Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1446 The opportunity to make meritorious deeds has come

"Well done! Finally here! My broadsword is already thirsty."

When Nabeshima Naoji heard that the Ming army was coming, he grinned happily. Gulu got out of bed, and with the help of Matsuura Sanbanro, he put on the Daikai, put on the lion's helmet, and came to the courtyard with his samurai sword. .

This set of Daikai was once worn by Ryuzoji Takanobu, and was specially given to Nabeshima Naoto before departure.

After Naoshima Naoshima put on the armor, he became extremely heroic. He felt that the power was transmitted from the armor to his body, and his combat power increased.

Matsuura Sanbanro also wears a set of armor. Although it is not as gorgeous as Nabeshima Naoji's, it is also a valuable full-body heavy armor inherited from the Matsuura family. Its defensive power must be greater than that of Dai Kai. The armor of other Japanese pirates is higher. They accounted for about one-third, and most of their armor was light armor. The other Japanese pirates had no armor and wore cloth clothes and bare feet.

The Japanese pirates in the courtyard were ready for battle. Dozens of Japanese pirates with bows on their backs stepped on chairs, exposed half of their heads on the courtyard wall, and stretched out their hands to draw their bows. There were also ten Japanese pirates holding iron cannons, occupying the commanding heights on the third floor, with the muzzles of their guns drawn. Externally; the remaining Japanese pirates are engaged in close combat, holding swords, naginata, spears and other weapons in their hands, ready to attack.

Although there were only 150 Japanese pirates, they were all full of fighting spirit, and no one showed fear on their face.

"Xinxi, you bastards, that's good!" Naoshima Naoshima looked at the group of Japanese pirates and grinned with satisfaction.

"General Straight Man, please see, the Ming army is no longer strong enough." Matsuura Sanbanro said pointing outside.

Nabeshima Naoman raised his head and looked outside, and saw that a large number of Ming troops were advancing towards the place outside.

Nabeshima Naoshima made a rough count and found that there were about two thousand people. He grinned and said, "円西! My sword will be full of blood in one move!" Then he turned to the Japanese pirates in the courtyard and shouted, "You bastards, We only have one hundred and fifty people, and there are more than two thousand Ming troops outside, are you afraid?!"

"Don't be afraid!"

"Afraid?! We are afraid that the Ming army is not enough for us to kill! I heard that the Ming army is as weak as monkeys."

The Japanese pirates in the courtyard laughed arrogantly, and each of them regarded the Ming army coming to encircle and suppress them as nothing.

"Hahaha, you stinking bastards with heinous crimes and inhumanity are worthy of being my good sons in Yamato!" Nabeshima laughed with satisfaction and pointed at the belated Ming army outside. He said arrogantly: "When the Ming army comes, I will lead you bastards to kill them all!"




The Japanese pirates in the courtyard were waving their weapons, all with murderous intent, and their faces were as ferocious as wolves.

"General Straight Man, everyone, wait for this wave of Ming people to come. If the Ming army is strong, if we want to save ourselves, we only need to guard the courtyard. We will make rafts in the evening, attack the Ming army at night, and cross the river to escape. ; If the Ming army is weak, then you should not kill too hard, use some strength, and don't scare the Ming army away. This is our first time to contact the Ming army. This is a rare opportunity. I want to observe and study the Ming army. In this situation, after today, you can kill as much as you want."

Matsuura Sanbanro calmly looked at the fanatical Nabeshima Naoman and a group of Japanese pirates, and suggested calmly.

"Sanbanro, I listen to you!" Nabeshima Naoman nodded and said to the Japanese pirates, "I have heard what General Sanbanro said! Akito will come later, so use your strength and don't miss the spying. A big event for Ming Dynasty!"


All the Japanese pirates said in unison.

Somewhere outside the courtyard, more than two thousand Ming troops were advancing towards the courtyard. Their uniforms divided them into two distinct parts.

Some of them were troops led by Liu Xi, the prefect of Shaoxing. There were more than 1,000 troops in total, 400 of them were soldiers of Shaoxing Prefecture, and 600 were informal troops such as government officials and civilians from the eight counties within the jurisdiction.

