Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1453 Escort

The night is long and the official road is not lonely. After Qian Lao Yushi spoke, the mighty returning home team carried lanterns and continued along the Hang Shaoxing official road, aiming at Qian Lao Yushi's hometown - Qiaotoubao Town.

"My lord, I heard that there are Japanese pirates who kill people without blinking an eye, and the maids and concubines are afraid~" Inside the eight-carrying sedan chair, the beautiful concubine concubine said like a cat, and she fit herself into Qian Lao Yushi's arms, as if she was too scared So much so that she couldn't sit still, and she slowly slid down like a snake in the arms of Old Censor Qian, with her pretty face buried in Old Censor Qian's lap.

"Don't be afraid, um, raccoon slave, don't be afraid, the master is here."

As Qian Lao Yushi was talking, his old face suddenly flushed abnormally, and he tightly touched the beautiful concubine Ji's long hair with both hands. He closed his eyes, his voice became hoarse, and his breathing gradually became rough.

The official road is flat, the bearers are skilled, and the eight-carriage sedan is as stable as Mount Tai, but the inside of the sedan is not flat.

The night was dark, and Mr. Qian was walking on the brightly lit road, like a lighthouse in the vast sea. It was difficult not to be noticed.

There is a dense forest about three miles ahead of the official road. The official road just passes through the dense forest. In the dense forest, pairs of eyes are watching the official road. They are Naoshima Nabeshima, Matsuura Sanbanro and other Japanese pirates.

They had noticed Qian Lao Yushi and his party a long time ago. After crossing the Qishui River, Naoshima Naoman and Matsuura Sanbanlang sent ten Japanese pirates who were good at sneaking as scouts to carry out reconnaissance five miles ahead. The Japanese pirates had already sent back the news about Mr. Qian and his party. Although they did not know the identities of Mr. Qian and his party, they had clear information about the personnel, number of people, weapons and equipment.

"吆西! I am worried that the killing is not enough, and another one comes to die. Haha, it seems to be a big fish."

Naoshima divided the Japanese pirates into four parts. Two groups of Japanese pirates were ambushed on the left side of the road, about 50 meters apart, and two groups of Japanese pirates were ambushed on the right side of the road, also about 50 meters apart, like a pocket opened.

Pairs of bloodthirsty eyes are staring at Qian Lao Yushi and his party who are getting brighter and closer on the official road, waiting for Qian Lao Yushi and his party to enter an ambush, and then give Qian Lao Yushi and his party an "unforgettable" surprise .

Finally, Qian Lao Yushi and his party all stepped into the ambush circle of the Japanese pirates. Naoshima Naonan couldn't help but licked the corner of his mouth, shouted "Kill it!", held a samurai sword, jumped up, and was the first to rush out Out of the dense forest, he made his debut.

In the dark and sudden, Nabeshima Naoman burst out with a bird song, startling Mr. Qian and his party.

In the sedan chair.

The beautiful concubine was really shocked.

"Ah!" Old Censor Qian shouted in pain.

Outside the sedan chair, Liu Baihu and other escorts pulled out their weapons in shock the moment Naoshima Naonan jumped out, and couldn't help laughing when they saw a Japanese pirate with a black head and a bird's voice coming out of the dense forest. got up.

Japanese pirates? !

only one? !

Haha, isn’t this a God-given achievement? ! !

As a result, Liu Baihu and other escorts became excited, and they were all eager to try and convert Nabeshima Naoman's head into their military exploits.

"What's wrong?"

Old Censor Qian stuck his head out of the sedan window and asked angrily while covering his trousers.

"My lord, don't be alarmed, it's just a little Japanese." Before Liu Baihu finished speaking, he saw the Japanese pirate he laughed at rushed into the front escort team like a crazy wild boar, kicking Ruifei and the two who were fighting against him. Soldiers, with one sword strike, both soldiers were beheaded, and then the pigs suddenly advanced, killing all sides.

Almost at the same time, birds chirping and killing sounds rang out from all directions, and countless Japanese pirates came out with bird chirping sounds.

