Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1444 The Japanese are coming

When Zhu Ping'an sent Linhuai Marquis and Wei Guogong out of the camp, hundreds of miles away on the sea off Shangyu County, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, two Guan ships flying the flag of the Eight-Fatted Bodhisattva cut through the waves and came straight to the coast.

Shangyu County is one of the earliest counties established in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. According to county annals, historical records and unearthed cultural relics, human beings have been living and thriving here as early as the New Era. It was named "Shangyu" because Yu and Shun sealed their vassals here. . Among them, "Shang" refers to the position, because Yu Shun gave not only this one fief to his subordinates, but also other fiefs. This fief was located higher, so it was named Shang Yu.

"Sir, Mr. Straight Man, Mr. Sanfanlang, this place is Shangyu County, Shaoxing Prefecture, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces of the Ming Dynasty. When we first plundered the Ming Dynasty with Xu Hai, we landed here. This is the closest place to the Suhu area of ​​the Ming Dynasty that we have ever landed. area, and to the north of this place is the Suhu area, the most fertile area in the Ming Dynasty."

An armored samurai Japanese pirate stepped forward, pointed to the coast ahead, and reported to Nabeshima Naoo and Matsuura Sanbanro.

He was originally sent to Xu Hai by the Matsuura Family Governor. As the eyes and ears of the Matsuura Family Governor, he secretly monitored Xu Hai. He followed Xu Hai to plunder the Ming Dynasty many times and was relatively familiar with the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas of the Ming Dynasty.

"吆西! We can finally land. After wandering on the sea for so long, my body is getting moldy!" Nabeshima straight man moved his hands and feet, looking at Shangyu County with hungry wolf eyes, and licked his lips excitedly , "This is the Ming Dynasty, killing Ming people and robbing their wealth and women. Thinking about it makes me excited."

"Yes, we finally arrived in the Ming Dynasty! We encountered violent winds, rain, huge waves, and attacks by sea beasts on the way, but we didn't lose a single member of our party. It's really Amaterasu who protected us! With Amaterasu's protection, this trip will definitely go smoothly! "Matsuura Sanbanro also stood up, glanced at Shangyu of the Ming Dynasty from a distance, looked back and said to the Japanese pirates on the ship.

"Amaterasu protects you!"

"Kill, kill, kill! Grab, grab, grab!"

The Japanese pirates on the boat seemed to be drunk, waving their weapons excitedly and shouting like ghosts and wolf howls.

Soon, the two ships docked at a suitable location. The Japanese pirates, led by Nabeshima Naoo and Matsuura Sanbanro, armed with samurai swords and other weapons, jumped off the ship like hungry wolves and waded through the waist-deep water. The water comes ashore.

"Where is the closest county to here in the Ming Dynasty? My family heirloom sword is already hungry and thirsty."

After landing, Nabeshima asked those Japanese pirates who had been to Ming Dynasty.

"There are two county towns nearby, one is Shangyu County, and the other is Kuaiji County. In comparison, Kuaiji County should be slightly closer, and it is closer to the Daming Suhu area." There are Japanese pirates who know the nearby situation. He stepped forward to report and pointed out the directions of the two county towns.

"The troops are sent to Kuaiji County!" Naoshima Naoshima waved his Japanese sword vigorously in the direction of Kuaiji County and shouted.

"Straight General, we have come across an ocean and have just landed. Our bodies are exhausted and not in the best condition. We are not suitable for fighting. We should break down the houses first, eat and drink enough, recharge our batteries, and wait until our bodies recover. It’s not too late to destroy the county.”

Seeing that Nabeshima Naoman was going to attack Kuaiji County directly without stopping, Matsuura Sanbanro couldn't help but made a suggestion.

Nabeshima Naoshima looked back at Matsuura Sanbanro for a second, and then nodded vigorously, "As far as Sanbanro is concerned."

As a result, one hundred and fifty elite Japanese pirates, led by Naoshima Nabeshima and Matsuura Sanbanro, rushed towards the villages and towns in the direction of Kuaiji County.

