratitude for their visit and material support.

Of course, Zhu Ping'an was still very surprised by their arrival.

"Haha, my dear nephew, you don't need to thank us. We should thank you." Linhuai Marquis said with a smile.

"Ah?" Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but be startled.

"Thanks to Zihou for the mutiny in Zhenwu Camp last time, we escaped this disaster," Wei Guogong explained, "So we are here today to thank Zihou."

"The result of the processing has been decided, and the official document is only available in the past two days. I will tell you the details later." Marquis Linhuai added.

It turned out to be the last mutiny in Zhenwuying. After the results of the above handling came down, Zhu Pingan suddenly realized it.

Zhu Ping'an led the two men to the commander's tent. Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis observed casually as they walked.

Clean, tidy and orderly, this is their first impression of the Zhejiang Army military camp.

The soldiers have strong discipline and do not walk around randomly in the camp or gather in groups to play. They are all practicing seriously.

However, when they saw what the soldiers were practicing, Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis couldn't help but be stunned.

Standing at attention, taking a break, walking in unison, turning left and right, these modern military training methods looked like monkey tricks in the eyes of Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis. Especially turning left and right, it was as if they were watching a monkey trick. .

"My dear nephew, this method of military training is really unheard of. Do you want us to send some military and horse instructors over?" Wei Guogong did not say it very straightforwardly, but his meaning was clearly revealed.

What are you training for? You don’t know how to train soldiers? Let’s send some military trainers over to help you train soldiers.

"Thank you uncle, I won't use it for the time being." Zhu Pingan thanked him and declined Wei Guogong's kindness.

"My dear nephew, we have been in the army for most of our lives, and we have never seen your training methods like this. The training includes infantry fighting, horse fighting, water fighting, infantry shooting, mounted shooting, whips, knives, spears, etc. There are artillery and rattan martial arts, as well as firecrackers and artillery shooting skills, but what’s the point of your kind of training like standing at attention and taking a break, walking in unison?”

When the Marquis of Linhuai saw that Zhu Pingan declined Wei Guogong's kindness, he couldn't help but remind Zhu Pingan again.

"Back to my uncle, this is formation training, one of the training projects of the Zhejiang Army. It is to train soldiers' obedience and discipline, that is, to obey orders and prohibitions, so that they can engrav in their bones that 'it is the bounden duty of soldiers to obey orders'."

Zhu Pingan explained.

After hearing Zhu Pingan say that queue training was just one of the training items, Linhuai Marquis felt a little relieved.

It's just one of the training items, Zihou can tinker with it if he wants. As for Zhu Ping'an's claim that the obedience and discipline of soldiers could be trained through this kind of monkey-like formation training, the Marquis of Linhuai and Wei Guogong disagreed.

The commander's tent is located in the center of the military camp. Zhu Pingan led the two people into the commander's tent and poured them two cups of tea.

The two of them held teacups and looked at Zhu Pingan's handsome tent. It was simple, really simple, with only a bed, a cabinet, a table and two rows of chairs.

"My dear nephew, you have wronged yourself too much. I will send you a set of furnishings another day." Linhuai Marquis said with emotion.

"Thank you for your uncle's kindness, Pingan. The furnishings are enough." Zhu Pingan declined the Marquis of Linhuai's kindness.

The Marquis of Linhuai mentioned it again, but seeing Zhu Ping'an insisting, he had no choice but to give up.

After a few pleasantries, Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis got down to business and told Zhu Pingan the results of the mutiny in Zhenwu Camp.

"My dear nephew, you don't know how serious this time is. Huang Mao, the right servant of the governor of the Ministry of Revenue, was all killed in the rebellion. They were held accountable afterwards and were fired from their official positions by the Holy Emperor!" Wei Guogong said with emotion. .

Generally speaking, the deceased is considered to be the most important. Although the deceased made mistakes during his or her lifetime, they are often not held accountable after their death.

This time was different. Official Huang Mao died and was dismissed from his official position. Of course, this is his own fault.

