Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1462 Zhang Jing’s Second Test (Part 2)

"Now that the Japanese invasion situation is so serious, Mr. Zhu, what do you think about the suppression of Japanese invaders?" Zhang Jing asked again.

When Zhu Pingan heard this, he paused slightly. Zhang Jing's question was a very complex and huge one.

The Japanese pirates in Jingnan have entered the "big Japanese pirates" period since this year. The Japanese pirates who used to fight in small groups have become more and more numerous. They are numerous and attack cities and lands. They have reached the point of shaking the Ming Dynasty's rule in Jiangnan. Their harm is no less than that of successive crimes. The Japanese invaders from the north invaded the border, and the Japanese invasion also reached the level of "war chaos".

Zhu Ping'an came from modern times and knew that this "big Japanese pirate" rebellion would last ten years before it was put down.

Therefore, "suppressing Japanese" is a complex, huge and systematic proposition. It cannot be explained in a few words, even in three to five days. However, since Zhang Jing asked, he must answer the key points based on history.

After all, Zhang Jing will dominate Jiangnan's political situation for a period of time. The quality of his answers is directly related to whether he has the opportunity to appear on the stage during this period and the weight of his appearance, whether he is a passerby or a corner player.

"My lord, we have the right time, right place, right people, and the best people. If we carry out a large-scale campaign to suppress the Japanese pirates, we will definitely win! As for the time required to suppress the Japanese pirates, the shorter the better, and the faster the Japanese pirates are eliminated, the better. However, considering the actual situation, Nowadays, Japanese invasions are frequent, long-lasting, large-scale, numerous in number, and cover a wide area. However, our coastal defenses are ineffective, our coastal defense stations are empty, and our combat power is weak. I believe that eradicating Japanese pirates cannot be done overnight, and I want to do it all at once. Destroying the Japanese in battle is difficult to achieve, so we need to treat it with caution, plan it slowly, concentrate our forces, deploy troops and generals, and attack by land and water." After Zhu Pingan thought for a moment, he handed over his hands and replied to Zhang Jing.

After hearing Zhu Pingan's answer, Zhang Jing looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes, "Are you saying that it is difficult to quickly annihilate the Japanese pirates in a short period of time?"

"Yes." Zhu Ping'an nodded, "The lower official believes that the Japanese will be victorious, but it is difficult to suppress them urgently, so they must be suppressed gradually."

Zhang Jing looked at Zhu Ping'an with burning eyes, tapped the table with his fingers, and raised his voice and said, "Japanese plagues are in our Jiangnan, and most of our government's taxes come from Jiangnan. If Jiangnan is unstable, the country will be unstable. Jiangnan Maybe, our government's money bag will be deflated, and the suppression of the Japanese pirates is imminent! The Japanese pirates are unjust, but our government is righteous, and the time, place, and people are all in our government, so we can't rush to suppress the Japanese pirates?"

"Xiaoguan also hopes to wipe out the Japanese pirates quickly, but judging from the actual situation, it is difficult." Zhu Pingan shook his head slightly and insisted.

Although he looked at Zhang Jing with an oppressive and questioning attitude, Zhu Ping'an, who came from modern times, knew Zhang Jing's true thoughts.

Urgent suppression was the attitude of Emperor Jiajing and the cabinet, but not Zhang Jing's. Zhang Jing was in Jiangnan. He knew the actual situation in Jiangnan better than Emperor Jiajing and the cabinet. He knew the situation of Japanese pirates and was also familiar with the situation of Ming Dynasty itself. He Zhang Jing is mature and prudent in his work. His attitude is to suppress the Japanese gradually and with full confidence. This is what Zhang Jing did in history. Zhang Jing mobilized Guangxi wolf soldiers, dispatched troops, concentrated superior forces, and fully After preparation, we started to suppress the Japanese.

Seeing Zhu Pingan insisting on his point of view, Zhang Jing's eyes flashed with a trace of appreciation that was difficult to capture.

Zhang Jing also asked Hu Zongxian these questions when he came to check Japanese pirate information and visit.

Hu Zongxian's answer at the time was: mobilize troops and generals. Jiangnan suffered an extraordinary Japanese disaster. We should break the usual pattern and mobilize troops from various provinces southward to assist Jiangnan. We should concentrate our superior forces and vigorously kill them. We will definitely defeat the Japanese pirates. Stop the foreign barbarians from peeking into China, this is the way to solve it once and for all.

The two men's strategies for destroying Japanese overlapped but also differed, and Zhang Jing appreciated them both. Zhu Pingan prefers an overall view, while Hu Zongxian prefers specific strategies. Of course, Zhu Ping'an was more cautious about destroying the Japanese, while Hu Zongxian was much more optimistic.

Zhang Jing has been serving as the Minister of War in Yingtian for some time, and he has a thorough understanding of the Japanese pirates in the south of the Yangtze River.

