Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1452 Why avoid it?

The night sky was so dark that it was difficult to see even one's fingertips. Qian Laoyushi and his party held torches and lanterns, illuminating the road with bright lights. Of course, the interior of the eight-carriage sedan that Censor Qian was riding in was brighter. The Batai Bridge was spacious enough, and four windproof lamps from Ru Kiln were hung on the walls of the carriage, illuminating the interior of the sedan as brightly as day.

Mr. Qian, the old censor, was sitting on a soft cushion, holding a volume of books, and was reading with gusto. A concubine in her 28s, with a pretty face, wearing a fox scarf, sat next to Mr. Qian, and from time to time put a peeled tangerine into Mr. Qian's mouth.

"Master, it's getting more and more gloomy today. I guess it's going to snow. Fortunately, I'll be at the master's house soon, otherwise I might be stuck in the snow tonight." The beautiful concubine opened the sedan window and went to the car. After taking a look outside, he closed the curtains, turned his head and said to Mr. Qian in a coquettish voice.

"Haha, Li Nu, this is the south, not your northern land. No matter how much snow falls, it won't be able to trap people, but it will add a bit of poetry." Old Censor Qian stretched out his hand and pinched the concubine's face, laughing. Then he said, "Green ants have newly fermented wine, and there is a small red clay stove. It's getting snowy in the evening, can I have a glass of wine?"

"The master is so confident that all the maids and concubines want to sit around the fire and have a drink with the master." The beautiful concubine fell into the arms of the old censor Qian and said softly.

"Haha, you are such a greedy raccoon slave. When you get home, I will do what you want." Old Censor Qian said very much.

"The master knows my concubine's drinking capacity. I can drink a glass of wine, so the master must not dislike me."

The concubine said coquettishly.

"Haha, if you get drunk, I will carry you to bed, I'll make sure you don't get cold." Old Censor Qian joked as he held his beautiful concubine in his arms.

"Last time, the master got my concubine drunk. Just, how good is the master?" The beautiful concubine buried her face in Qian Lao Yushi's arms and trailed off in a coquettish voice.

"Haha." Old Censor Qian laughed endlessly, put down the book in his hand, and placed his hands on the beautiful concubine.

"Dong dong." Just when the temperature inside the car began to rise, two consecutive sounds of fingers tapping on the car came from outside, and then someone reported outside the car, "Sir, there will be something to report."

"Ahem." Old Censor Qian instantly pushed the concubine aside, coughed, and sat upright. At the same time, he did not forget to take the abandoned scroll in his hand again, and saw that the concubine had also arranged her clothes and made them. Finally, he stretched out his hand to lift the curtains and saw the reporter asking in a deep voice, "General Liu, what do you have to report?"

"Back to your lord, I just met a villager and learned a piece of news. It concerns your safety, so I dare not delay, so I have to disturb your lord's cleaning. I learned from the villagers that a group of Japanese pirates came from Shangyu County, Shaoxing Prefecture this morning. Go ashore and attack Funing Town, which is more than ten miles away."

Liu Baihu reported.

Liu Baihu was sent by Hu Zongxian to escort Qian Laoyushi to safety, and he brought a hundred fully armed soldiers with him.

What? Did Japanese pirates land in Shangyu and plunder Funing Town? ! Funing Town is only about ten miles away. Doesn't that mean that the Japanese pirates are already close at hand and may appear in front of me at any time? !

The old censor Qian, who was still a god, heard that Japanese pirates had come ashore and attacked Funing Town not far ahead. His face suddenly changed. His face was ashen, cold sweat was pouring down his back, and his hand holding the scroll was also wet. He shivered uncontrollably and asked quickly, "How many Japanese pirates landed in Shangyu and where are they now?"

"Lord Huiqian, there are about 150 Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu." Liu Baihu reported with clasped fists.

"There are only one hundred and fifty people." Hearing this, Old Censor Qian breathed a huge sigh of relief, and his heart was relieved. The fear and panic were swept away, and the color returned to his pale face. , the cold sweat on my back stopped, the hand holding the scroll stopped trembling, and my waist straightened up.

One hundred and fifty Japanese pirates! ! ! A mere hundred and fifty Japanese pirates dared to go ashore and plunder! ! !

In the past, when Japanese pirates came ashore to plunder, they usually numbered 1,800 people, or even tens of thousands. However, this group of Japanese pirates only had about 150 people. This was a poor settlement among the Japanese pirates, and the worst among the Japanese pirates!

Haha, there are only 150 Japanese pirates, but we have 138 fully armed officers and 100 regular soldiers. In addition, before leaving office, I specially recruited 30 skilled soldiers. The excellent guards have equipped them with excellent armor, which is better than the armor of the regular army. Not counting other disciples and servants, we have a full 268 fighting men, which is better than the Japanese pirates. That's more than a hundred people.