"Mr. Ma Kunma, who was supposed to be the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, spent a lot of effort, relied on many connections, and went through many channels to finally go to the capital to serve as the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs. His butt is still hot. As a result, Because he had reduced the silver price to 0.4 taels when he was the Minister of Household Affairs in Yingtian, and now he is being held responsible for inciting the Nanjing Zhenwu Camp troops to rebel and was dismissed from his official position!" Wei Guogong was filled with emotion.

"And Cai Keqin is pitiful. He was just transferred to Yingtian Hubu Shangshu this year. He fell ill just after he took office. He can't take care of Yingtianhu Ministries. He has been recuperating at home. A few days ago, I heard that Mr. Cai recovered from his illness. He was about to take office, but he was impeached and lost his official position because of the mutiny in Zhenwuying."

The Marquis of Linhuai couldn't help but sigh.

Well, it's true that people are sitting at home and the pot comes from the sky, but who told you to be the Minister of the Ministry of Households in Yingtian now?

"My good nephew, I can't help but break into a cold sweat every time I think about it. If it weren't for my good nephew, even if we were lucky enough to survive the mutiny, I, Lao Li, and Eunuch He would definitely be severely punished afterwards. According to this accountability The severity of the crime, including dismissal and loss of official position, is light, and imprisonment is unavoidable, and if not, you may be beheaded."

Until now, Duke Guo of Wei has never been afraid of his future.

"Uncle, you are serious." Zhu Ping'an said modestly, and then asked, "I wonder how uncles are doing?"

"Thanks to my good nephew, the Holy Father just gave me a verbal warning, allowing me to make meritorious deeds and appoint me as before, and my official position will not change."

Wei Guogong smiled and said, very happy. The two ministers of Yingtian Hubu were implicated and lost their positions, and he, the Duke of Wei, was in charge of Zhenwu Camp. As a result, a mutiny broke out in Zhenwu Camp. He was able to keep his official position, which was a good ending that he could not have dreamed of.

"Old Li is very lucky. I heard accurate news that because he helped quell the mutiny in Zhenwu Camp, his position can be moved up." Wei Guogong pointed at the Marquis of Linhuai and said with envy.

"Ahem. It's all thanks to my virtuous nephew." Marquis Linhuai looked happy and couldn't close his mouth.

"Where is Eunuch He?" Zhu Pingan asked again.

"Eunuch He was also given a verbal warning. His official position remained unchanged, and he was also credited with a meritorious service in the inner court. Oh, I almost forgot. Eunuch He was unable to come today due to something unexpected. He asked us to send him a set of soft protective armor to express his gratitude. .”

As Wei Guogong spoke, he took an exquisite wooden box from his entourage, opened it and placed it in front of Zhu Pingan.

Inside the wooden box is a set of exquisite protective soft armor, which is worth a lot at first glance.

"Eunuch He said that this set of soft armor is invulnerable to swords and guns, and is invulnerable to water and fire. I think he is right." Wei Guogong said.

"My dear nephew, this is something Eunuch He thanks you for. Don't refuse, just accept it. Otherwise, Eunuch He will think you dislike it." Marquis Linhuai said with a smile.

"In that case, I will be disrespectful." Zhu Pingan accepted this set of protective soft armor.

"Oh, by the way, your wise nephew also made contributions in this mutiny, and the Holy One specially commended you." Linhuai Marquis added.

Special commendation? !

When Zhu Ping'an got this, he immediately became excited. This was a special award from Emperor Jiajing.

"What special award?" Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but ask, promotion, or getting rich?

"The emperor gave me a fragrant leaf crown." Linhuai Marquis and Wei Guogong said with envy, "This is made by the emperor himself. Your nephew is really in the heart of the emperor."

When Zhu Ping'an heard this, he was petrified on the spot and fell from the cloud into the muddy pond, with a look of tears on his face.

Fragrant leaf crown! ! ! What a special award this is! Also, is Emperor Jiajing forgetful? When he first became the Cabinet Secretary, Emperor Jiajing rewarded him with a fragrant leaf crown, and Hua'er laughed at him for cuckolding him.

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