Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1460: Pay homage to Zhang Jing again

Zhu Ping'an said goodbye to Zhang Zhengtai, and visited Chu Xiong and other colleagues in the government office one by one. He declined Chu Xiong's dinner invitation and left the government office for the main destination of the trip - the Yamen of the Ministry of War in Yingtian.

"I am Zhu Ping'an, the minister of punishment and inspection in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. I have come to see Zhang Shangshu and check the detailed files on the recent Japanese invasion." Zhu Ping'an showed his official badge to the guards at the Yamen of the Ministry of War, explaining his purpose.

"I've seen Mr. Zhu. Please invite Mr. Zhu." The guard verified Zhu Ping'an's waistband and respectfully let him go.

After entering the Yamen of the Ministry of War, a guard led Zhu Pingan inside and led him into an empty room to wait for a while. After pouring tea and water for Zhu Pingan, he said respectfully, "Master Zhu, please wait a moment. I will go and report."

"Thank you." Zhu Pingan said with cupped hands.

The officer went out to report and returned soon. When he came back, he said to Zhu Ping'an with an apologetic expression, "Master Zhu, what a coincidence. Master Zhang is meeting someone at the moment. I have to ask you to wait for another hour and a half."

"No problem. Excuse me, where are the detailed files on the recent Japanese invaders stored? Can I check the files on the Japanese invaders while I wait?" Zhu Pingan asked.

"Recently, the files on the Japanese invasion have been stored in the archives room next door. Sir, please follow me." The officer replied, leading Zhu Pingan to the archives room. He pointed to one of the bookshelves and said to Zhu Pingan, "Sir, this is the file on the recent Japanese invasion. The detailed information is there, adults can read it at will, and then put it back to its original place."

"Thank you." Zhu Ping'an cupped his hands and thanked him.

The bookshelf in the archives room is like a forest. Without the guidance of the guards, Zhu Pingan would not be able to find the Japanese dossier.

Standing in front of the bookshelf, Zhu Ping'an looked at it carefully. The bookshelf was full of Japanese war documents, which were registered and filed according to date. Then I only needed to search the Japanese war documents from the last five days.

There were a lot of files in these five days, as many as twenty. Each volume records a Japanese invasion, and twenty volumes means that more than 20 Japanese invasions have occurred in the past five days. This shows how rampant Japanese pirates have been during this period.

"In November 20th of the 31st year of Jiajing, Japanese pirates came from the east, landed in Wenzhou Prefecture, and attacked Yongjia County. The county magistrate Tang Yi led his troops to attack, but they were ambushed by the Japanese pirates. The Tang magistrate was frustrated and wounded, and retreated to Luomen Town. The Japanese pirates divided their troops into three groups. Massively plundering Yongjia County. Not this one." Zhu Pingan opened a file and found that it recorded the Japanese invasion of Yongjia County, so he put it back where it belonged and picked up another file.

"On November 21, the 31st year of the Jiajing reign, more than 2,000 Japanese pirates besieged Ningbo Prefecture. They divided their forces and robbed Fenghua and Xiangshan counties. Peng Manying, the magistrate of Xiangshan County, was afraid of the Japanese tigers and abandoned the city to escape. The residents of Xiangshan County were not harmed. This one."

Zhu Pingan opened the file and browsed it hastily, shook his head slightly, and put it back to its original position.

"On November 21, the 31st year of Jiajing, more than 1,800 Japanese pirates invaded Putian County and Zhendongwei in Fujian Province. Dai Hong, Gao Huai, Zhang Luan (Luan) and others from the Ming army died fighting. In the same month On the 23rd, the group of Japanese pirates invaded Pinghaiwei and Fuqing in Xinghua, Fujian. Qiu Zhen, Bai Ren, deputy chief of Qianhu, Yang Yimao, deputy chief of Qianhu, and Dong Qianzhen, commander of Quanzhou Guard, led the troops to suppress the Japanese. Fall down and fight to the death."

Then, Zhu Ping'an read three more files, and none of them were the group of Japanese pirates who landed in Shaoxing Prefecture.

