Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1466 A sigh of relief

Another day passed like this. During the training break, Zhu Pingan once again received a newspaper.

Zhu Ping'an opened the newspaper and browsed it, and then he couldn't help but sigh.


Yesterday the Tongbao reported that Cai Dianshi led a thousand troops and carried the coffin out of the city to suppress the Japanese. Today the Tongbao has already reported the results of the Japanese campaign.

The more than 1,100 soldiers and horses led by Cai Dianshi collapsed like a flock of sheep after encountering the Japanese pirates. More than 1,100 soldiers and horses abandoned their helmets and armor and ran away. More than 1,000 people fled. Only Cai Dianshi Eighty people of the same clan followed Cai Dianshi and fought to the death. In the end, Cai Dianshi was stabbed to death several times, and all eighty of his clansmen also died on the battlefield.

The Japanese pirates were not unscathed in this battle. Cai Dianshi and his entire family fought hard to kill three Japanese pirates and seriously injured several others.

If I succeed, this coffin will be filled with Japanese pirate heads, and I will use the Japanese pirate heads to commemorate the souls of my fathers and fellow villagers in heaven; if I fail and die on the battlefield, you can put me in the coffin and carry me back if you can.

Cai Dianshi's oath still echoes in Jiutian.

Cai Dianshi lived up to his oath, he kept his word, and eventually died in the line of duty and died on the battlefield.

However, the sad and ironic thing is that because more than a thousand soldiers and horses under his command fled, no one was able to put him in a coffin and carry him back. On the contrary, Tangbao recorded that the Japanese chief admired Cai Dianshi's bravery and ordered the Japanese pirates to capture Cai Dianshi. Dianshi's body was put in a coffin, carried to Jingde County, and placed outside the city for Cai Dianshi's family to bury.

Of course, the Japanese pirates did not let go of Jingde County, which was empty of troops, panicked and undefended. They broke into the city from the south gate and robbed the county government and the mansions and compounds in the county. Finally, they laughed and raised the The Jingde County Government Office and nearby residential buildings were all burned down with torches.

The magistrate and the county magistrate of Jingde County hid in a dung bucket of the county government office to escape the Japanese pirates and fire, and saved their lives.

The final record of Tang Bao was that the Japanese pirates burned down the Jingde County government office, burned, killed, and looted in Jingde County, and then appeared in Jingxian County, Ningguo Prefecture, and plundered a village in Jingxian County.

Japanese pirates appeared in Jing County.

Jing County? !

Zhu Ping'an's keen nerves were touched instantly. Jing County, this place is to the north of Jingde County. This direction... Zhu Pingan raised his eyebrows slightly, thoughtfully, squatting on the ground, picked up a branch, and drew a map on the ground.

Zhu Pingan marked the places where the Japanese pirates had plundered since their landing in Shangyu, including Shangyu, Changhua County, Yuqian County, Xixian County, Jixi County, Jingde County, Jingxian County, etc. according to their geographical location. When it comes to drawing maps, it is estimated that no one in this era can surpass Zhu Pingan. Zhu Pingan came from modern times. I don’t know how many streets modern maps surpass ancient maps. The map of the entire China is in Zhu Pingan’s heart, and Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui are even more aware of it. chest. Soon, the map was drawn, and the marching track of the Japanese pirates suddenly appeared on the paper, clearly visible and clear at a glance.

It can be seen from the map that after landing in Shangyu, the Japanese pirates headed north and stopped at the Qiantang River, and began to turn for the first time. Unexpectedly, they turned westward and went deep into the inland. They went all the way west to Jixi County, and then appeared again. Second turn. Yesterday, the Japanese pirates plundered Jingde County from Jixi County. This turn was not obvious yet. Now the Japanese pirates have appeared in Jing County. This turn is obvious from the map. The Japanese pirates have turned, from west to east.

The Japanese pirates changed direction and headed north.

Why don’t the Japanese pirates continue to go west and deep into the hinterland? Why did it turn north?