The county town still has city walls, but what do the villages and towns have? ! Nothing, completely defenseless.

Nabeshima Naoshima and Matsuura Sanbanro led the ferocious Japanese pirates and killed them straight into the town in broad daylight, wielding Japanese swords.

"Japanese pirates! It's Japanese pirates! Japanese pirates are coming!" Someone in the village saw Nabeshima Naoman and other Japanese pirates who were coming to kill them, and they immediately shouted in panic. They were easy to identify, with their fierce looks, the sound of birds, and their long and narrow heads. Japanese sword

"The Japanese pirates are coming!"

Villages and towns suddenly fell into panic. People panicked, fled and cried, and the streets were in chaos.




One hundred and fifty elite Japanese pirates rushed into the town like wolves into a flock of sheep, slashing and killing everyone they saw, kicking in doors and households, and setting fire to homes. In an instant, the villages and towns became hell on earth, and blood was shed. There were corpses strewn all over the streets, houses were burning with black smoke, and the cries were horrific.

A quarter of an hour later, the three-story wooden building of Zhang Yuan's family, the richest in the town, was occupied by the murderous Japanese pirates as a temporary resting place.

Zhang Yuanwai's family had already been found dead in the courtyard. The male corpse was in a miserable state of death, and the female corpse was disheveled, with her skirts and trousers half taken off.

In contrast to the miserable Zhang Yuanwai's family, the Japanese pirates were singing and dancing like a group of demons, with laughter and laughter. A few people were also sumo wrestling, and there were cheers. Three large pots were set up in the middle of the courtyard, and there were stews in the pots. Chicken, duck, fish, mutton, etc., the broth is gurgling.

Nabeshima Naoshima and Matsuura Sanbanro sat in the middle of the Japanese pirates. Nabeshima Naoshima was gnawing a chicken leg in one hand and drinking from a sake flask in the other. Matsuura Sanbanro next to him was carrying a Japanese sword and placed a Japanese sword on his legs. He is holding a roll of animal skin paper and holding a brush in one hand to write and draw on it. If you look closely, you will find that what he drew is a map of the Ming Dynasty after landing. The names of Shangyu County and surrounding counties and towns where he landed are all marked on it.

"Well done Watanabe!" Naoshima Naoshima shouted hello for the Japanese pirates who won the sumo wrestling victory. He turned to look at Matsuura Sanbanro who was standing aside and asked with a puzzled look on his face, "Sanbanro, although I'm not good at strategy. , but following the house governor and my brother, I also knew some ways of using soldiers under the influence. I waited ashore this time and killed and plundered the Ming people's town. Shouldn't I run away to avoid the pursuit of the Ming army and find A safe place to recharge your batteries?! Why did you deliberately burn down the houses in the town to attract the attention of the wise? Allow the villagers to flee and let them send an alarm message? Why do you still occupy this wooden building in the town to rest?! Isn't that so? Are the Ming troops who are waiting to come after hearing the news be surrounded by them?!"

"Straight General, I did this on purpose." Matsuura Sanbanro stopped his brush and said frankly.

"Nani?! Sanbanlang, why did you put us in danger?! But you are not satisfied with His Highness's appointment?!"

Nabeshima Naoman pressed the Japanese sword with his excited hand and asked in a stern voice.

"General, straight man, please be patient. General, do you still remember the purpose of our trip?" Matsuura Sanbanro bowed and asked.

"Pry out the reality of the Ming Dynasty, reconnaissance routes, and open the way for the army to plunder the Suhu area of ​​the Ming Dynasty!" Nabeshima Naoman said in a deep voice.

"So, this is what I am doing today. Burning the houses and letting the villagers flee to warn people is to attract the attention of the Ming army. I want to spy on the Ming army's reaction time, assembly time and troop strength, so that the army can start to rob in the future. To plunder the Ming Dynasty, if we know our enemy and ourselves, we can fight without danger."

Matsuura Sanbanro explained.

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