With such a force, there is absolutely no problem in self-protection. The Japanese pirates landed ashore only to plunder wealth, not to fight, and they did not know how to chew bones. The Japanese pirates saw from a distance that their own troops were so numerous, strong and strong. The team will definitely stay far away. Haha, of course, if the Japanese pirates were not wise and unlucky and bumped into them, then it would be time for them to make a great contribution. Two hundred and sixty-eight people deal with 150 Japanese pirates. You can imagine the result with your eyes closed. They will definitely be able to defeat the Japanese pirates easily, and maybe even capture the heads of dozens of Japanese pirates!

Haha, the old censor left his post and returned home. He encountered a Japanese invader on the way. He remained calm in the face of danger. He commanded well and annihilated the Japanese pirates. He successfully accomplished the great feat of killing the Japanese pirates.

Haha, this is a legendary story that will last forever! It is also a heavy contribution! His name will also be spread throughout the south of the Yangtze River and throughout the Ming Dynasty with the Di Bao. Maybe it will even reach the holy hearing and his name will go down in history.

Haha, originally, when I became an official, I could only support En Yin's eldest son. With such a merit, it was enough to support my younger son.

Thinking of this, the corners of Old Censor Qian's mouth couldn't help but curl up. He even thought about the title of the next issue of the Di newspaper: The old Censor met Japanese pirates when he returned home from official duties, and it seems that Lian Po Lao Dang has made great achievements.

"Sir Qian, the latest news we got is that in Funing Town ahead, Master Liu, the prefect of Shaoxing, and Xu Qianhu, the guard post, led two thousand soldiers and horses to surround the Japanese pirates in a wooden building courtyard in Funing Town."

Liu Baihu then reported.


When Old Censor Qian heard this, he couldn't help but let out a slightly regretful sigh. Magistrate Liu and others led more than 2,000 soldiers and horses to surround more than 100 Japanese pirates. There was a nearly twenty-fold strength gap, and the Japanese pirates were unable to fly!

He could no longer accomplish the feat of slaying the Japanese, and he could no longer be kind to his young son. How could Mr. Qian not feel regretful?

However, there are some regrets, but more peace of mind. This is good. As I am getting older, I still put safety first. If Liu Zhifu and Xu Qianhu surrounded the Japanese pirates and exterminated them in Funing Town, which is about ten miles away, then I will be safe, because the four miles in front are my own. My hometown is Qianjiacun.

"Sir Qian, although the Japanese pirates were besieged by Mr. Liu and Xu Qianhu in Funing Town, for the sake of safety and in case the Japanese pirates slipped through the trap and collided with you, sir, would you like to change the route and stop at Hujiabao for one night and wait for tomorrow? I am humble enough to inquire about the situation and make sure everything is safe before heading on your way?"

Liu Baihu asked for instructions.

The Hujia Fort is right next to it, about a mile along the path. It is a dock with high walls and towers, focusing on defensive functions. Relying on Hujiabao and the more than 200 troops on our side, we will not be afraid even if a thousand Japanese pirates attack!

That's why Liu Baihu suggested this.

Hearing this, Mr. Qian, the censor, pondered for a moment and shook his head, "There are only a hundred Japanese pirates, so why should we be afraid? Let alone a few that have slipped through the net! The four miles ahead are my hometown. Let's make a big effort and we'll talk about it when we get to my hometown."

This is what Qian Laoyushi thought. If there were Japanese pirates who slipped through the net, they would definitely not dare to take the official route. In order to escape pursuit, they would definitely take small roads and go into the mountains and forests. It would be safer to take the big roads, but it would be dangerous to take the small roads to Hujiapu.

In addition, if there are Japanese pirates who slip through the net, my hometown will also face the risk of being attacked by Japanese pirates. I have brought 268 combat power. If I arrive at my hometown in time, I can also add a guarantee to my hometown.

Of course, if you really encounter a Japanese pirate who slipped through the net, haha, that would be better, it is time for you to make meritorious service.


Liu Baihu did not insist and took the order. In fact, he didn't think there was any risk in this trip. There were only more than a hundred Japanese pirates and they were surrounded by heavy troops. What could happen? He was just worried that some Japanese pirates would slip through the net and attack Mr. Qian and his family members, destroying Mr. Qian's army. It's just Shi Gui's good mood. Even if you encounter a Japanese pirate who slipped through the net, with the sword in your hand, the soldiers and horses under your command, and more than a hundred servants, you can guarantee that the Japanese pirate will be beheaded!

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