Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1463 Zhang Jing’s Second Test (Part 2)

"Well, what do you think is the top priority for the plan to destroy the Japanese?" Zhang Jing looked at Zhu Pingan with burning eyes and asked again.

Zhang Jing also asked Hu Zongxian this question last time. Hu Zongxian's answer at that time was: mobilize troops, mobilize troops, or mobilize troops.

Hu Zongxian regarded the deployment of troops as the first and most urgent task in destroying the Japanese. If he wanted to destroy the Japanese, he had to mobilize his troops.

Zhang Jing is looking forward to Zhu Pingan's answer to see if Zhu Pingan has any unique insights into the current strategies to control Japanese invaders.

"The lower official believes that the first priority in the plan to destroy the Japanese is unified command!" Zhu Pingan said without hesitation.

"Unified command?" Zhang Jing was slightly startled. To be honest, Zhu Pingan's answer was a bit beyond his expectation.

"Or rather appoint the governor." Zhu Pingan said softly.

"Where does this come from?" Zhang Jing asked with great interest.

"Nowadays, the Japanese pirates are getting worse. Countless Japanese pirates gather and disperse, wreaking havoc in the south of the Yangtze River. From Shandong Province in the north to Guangdong Province in the south, they are all within the scope of the Japanese pirates' ravages. The strength of each province is limited, and Japanese pirates are roaming around to commit crimes. Just one province alone With such power, it would be difficult to annihilate the Japanese pirates, or even resist them. Under such circumstances, if we want to annihilate the Japanese pirates, we must coordinate the troops and supplies from Shandong, South Zhili, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and other provinces, and conduct unified command. Gather strength, mobilize troops and dispatch generals to exterminate Japanese pirates. In addition, our current military system in the south of the Yangtze River makes it difficult to effectively concentrate our forces to exterminate Japanese pirates. Now we have no responsibility to patrol the sea and manage the military forces. We have no flags on the river to fight against Japanese pirates, and we have no authority to prepare for Japanese invaders. The military talisman is sent, but the officers have no soldiers who have fought before, the militiamen have no people to train on daily basis except for the lower officials, and there is no other valuable source of military supplies. Therefore, unified command is imperative. If we want to achieve unified command , the only way to appoint a governor is to appoint a governor of Zhejiang. No, in these extraordinary times, extraordinary things should be done. The governor of Zhejiang is far from enough. The governor of Jiangnan should be appointed. The governors include southern Zhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places. The governor-general is given all military and financial powers within his jurisdiction. He has the power to coordinate the distribution of money, food and supplies to all provinces within his jurisdiction. He has the authority to command and mobilize the military forces of all provinces within his jurisdiction, and to mobilize the efforts of each province to fight and destroy Japanese pirates. Unify the command and appoint the governor of Jiangnan, as if he has the brains of a human being. , The lower official considers this to be the most important task to destroy the Japanese."

Zhu Ping'an looked at Zhang Jing and spoke slowly. Although his voice was not loud, it was loud and deafening.

"Governor-General of Jiangnan, governor-general of military affairs in Zhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other places."

When Zhang Jing heard this, he couldn't help but gasped. Zhu Ping'an, the governor of Jiangnan, was too bold to think about it. The jurisdiction of the governor of Jiangnan occupied half of the Ming Dynasty, and it was the most prosperous place in the Ming Dynasty. The power of the governor of Jiangnan was also too great. , the military power equivalent to half of the Ming Dynasty is in hand, and the word "high position and power" is not enough to describe the governor of Jiangnan.

Although Zhang Jing also thought about appointing a governor, he only felt that he should appoint the governor of the province of Zhejiang, or at most the governor of Zhejiang and Zhili, and the governor of Zhejiang and Southern Zhili provinces. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the most we have done is appoint governors to manage the military affairs of two provinces.

How dare you imagine that the Holy Emperor would appoint a governor to manage half of the Ming Dynasty provinces, including Zhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi.

Zhang Jing didn't dare to think about it.

