Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1445 His honey, my sorrow

I see!

After hearing Matsuura Sanbanro's explanation, Nabeshima Naoshima immediately stood up, bowed his head and apologized to Matsuura Sanbanro, "吆西! Sanbanro, I recklessly misunderstood your good intentions. Please forgive me." .”

"Why should a straight man be like this? He is so humble." Matsuura Sanbanro hurriedly put down the pen and paper, stood up and bowed even lower.

After Nabeshima Naoji apologized, the relationship between the two became more harmonious, which can be said to be heart-to-heart.

However, Naoshima Naoshima still had a question, and couldn't help but ask Matsuura Sanbanro, "Sanbanro, it's necessary to spy on the Ming army's strength, but wouldn't such spying put us in a dangerous situation?! I am not someone who is afraid of death. It has always been my dream to fight and die for His Highness! I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of not being able to fulfill His Highness’s commission!”

"Don't worry, straight man. General, please take a look. This wooden building is built next to the river. There is a big river behind it. When the Ming army surrounds the wooden building, there will be no warships to block the river in a hurry. This is what we are waiting for." When the Ming army arrives, we don’t need to do our best. We only need to test the strength of the Ming army. When night falls, we can build a raft and break through the Ming army’s siege. By then, the Ming Dynasty will be as big as You can go!" Sanbanro Matsuura pointed to the river behind the wooden building and explained to Nabeshima Naoo.

"吆西! Sanbanlang, you are extremely powerful, both civil and military. After this success, I will recommend you to His Highness to the death. I believe that with your ability, you will definitely become famous in Hizen! No, your ability can be used in the world. Leave your name!" Naoshima Naoshima was full of praise for Matsuura Sanbanro after hearing Matsuura Sanbanro's explanation.

"General, you are so complimentary. Thank you so much for your support, General!" Sanbanro Matsuura first humbled himself, and then thanked him gratefully.

After a conversation, Nabeshima Naoji's worries and doubts were all eliminated, and he started to eat and drink with confidence.

Matsuura Sanbanro continued to draw the map, while the remaining Japanese pirates continued to sing and dance, and the demons danced wildly.

If they hadn't been Japanese pirates who had just killed hundreds of people, if they hadn't occupied the magpie's nest, if the courtyard hadn't been littered with corpses, if there hadn't been a river of blood outside, the scene in the courtyard could have been called a prosperous time of singing and dancing!

But what a pity!

This is the Ming Dynasty, and they are murderous Japanese pirates! At your feet are the innocent people of the Ming Dynasty whose corpses are still cold!

"General Nabeshima, Major General Sanbanro, the meat is cooked and it's time to start." A Japanese pirate who was responsible for taking care of the three pots of chicken, duck, fish and mutton stewed after confirming that the meat was cooked, respectfully stepped forward to report, asking Nabeshima Naoman He and Matsuura Sanbanro ate first. The situation of the upper and lower classes in Japan is even worse than that of the Ming Dynasty. As far as banquets are concerned, the subordinates dare not and cannot start the banquet before the superiors start it.

As a matter of course, Nabeshima was the first one to step forward, stabbed a fat leg of lamb with his samurai sword, ordered a basin of broth, took five pancakes, occupied a table, and started feasting. .

Matsuura Sanbanro did not use a katana, but picked up a duck with chopsticks. The katana is an ancestral item of the Matsuura family. Matsuura Sanbanro respects it as an ancestor and cherishes it as life. He gets up every morning and evening. He would wipe and maintain it carefully while sleeping. He would never use it for anything other than fighting, killing, and drinking blood. If he used a samurai sword to insert, cut, and cut food like Nabeshima Naoshima did, Matsuura Sanbanro would feel that he had insulted his ancestors.

Matsuura Sanbanro took a duck, filled a bowl of broth, took three cooking cakes, and nodded to the remaining Japanese pirates.

Other Japanese pirates began to compete for meat and broth.

"You bastards, eat more meat, drink more soup, and drink less alcohol. Everyone can only drink one or two at most. Keep your head awake for me, and I will meet the Ming army later! Whoever dares to drink more, I will take his heart. Let’s drink! After eating and drinking, half of us will go to bed and recharge our batteries; the other half will be on guard!”

Nabeshima Naoman tore a piece of mutton into big mouthfuls, chewed it, and shouted to the Japanese pirates who were snatching the meat.


The Japanese pirates responded with a roar.

"Sanbanro, those who truly love swords must regard the sword as another self. They eat, drink and sleep together. The sword must be used multiple times. Only in this way can man and sword become one, and in every battle, he can be invincible!"

Naoshima Nabeshima said to Matsuura Sanbanro with a grin while cutting the mutton with his samurai sword.

This is what Nabeshima Naoshima does. When he eats meat, he uses his samurai sword to insert and cut it. When he drinks, he also pours wine on his katana sword. When he sleeps, he sleeps with his samurai sword in his arms. Of course, the sheathed katana will also be involved. After everything is done, he will carefully wipe and maintain the katana.

"There are thirty million martial arts. Everyone has his own way. This is the way of a straight male general. My way is different from that of the general."

Matsuura Sanbanro shook his head slightly and expressed tactfully that he disagreed with Nabeshima Naoshima's words.

"Haha, that's right. There are thirty million martial arts. The path I am walking on has few companions, so I can't force it."

Naoshima Naoshima laughed, and he cut the meat with his samurai sword and started to feast on it.

"Smells, it smells so good!"

"Kill Ming people, rob Ming people, and kill Ming people. This day is so beautiful. I really regret not coming to Ming Dynasty earlier!"

"The flower girls of the Ming Dynasty are so nice. They are tender and tall. They have a unique taste when they resist."

"Ming people are so easy to kill, Ming people are so rich, and there are so many good things. This village can be called a 'city' in our country, but it is just a village in the Ming Dynasty. If we didn't have a mission, we would have to go to the Suhu area of ​​the Ming Dynasty. When we explore the road, we can only take some light gold, silver and jewelry. I really want to carry all the things from Akito’s family to the boat! In this village alone, we can eat enough for several years on our return trip."

One hundred and fifty Japanese pirates were feasting and laughing while exchanging their thoughts and feelings about their plunder.

Half an hour later, Nabeshima Naoshima threw the mutton leg bone in his hand to the ground, burped, stood up and stretched, and said with a smile of disappointment and satisfaction, "Burp~~ I'm full! Tomorrow! Are all the soldiers old? Why are their arms and legs so old? Why are they so slow? It’s been so long and they haven’t arrived yet?!”

"Isn't this a good thing?" Matsuura Sanbanro smiled.

"Haha, it's indeed a good thing." Naoshima Naoshima and all the Japanese pirates laughed.

"You bastards, half sleep and half alert! Recharge your batteries to wait for the Ming army! Sanbanlang, I'm going to sleep first. If there is any movement, remember to wake me up." Nabeshima Naoman first shouted to a group of Japanese pirates He said something, urging them to sleep and be alert, and then told Matsuura Sanbanro in a warm voice, then he held the knife, kicked open a door, and went in to sleep.

That is to say, Nabeshima Naoman had just laid down and hadn't warmed the bed when he heard a commotion outside, and then Matsuura Sanbanro walked in with a cautious look on his face and reported, "Nabeshima General, the Ming army is here. "

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