Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1467 Reinforcements to Suppress the Japanese

While Zhu Ping'an was intensifying his military training at Taohuaji School Ground, Nanling County had already fallen into hell on earth. Waves of desperate cries and miserable howls of blood before death were heard one after another in Nanling County. Japanese pirates laughed and burned on the streets. Killing, looting, innocent and pitiful people's corpses littered the streets, and blood dyed the bluestones on the streets red.

As Moxian Cheng, who was defending the Boundary Mountain, escaped, the Japanese pirates successfully entered Nanling County through the Boundary Mountain, and chased Moxian Cheng's butt all the way into Nanling County from the south gate of Nanling County. As soon as the Japanese pirates entered Nanling County, they started killing people and setting fires, turning Nanling County into a hell on earth.

"Damn Fatty Mo, I knew he was incompetent, but I didn't expect him to be so incompetent! He escaped from the battlefield, causing the Japanese pirates to rush into the city so easily! Damn it! Keep the green hills here, don't worry about not having firewood, I shoulder the responsibility The important task cannot be here!"

When Hu Guangyao, the magistrate of Nanling County, learned that Mo County Prime Minister had escaped from the battle and the Japanese pirates had entered the city, he gnashed his teeth and cursed Mo County Prime Minister, while he quickly collected the gold and silver, took his wife and children with him, and took the county seal, under the protection of the county government officials. He quickly escaped from Nanling County through the east city gate.

The reason why Hu Zhixian chose to escape from the east gate of Nanling County was because when he asked Miao Yin, the commander of Jianyang Guards, the magistrate of Dangtu County, the magistrate of Wuhu County and the magistrate of Taiping Prefecture for help, the agreed meeting point was the east gate.

If you run along the official road from the east gate, there is a high probability that you will encounter reinforcements. This way the safety factor is much higher than running from other gates.

Hu Zhixian ran out of the east gate for more than a mile when he saw banners waving on the official road in front, people shouting and horses neighing, and a thousand Ming troops dressed in darkness approaching in this direction.

"Reinforcements are coming!"

When Hu Zhixian saw the person dressed up, he knew that reinforcements had arrived, and he was overjoyed.

"Ahem, remember this. We are not abandoning the city and fleeing. We are leaving the city to welcome the reinforcements. Do you understand?"

Magistrate Hu coughed and turned to the officer behind him seriously.

"Understood. The county magistrate has brought us to welcome the reinforcements." The officers said in unison.

"Good!" Hu Zhixian nodded with satisfaction.

Soon the soldiers and horses arrived, and the people led by Magistrate Hu quickly stepped forward to greet them.

Just as Hu Zhixian thought, the reinforcements were coming. Miao Yin, the commander of Jianyang Guard, led 800 troops to come to the rescue. Guo Yingjiao, the prime minister of Dangtu County, led 300 troops to come to the rescue. Chen Yiyi, the prime minister of Wuhu County, led 300 troops to come to the rescue. Taiping Prefecture Governor Guo Zhang led 400 troops to come for reinforcements, totaling 1,800 reinforcements.

"My lords, you have come all the way and worked tirelessly to rescue our Nanling County. Yao is extremely grateful and led his officials to greet you." Magistrate Hu enthusiastically and excitedly stepped forward to express his gratitude to Miao Yin, Guo Yingjiao and others.

"You are so polite, Magistrate Hu. As officials of the imperial court, it is our duty to exterminate the Japanese pirates and protect the country and the people. Besides, this group of Japanese pirates have repeatedly committed crimes. If we do not suppress them in Nanling, we may not know where they will flee next." It’s harming the people!”

Miao Yin and others stood up and dismounted, returned the gift with their hands, and were somewhat moved by the fact that Hu Zhixian came two miles out of the city to greet them.

However, as the distance got closer, Miao Yin and the others realized something was wrong.

Why is Hu Zhixian still carrying this burden? Also, what happened to the family members who were being protected by the police? !

Hu Zhixian came out of the city to welcome us, carrying baggage and family members? !

This is not like leaving the city to welcome him. This is clearly abandoning the city and escaping, okay? !

Suddenly, Miao Yin and others could not help but twitch their lips, but they did not expose Hu Zhixian.

After all, officials protect each other.

However, despite this, Magistrate Hu's face turned red when Miao Yin and others looked at him.