Therefore, when Zhu Pingan said this, Zhang Jing couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Ahem, Mr. Zhu, you are still too young. It is a bit fanciful. The governor of Jiangnan is impossible. From ancient times to the present, there has never been such a high-ranking and powerful governor."

Zhang Jing coughed, waved his hand, and said bluntly.

Faced with Zhang Jing's doubts and denials, Zhu Ping'an remained calm and calm, insisting softly, "Maybe it's because Xiaguan is too young, but it has never happened in ancient times. It doesn't mean there won't be in the future. Xiaguan thinks that appointing a governor like this will get twice the result with half the effort." , can destroy Japanese pirates the fastest, best and most steadily."

The reason why Zhu Pingan is so persistent is because he comes from modern times and is well aware of the development and evolution of history.

Historically, Emperor Jiajing would soon appoint the "Zhezhi" governor, whose jurisdiction would be Zhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other half of the Ming Dynasty provinces, and would hold half of the Ming Dynasty's military power.

The "Zhejiang-directed" governor who was about to be appointed by Emperor Jiajing was the actual governor of Jiangnan, and his jurisdiction was exactly the same as that of the governor of Jiangnan mentioned by Zhu Ping'an.

The reason why Zhu Pingan said the governor of Jiangnan and not the governor of Zhejiang is because the literal meaning of "Governor of Zhejiang" is the governor of the two provinces of Zhejiang and Southern Zhili. The reason why he has jurisdiction over Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, etc. Half of the Ming province was specially approved by Emperor Jiajing, who was actually the governor of Jiangnan.

Now when it comes to appointing the governor-general of Zhejiang Province, without the special approval of Emperor Jiajing, he is the governor-general of Zhejiang and Southern Zhili Provinces, and his jurisdiction is only the two provinces of Zhejiang and Southern Zhili.

Only after Emperor Jiajing specially approved the jurisdiction of the "Zhejiang-direct" governor-general, the Zhejiang-direct governor-general could govern Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces.

In the future, when Emperor Jiajing decrees the establishment of a governor-general of Zhejiang Province, and specifically stipulates that his jurisdiction shall be the provinces of Southern Zhili, Shandong, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi, the governor-general of Zhejiang Province will actually be the governor-general of Jiangnan. He said that he would appoint Jiangnan The governor is also correct. It would be wrong to appoint the governor of Zhejiang Province now.

Therefore, Zhu Pingan said that he was the governor of Jiangnan.

Insisting on his own opinion now may leave an impression that Hu Zongxian is too young and takes things for granted.


Zhu Pingan believed that after Emperor Jiajing appointed Zhang Jing as the governor of Zhejiang Province, Zhang Jing would be shocked and his scalp would be numb when he thought about what he said today, and his image would suddenly shine brightly in his mind. At that time, I will definitely leave an unforgettable impression in Zhang Jing's heart.

Zhu Ping'an is really good at this. He knows things like a god.

This is similar to suppressing and reversing desire, and it will leave a deeper impression.

This day will be very soon.

According to historical records, in as early as three to five days, or as slowly as ten days and a half, Emperor Jiajing would issue an imperial edict and appoint Zhang Jing as the governor of Zhejiang Province, with jurisdiction over half of the Ming Dynasty including Zhili, Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian, Guangdong, and Guangxi. With all the military and financial power in the provinces and governor-general's jurisdiction, Zhang Jing can directly mobilize troops in Shandong, Southern Zhili, Huguang, Guangdong and Guangxi jurisdictions without going through the cabinet or asking the emperor for instructions. At that time, if Zhang Jing wants to mobilize the Guangxi wolf soldiers, it will only be a matter of one sentence and one article.

Young, still young. It is a good thing for young people to have confidence, but confidence must be realistic.

Seeing Zhu Pingan's persistence, Zhang Jing shook his head slightly in his heart, and his score for Zhu Pingan's answer this time was not as high as the previous question.

It is necessary to appoint a governor, but the governor of Jiangnan is a bit taken for granted.

Hu Zongxian's answer to this question gave Zhang Jing a few points higher than Zhu Ping'an.

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