This group of Japanese pirates is strong and ferocious. The Japanese pirates are not unified, but there are countless groups, the big ones are tens of thousands, the small ones are hundreds, most of them are thousands of people. The strongest among them is Wang Zhi, who can command most of them. The Japanese pirates, followed by Xu Hai, were powerful, second only to Wang Zhi in terms of troops and horses, and there were more than ten large Japanese pirates such as Peng Laosheng. These Japanese pirates are scattered in the vast sea, sometimes gathering and sometimes scattering. It is really difficult to catch them all!

Several groups of Japanese pirates gathered together, with a large number of people, strong fighting power, and difficult to fight; small groups of Japanese pirates were also mobile and flexible, and difficult to fight. For example, the Japanese pirates who recently committed crimes and were extremely arrogant and landed in Shangyu only had more than a hundred people. , but they are extremely powerful in combat and extremely flexible. They commit crimes on the run and are hard to trace, causing everyone to be devastated.

Therefore, these Japanese pirates may seem like a mob, but they are actually formidable enemies that are difficult to deal with!

As for the combat effectiveness of the Ming army in the south of the Yangtze River, Zhang Jing, as the Minister of War in Yingtian, knew very well that it was insufficient, very insufficient.

In such a situation, it is almost impossible to quickly eliminate the Japanese pirates, and Zhang Jing's attitude is also to eliminate them gradually.

If we want to exterminate the Japanese pirates, it is absolutely impossible to rely solely on the Ming army in Jiangnan. The guards in Jiangnan are weak and, to put it bluntly, almost vulnerable to a blow. They have already lost the courage they had when the country was founded. If we want to destroy the Japanese, we must mobilize troops and generals from other places as Hu Zongxian said. As for the target of the deployment, Zhang Jing has already had an ideal target in mind. Unlike Hu Zongxian who mobilized troops from various provinces southward, Zhang Jing prefers to mobilize troops. Guangxi Wolf Soldiers.

That’s right, it’s the Guangxi Wolf Soldiers!

Zhang Jing had served as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi and knew the power of Guangxi's wolf soldiers. In the sixteenth year of Jiajing, there was a rebellion in Duantengxia, Guangxi. The Yao people in Guangxi attacked the city and killed officials, which then attracted many ethnic minorities such as Miao, Yao, and Zhuang to participate in the rebellion. The momentum was huge. Emperor Jiajing saw that the situation was serious and appointed Zhang Jing as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. After Zhang Jing took office, , after a hard battle, he finally put down the rebellion. During the process, he discovered the Guangxi Wolf Soldiers, a terrifying combat unit. The Guangxi wolf soldiers had little education and were illiterate, but they were brave and fierce. They caused a lot of trouble for Zhang Jing in his fight against the rebellion and left a deep impression on Zhang Jing.

Whether the Japanese pirates are tough or the wolf soldiers are tough, Zhang Jing thinks it is the latter.

If there were so many Japanese pirates in the Guangxi wolf soldiers, Zhang Jing felt that he might still be on the road to suppressing the rebellion in Guangxi.

There is a small incident that illustrates the fierceness of Guangxi's wolf soldiers. After Zhang Jing served as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi to quell the rebellion, he suddenly wanted to privately visit various places at the grassroots level to see if they were obeying the king's rule. Several Zhuang wolf soldiers were hired in the village to accompany them. On the road, a deer happened to jump out. These wolf soldiers chased it on foot with bare feet. They caught the deer with their bare hands, cut the meat and roasted it to eat. On the way, they met an eagle circling in the sky. A wolf soldier He took an arrow in his hand, shot it down and roasted it. One night, while staying in a small shop, I happened to encounter a group of robbers. Everyone in the shop looked frightened, except for a few Zhuang wolf soldiers who were able to take care of themselves. The robbers did not dare to come forward and fled.

In short, Zhang Jing had long planned to mobilize Guangxi wolf soldiers to go north to the south of the Yangtze River to participate in the suppression of Japanese pirates, but he just suffered from the fact that he did not have the power. Although he is the Minister of the Ministry of War in Yingtian, compared with the Minister of the Ministry of War in the capital, he is the Minister of the Ministry of War. Of course, even if he has the power of the Minister of the Ministry of War in the capital, he does not have the power to mobilize troops. The Minister of War seems to be the official of the highest military command, but in fact, the Minister of War can control the promotion of military attachés, but cannot handle the deployment of troops. The Ministry of War does not have this power at all. In the Ming Dynasty, troop transfer was a very serious and sensitive matter that required a lot of procedures. In fact, it was decided by the cabinet. If you want to mobilize Guangxi wolf soldiers, you must get the cabinet's consent. Cabinet consent alone is not enough. The ceremonial supervisor's The eunuchs must also agree, and the Ministry of War is only the actual executor.

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