Since the Japanese pirates were in Nanling County, Miao Yin and others did not have time to exchange too many greetings. After a few simple greetings, the people involved unified the command according to their positions and the number of troops they led, and unanimously agreed that Jianyang Guards would command Miao. Yin served as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces to suppress Japanese invaders.

"Don't worry, Magistrate Hu. Everyone, please rest assured. There are less than a hundred Japanese pirates in the city. We have more than 1,800 soldiers. We can capture just a small Japanese pirate if we can get it. It can't be delayed, everyone." Listen to my order, the shield soldiers step forward, the archers follow closely, and the rest of the soldiers and horses are careful to charge into the formation at any time and follow my general into the city to suppress the Japanese!"

Commander Miao said something to Magistrate Hu and others, then waved his hand and gave orders to all the soldiers.

"Suppress the Japanese!"

Under the command of Commander Miao, the allied forces of the four parties adjusted their formation and headed towards the east gate.

People shouted, horses neighed, and banners fluttered. Although the queue was not neat, it was very powerful.

The coalition troops moved towards the east gate of Nanling County, and soon arrived outside the east gate. Just as they were about to enter the city, they heard a cry for help coming from the east gate cave, as well as a scream of ghosts, and then saw a group of ordinary people. He fled out of the city gate in a panic, as if the god of death was chasing him. He ran out of the city gate and saw the coalition forces outside. Before his eyes were filled with hope, he was caught up by a group of Japanese pirates with Tsukiyo heads and bare feet behind them, waving Japanese swordsmen chopped down the people to the ground like chickens and dogs, and the cries for help stopped abruptly.

There was blood.

When the massive coalition forces outside the city saw this scene, they were frightened by the ferocity of the Japanese pirates. They all felt chills running down their backs and trembling in their feet and stomachs. Their morale had already weakened by three points before the battle began.

"Look at how cowardly you all are. What are you afraid of? There are only a few Japanese pirates. There are more than 1,800 of us. One person can drown them all just by urinating. What is there to be afraid of? Where are the people coming? Take me Here comes the precious eagle bow, I will let you see what it means to pierce the poplar with a hundred steps!" Commander Miao shouted, turned his head and cursed, and ordered people to get bows and arrows, preparing to shoot a Japanese pirate to death, to encourage everyone's morale.

The soldiers mounted the bow and arrow with both hands. Commander Miao took the bow and arrow, performed a bow trick handsomely, and won a burst of applause. Then he took the arrow with his backhand, nocked the arrow and controlled the string, pulled the bow like a full moon, and aimed at a Japanese pirate who clearly looked like a Japanese chieftain. , loosened the bow string, and flew towards the target Japanese pirate with a whoosh of feathers and arrows.

To shoot a man, shoot a horse first; to capture a thief, capture the king first!

This is Miao’s commanding strategy!

The sights of all the coalition forces followed the arrow.


In the sight of everyone, the arrow directed by Miao accurately hit the face of the Japanese pirate who obviously looked like a Japanese chieftain, and the Japanese pirate's face was distorted.

"General's sharpshooting!"

"The general is mighty!"

All the coalition forces cheered, and their morale was instantly boosted.

"What the hell, it's ordinary, nothing to praise!" Commander Miao looked at himself amidst the bursts of applause, turned his head and waved to the crowd, and said humbly with a smile on his face.

What are you boasting about? It’s just basic operations...

As soon as Commander Miao finished speaking, he found that everyone's applause stopped abruptly! It was like the chirping chicken had its neck bitten off by a wolf.

The smile on Commander Miao's face suddenly froze. "Asshole, I'm just being humble. Why are you so obedient? Why continue to praise me?"

"General...general..." The soldier pointed to the opposite side with trembling hands.

What's wrong?

Can you still fake a corpse? !

How unbecoming it is to be in a panic!

Commander Miao snorted, turned his head and looked along the soldier's fingers, and then his whole body couldn't help but tremble.

In the sight of Commander Miao, the Japanese chief whose face was crooked by an arrow turned his face, biting the middle end of the arrow shaft in his mouth, spitting out the arrow with disdain, and spat it out on the ground.

The coalition forces were all stunned and pale!

I am not wrong, right?

Then, that Japanese pirate caught the arrow shot by the general with his mouth? !

Is that human being? !

Is that the devil? !

The coalition troops became commotion, and their morale suddenly collapsed.

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