The other part is the Qianwei soldiers led by Xu Ziyi, a Qianhu of the Weisuo.

Magistrate Liu and Xu Qianhu did not negotiate to join forces to encircle and suppress the Japanese pirates, but led their troops separately to encircle and suppress the Japanese pirates.

More than a hundred people survived in Funing Town (that is, the village where Naoshima Naonan and his gang of Japanese pirates scourge). After escaping with their lives from the Japanese pirates' butcher's knife, the news spread that the Japanese pirates had landed in Funing Town, and the Shaoxing prefect Liu Xi and Xu Ziyi, a member of Qianhu of the Guard House, learned the news almost at the same time. After learning that there were only more than 100 Japanese pirates who landed, Shaoxing magistrate Liu Xi and Weisuo Qianhu Xu Ziyi both came to the conclusion: This was a good opportunity to make a contribution!

Recently, under the connivance and instigation of Wang Zhi, the leader of the Japanese pirates, the Japanese pirates have gone crazy. The frequency of landing and harassing the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas has greatly increased. Shaoxing Prefecture has been attacked by Japanese pirates nearly ten times more than in previous years. Liu Xi, the prefect of Shaoxing, and Xu Ziyi, a member of Qianhu of the Guard House, were under great pressure.

The status of the prefect in the Ming Dynasty is equivalent to that of a high-ranking official of a prefecture-level city who concurrently serves as the mayor. He has a high position and heavy responsibilities. He is responsible for the government's decrees and commands the counties. He promulgates national decrees, governs the people, and hears and decides lawsuits. , inspecting traitors, evaluating subordinate officials, collecting taxes and other government affairs are all their responsibilities. Of course, the most important responsibility is to protect the environment and the people. Nowadays, Japanese pirates have repeatedly harassed the counties of Shaoxing Prefecture, causing serious casualties and property losses to the counties of Shaoxing Prefecture. Can Liu Xi, the prefect, not be under great pressure?

The Ming Dynasty Guards Station was equivalent to a small military region today and was responsible for defense. One of the main areas that Xu Ziyi, Qianhu of the Guard House, is responsible for guarding is Shaoxing Prefecture. Now the Japanese pirates are attacking Shaoxing Prefecture like crazy. As Xu Qianhu, who is responsible for guarding, the pressure is like Mount Tai.

During this period, the Japanese pirates who harassed Shaoxing Prefecture often numbered more than a thousand, and the few were as many as five or six hundred. Magistrate Liu and Xu Qianhu wanted to kill the Japanese, but their troops and combat effectiveness were limited, and their intentions were powerless.

Now, I heard that a group of more than a hundred Japanese pirates had landed, and I immediately felt that this was an opportunity to catch all the Japanese pirates and make a great contribution.

In the past, when Japanese pirates landed and harassed, they would inform each other, reach consensus, and join forces to expel the Japanese pirates.

But this time is different.

This was an opportunity to make meritorious deeds. After learning the news, they further confirmed that the news was true and that there were indeed only more than a hundred Japanese pirates. They did not even think of notifying the other party to jointly send troops. They each recruited troops and horses to rush to exterminate the Japanese pirates and meritorious service. They met each other while walking on their own paths.

Haha, what a coincidence.

Magistrate Liu and Xu Qianhu were immediately embarrassed, but they were both masters of officialdom and could handle such embarrassing situations with ease.

"Xu Qianhu, after I heard that Funing Town under my jurisdiction was captured by Japanese pirates, I felt sorry for the people. I was afraid that the Japanese pirates would cause more killings. I didn't have time to inform Xu Qianhu, so I mobilized troops to wipe out the Japanese pirates."

Magistrate Liu said with a sad look on his face.

"Prefect Liu, the general also heard that Japanese pirates had landed in Funing Town. He was worried that the Japanese pirates would plunder other places, so he hurriedly summoned the troops from the guard station to destroy the Japanese pirates. They were so eager to destroy the Japanese pirates that they did not have time to notify Governor Liu."

Xu Qianhu clasped his hands in his fists, with a guarded and responsible look on his face.

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