When I turned to the sixth book, I came across the news record of the group of Japanese pirates who landed in Shaoxing Prefecture.

Zhu Ping'an flipped through the files on the crimes committed by this group of Japanese pirates one by one and watched them carefully.

"Oh, no wonder this group of Japanese pirates were able to pass through the Huizhou Pass." When Zhu Pingan flipped through a file, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

At the beginning, I was still wondering how these 150 Japanese pirates could pass through the natural chasm pass with their cold weapons.

Now, this dossier has clarified my doubts.

"On November 23, the 31st year of the Jiajing reign, the Japanese invaders from Shaoxing fled from Changhua to Qian County to Chun'an County. Hai Rui, the magistrate of Chun'an County, strictly guarded Chun'an County. In the town, Hai Rui, the magistrate of Chun'an County, led an attack and was defeated by the Japanese pirates. More than a hundred people were killed and injured. Hai Rui, the magistrate of Chun'an County, retreated to the county town and invited soldiers from Changhua and Yuqian counties to jointly attack the Japanese pirates. Changhua and Yuqian counties Before the soldiers were strong enough, the Japanese pirates broke into Huanggooyuankou of She County from Panshan Mountain in Chun'an. There were more than 600 officers, soldiers and civilians from the Huizhou Prefecture guarding the Huizhou Pass. The Japanese invaders broke into the pass and massacred two villages. They carried the heads of the villagers and carried them to the pass. When they blocked the pass, the guards of Huizhou Prefecture were very frightened when they saw it. Without firing an arrow, they collapsed. The Japanese pirates then broke through the pass and entered Huizhou, and robbed Jixi River."

After reading this file, Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but sigh. No wonder the Japanese pirates entered Huizhou easily. It turned out that the officers, soldiers and people guarding the passes in Huizhou were strong, and they had the right time, place and people, but they ran away in fear when they saw the Japanese pirates!

Flee without a fight, collapse without a fight, the majestic pass has become a decoration, an undefended decoration!

It was really an incompetent army that killed the people.

Zhu Pingan was speechless!

After sighing, Zhu Ping'an continued to flip through the files and carefully read the details that were not recorded in the Tang newspaper.

"Master Zhu, Zhang Shangshu has invited you." As soon as Zhu Ping'an finished reading the files, the officer came in to report.

"Thank you." Zhu Pingan thanked him with his hands, quickly returned the file to its original position, and followed the officer to see Zhang Jing.

"The lower official Zhu Pingan pays homage to Mr. Zhang." After Zhu Pingan entered the door, he immediately bowed his hands to Zhang Jing.

"Master Zhu, you are here, please sit down." Zhang Jing nodded slightly and pointed to the chair next to him.

Zhang Jing looked very tired, as if he hadn't had a good sleep for several days in a row. He had heavy dark circles under his eyes, lacked energy and energy, and looked like his body had been hollowed out.

This is the second time Zhu Ping'an has come to the Yamen of the Ministry of War to meet with Zhang Jing. He still remembers that the last time he met, Zhang Jing was still aloof and aloof, rejecting people thousands of miles away. This time, his treatment was obviously much better than the last time. Yes, everyone has been given a seat. Perhaps it was his performance during the last visit to Kaoji that changed Zhang Jing's view.

"Thank you, sir." Zhu Pingan thanked him, sat down, and politely raised his hands and said, "I didn't make an appointment in advance, so I was abrupt today and disturbed you."

"There's no need to say these clichés." Zhang Jing waved his hand and asked, "How is your group training going now?"

"I'm about to report to Master Zhang." General Zhu Ping'an once again briefly reported the overall situation of the Zhejiang Army, because he had just reported it to Master Zhitai, and he was more proficient in the report this time.

"Well, it's acceptable." Zhang Jing listened carefully and said lightly. Then he looked at Zhu Ping'an and said seriously, "Compassion does not govern soldiers, and justice does not govern wealth. You need to be more strict in your military training." We must not be merciful to these surrendered bandits, and if necessary, kill a few typical elements to serve as a warning to others."

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