Where further north?

Zhu Pingan filled in the northern counties and other administrative divisions on the map one by one. To the north of Ningguo Prefecture is Taiping Prefecture. Taiping Prefecture governs Wuhu County, Dangtu County, and Fanchang County. Further north of Taiping Prefecture is Yingtian Prefecture. .

Ying Tianfu? !

This group of Japanese pirates would not attack Pei Yingtian like the group of 50 Japanese pirates in history, right? !


In history, the Japanese pirates attacked Pei Yingtian only once! Yingtian is not a small county town. Yingtian is a huge city. Yingtian's garrison is not like the county town with only a few hundred garrison soldiers. Yingtian's garrison force is over 100,000. Judging from the way this group of Japanese pirates set up ambushes and launched surprise attacks, they were also brave and resourceful and would not be stupid enough to bring about their own destruction.

This group of Japanese pirates could only go as far north as Taiping Mansion before turning around. Zhu Pingan came to this conclusion after some deductions.

In this way, Zhu Pingan trained the Zhejiang army while paying close attention to the next move of the Japanese pirates.

Two days later, Zhu Pingan received another Tang newspaper.

The last Tang newspaper recorded that the Japanese pirates invaded Jingxian after Shangyu landed. This Tangbao recorded that Qiu Shiyong, the magistrate of Jingxian County, led 800 troops to pursue the Japanese pirates in Jingtang. After the Japanese pirates burned, killed and looted in Qutang, they felt emboldened and did not leave. Instead, they rested arrogantly, as if they were waiting for Qiu Shiyong to lead troops to suppress the Japanese. Qiu Shiyong led his troops to kill, but the Japanese pirates were waiting for work. They fought in Qutang and fought. Qiu Shiyong lost his troops to the Japanese pirates. He was defeated by the Japanese pirates and suffered hundreds of casualties. Qiu Shiyong was defeated and retreated to the county town under the protection of his confidants. The Japanese pirates were almost unscathed in this battle, only a few Japanese pirates were slightly injured.

After the Japanese pirates defeated Qiu Shiyong's troops, they burned, killed, and looted in Jingxian County, and then continued northward from Jingxian County, aiming directly at Nanling County.

Hu Guangyao, the magistrate of Nanling County, had already taken precautions against the Japanese pirates when they entered Jingxian County. He sent people to ask for reinforcements, asked Miao Yin, the commander of the nearby Jianyang Guards, for help, Dangtu County for help, Wuhu County for help, and Taiping Prefecture for help. On the other hand, he sent Prime Minister Mo of Nanling County to lead 300 troops to guard the boundary mountain between Nanling County and Jing County. This boundary mountain is the boundary between Nanling and Jingxian County. It is also a natural pass that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Mo Zheng led 300 people to guard the boundary mountain, occupy the natural pass, and snipe a hundred Japanese pirates. The goal was to prevent the Japanese pirates from entering Nanling County through the boundary mountain.

It should be said that this goal is not difficult. There is no need to fight against the Japanese pirates. You only need to occupy the natural dangers, guard the passes, and prevent the Japanese pirates from passing through.

However, it is a pity that Moxian Cheng was greedy for life and feared death. After the Japanese pirates repeated their old trick, hanging the heads of Jingxian officers and soldiers on their waists, and aggressively came to Guanxia to attack the pass, Moxian Cheng saw the heads on the Japanese pirates' waists. The two forces couldn't help but fight, and a stream of yellow water surged out uncontrollably from the stall, and then took the lead. With lightning speed, he abandoned his troops and ran away. The soldiers were raging one after another. The prime minister of Mo County ran away, and the three hundred soldiers and horses under his command also ran away with Sayazi.

In an instant, Boundary Mountain became an undefended empty barrier. He stripped naked and lay flat.

Once again, the Japanese pirates took down a pass in the Ming Dynasty without any effort and without losing a single soldier. They successfully passed through the Boundary Mountain and entered Nanling County smoothly.

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