Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1461 Zhang Jing’s second test (Part 1)

Uh, aren't I strict enough in running the army? ! Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but be startled after hearing Zhang Jing's comments about his kindness and mercy. I have established military laws and strictly enforced them. Is this still mercy?

Zhang Jing did not give Zhu Ping'an a chance to speak, and continued to ask, "Is your regiment capable of fighting now?"

Hearing this, Zhu Ping'an shook his head candidly and replied with a wry smile, "Sir, the Zhejiang Army under Xiaguan's command has only been training for more than half a month. At present, it has only begun to take shape and has not yet formed an army. Its combat effectiveness is limited and it is embarrassing. Fight." At this point, Zhu Ping'an changed the topic again and said with a firm face, "Despite this, I promise with my life and property that the Zhejiang Army will return if called upon, respond to any battle, and swear to the death to complete its mission!"

Hearing this, Zhang Jing nodded with satisfaction and glanced at Zhu Pingan with admiration, "You are very honest, which is quite rare. If you answer that you can fight, can fight, and are good at fighting, I will serve tea to see you off. You will be recalled when summoned, and you will be responded to when fighting. This is very good. It has the demeanor of a veteran general. If everyone in the military attache has this awareness, there will be no need to worry about the injustice of the Japanese pirates and the uncertainty of the northern captives. However, some It's easier said than done. As it is said, I don't force others to do what they want, and I won't force others to make things difficult for them. You can train strictly after you go back, and you will be of use to your Zhejiang army in the future."

There will be a day when we will be useful in the future. The subtext means that we are not needed now or in the near future.


Nowadays, the regular troops at the Beijing Camp and Guard Station near Yingtian really have no need for the militia under them, which is less than a thousand people and has been trained for less than a month.

Zhu Pingan also has self-knowledge in his heart.

Boom, boom, boom.

At this moment, there were three knocks on the door and the voice of a servant reporting, "Master Shangshu, I have something to report for my humble duty."

Zhang Jing said, "Come in." After the officer came in, Zhang Jing asked, "Qi Shuli, what do you have to report?"

"I would like to inform you, Lord Shangshu, that Zhang Xuan of the Southern Zhili Province and Councilor Zhang have come to the Yamen to ask for an audience." Qi Shuli bowed and reported.

"Why did Counselor Zhang come here?" Zhang Jing asked.

Qi Shuli bowed and replied, "Reporting to your lord, Zhang Shenyi said that yesterday he accidentally obtained a volume of "Wartime Notes" said to be monk Huaisu's. It recorded a war in the Tang Dynasty. The writing style is like a sudden rain and whirlwind, and the momentum is The whole hall was full, and Counselor Zhang could not tell whether the post was written by Monk Huaisu himself. Thinking of his great literary and military talents, he came to ask for advice."

Zhang Jing couldn't help frowning when he heard this, waved his hand impatiently, and said to the scribe without hesitation, "Tell Senator Zhang that I am busy with affairs and have no time to discuss it with him. Please ask him to go back."

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help being startled when he heard this.

Zhang Jing declined Counselor Zhang’s visit, so why did he receive him? In terms of rank, status, and weight, I am inferior to Counselor Zhang in every aspect. Counselor Zhang is a fourth-rank official in charge of military affairs in South Zhili.

"Yes." The scribe took the order and left.

"Master Zhu, are you wondering why I saw you but not Councilor Zhang?" Zhang Jing noticed Zhu Ping'an's confused expression and asked softly.

"I do have this doubt," Zhu Ping'an said frankly.

"I am really busy with work. The reason why I see you is because you are the only official who has come to the Yamen to check the detailed files of Japanese pirates in these days. Nowadays, the Japanese invasion is becoming more and more serious and has become the most serious harm in the south of the Yangtze River. It is natural to eliminate the Japanese pirates. It has become a top priority. If you are interested, I will naturally want to see you. As for appreciating copybooks and the like, I don't have the time!" Zhang Jing spoke slowly, clearing Zhu Pingan's doubts.

So that was the case, Zhu Pingan understood immediately. I was the only official who came to check the detailed files on the Japanese pirates. Who was the other person?

"Before you, Hu Zongxian, the censor of Zhejiang Province, also came to check the detailed files on recent Japanese pirates."

Zhang Jing seemed to be able to read minds. He knew Zhu Pingan's thoughts after looking at Zhu Pingan's expression, and took the initiative to speak.

Hu Zongxian!

Zhu Ping'an was not surprised to hear that Hu Zongxian took the initiative to check the detailed files of the Japanese pirates, because Hu Zongxian's main historical merit and achievement in history was to destroy the Japanese. Those who made great achievements in destroying the Japanese will naturally understand that only by knowing each other and knowing themselves can they be invincible in a hundred battles. reason.

"It's rare that you are a thoughtful person, Mr. Zhu. What do you think about the current Japanese invasion?"

Zhang Jing asked Zhu Pingan.

"The problem of Japanese invasion began in the pre-Yuan Dynasty and has continued to this day for more than 150 years. Before, Japanese pirates had not caused a major intrusion, but it is different now. In recent years, Japanese pirate invasions have become more serious, especially this year. Since then, the situation has changed suddenly, and the Japanese invaders have become increasingly serious. I checked the files and found that the Japanese invaders have become more serious this year. They are very different from the previous ones. They are characterized by frequent occurrences, long duration, large scale, large number of people, and wide areas. These Japanese pirates have achieved a large number of people. Thousands of people landed and plundered all over the southeastern coast. After landing and plundering, they no longer fled as quickly as before. Instead, they established strongholds along the coast, stayed there for a long time, and plundered at any time. They also began to penetrate deep into the interior. The most obvious An example is the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu! The Japanese pirates from Shangyu have penetrated deep into the territory of Huizhou! Among the Japanese invaders, not only the real Japanese but also the fake ones are also numerous. A large number of coastal residents have joined the Japanese pirates and committed evil and evil deeds. The official thinks, The Japanese invasion this year can be called the "big Japanese pirate"! The south of the Yangtze River is rich and has always been the focus of our country's wealth. The Japanese invasion in the south of the Yangtze River directly affects our country's financial income and the stability of the country, shaking the foundation of our country. We must exterminate the Japanese pirates and quell the Japanese chaos. It is not only the top priority for Jiangnan! It is also the top priority for our country! Even now it is even more urgent than the northern pirates. We must destroy the Japanese pirates without delay!"

Zhu Pingan thought for a moment and replied slowly.

After hearing Zhu Ping'an's answer, Zhang Jing couldn't help but nodded, "Mr. Zhu, you are indeed serious. There are many times, long time, large scale, large number of people, and wide area. You have made a good summary of the Japanese invasion situation this year."

"Thank you, sir." Zhu Pingan said modestly, "As long as you pay a little attention, you can see these situations."

"Haha, some people can't see that now that the Japanese invasion is so serious, they still have the heart to appreciate calligraphy. It's really ridiculous!" Zhang Jing couldn't help but sneered, and once again sarcastically mocked Zhang Shensen, who was unwilling to see him.


It seems that Senator Zhang was remembered negatively by Zhang Jing!

I originally wanted to use Monk Huaisu's copybook to get closer to Zhang Jing, but I didn't expect that it backfired. I couldn't ask for a meeting. It was even more delusional to get closer, and Zhang Jing was remembered as a negative example.

It is conceivable that Zhang Shensen, who has become a negative example, will never get any good results from Zhang Jing.

As long as Zhang Jing is here, Counselor Zhang can't even think about being promoted! You even have to worry about whether you can wear your black gauze hat!

Zhu Ping'an couldn't help but observed a moment of silence for Counselor Zhang.

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