Seeing Naoshima's killing spree and many Japanese pirates coming out, Mr. Qian Yushi's pupils shrank suddenly, his face was pale and bloodless, and he shrank back into the sedan chair while shouting in panic: "Guard! Guarantee!"

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!", "Escort! Escort!" Liu Baihu's complexion also changed drastically, and he yelled in panic, but their voices were drowned out by the screams of Japanese pirates attacking from all directions.

Japanese pirates were coming out from all four directions, like crazy pigs and hungry wolves, rushing into the group and killing each other.

Why are there so many Japanese pirates? ! There are pirates on all sides!

The faces of Liu Baihu and other escort soldiers and horses were all pale. They couldn't see the specific situation clearly in the dark. They only felt that there were Japanese pirates in all directions, and the sound of birds chirping and killing kept coming and going. They felt as if they were surrounded by Japanese pirates! What a hundred or so people, what a fish that slipped through the net, the number of Japanese pirates must be at least four to five hundred! !

Suddenly everyone was terrified.

not only that!

The ferocity of the Japanese pirates also exceeded everyone's expectations. Like mad dogs and hungry wolves, each Japanese pirate jumped into the crowd and began to kill.

At the beginning, the soldiers and officers fought hard to resist the Japanese pirates, but the result of the resistance was without exception, they just died faster. The Japanese pirates are so cruel, and their skills are ridiculously powerful. Their swords are deadly, they will hurt you if you touch them, and you will die if you touch them! For a time, the heads of the Ming army and officers killed by the Japanese pirates were rolling, and their blood was flowing like a river!

This section of officialdom is like a slaughterhouse!

The Japanese pirates are so cruel and fierce that they don’t look like humans. They look like inhuman ghosts from hell!

After suffering heavy casualties, the soldiers and officers present were frightened to death by the ferocity of the Japanese pirates! There is no will to resist, everyone is so frightened that they cry for father and mother, excrement and urine flow out, and the army is defeated like a mountain.

Qian Laoyushi's eight-carrying sedan was in the middle of the official road and was the target of Japanese pirates. Soon Japanese pirates came over from the soldiers and officers to kill them.

"Steady! Steady!" Liu Baihu gathered more than ten soldiers in a panic and firmly guarded the sedan chair of Mr. Qian.

Liu Baihu's skills were pretty good. The first few Japanese pirates he killed were all forced back by the spear in his hand.


He can only be handsome for three seconds!

Liu Baihu's bravery attracted the attention of Naoshima Naonan, and Naoshima Naonan swung a knife all the way to kill him. The man cut his throat with a knife.

As soon as Liu Baihu fell, the dozen or so soldiers guarding the sedan suddenly dispersed like birds and beasts, and the bearers were so frightened that they threw down the sedan and ran away.

Of course, it was not easy to run away. Not long after I ran, I screamed and was chopped down to the ground by the Japanese pirates.

"Escort! Escort!"

The bearer ran away, and the sedan crashed to the ground. The old censor Qian kept shouting in a trembling voice.

"Protect!! Protect"

The trembling voice of Mr. Qian's censor suddenly stopped after Naoshima opened the sedan curtain with his samurai sword.

Old Censor Qian looked outside the sedan in horror.

Outside the sedan chair, Naoshima Naoman was holding a samurai sword, the tip of which was still dripping blood, the armor on his whole body was like blood, with his big white teeth bared, he looked at Qian Lao Yushi with a grinning grin, and then stabbed him Go in.

Blood splattered.

Nabeshima Naoshima had blood sprayed on his face repeatedly, but his ferocious smile was not affected by the blood at all and was still bright.

"Ah" the beautiful concubine Ji screamed in terror, "Don't kill me, don't kill me, you can do whatever you want" as she said, undressing, wanting to use her beauty to survive. However, just as she unbuttoned her collar, Nabeshima Naoshima pulled out the samurai sword from Qian Laoyushi's chest and stabbed her mercilessly.

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