Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1468 A Thought of History

Miao Yin made a sharp shot, but it was caught by the Japanese pirates with his mouth. It was simply unbelievable, but it actually happened.

The coalition forces were terrified and their morale collapsed.

"Steady! Calm down! It's just that he was lucky and bit him by chance! What's all the fuss about? I'll definitely kill him if I fire another arrow!" Commander Miao's old face turned red, and he turned around in anger. After scolding everyone, he bent his bow and arrow again, and aimed the arrowhead at the Japanese chieftain again, but this time he did not aim at the Japanese chieftain's head, but instead aimed at the Japanese chieftain's chest. After focusing for a second, he released the arrow. Open your fingers!


The arrow left the string with a thunderclap and flew towards the Japanese chieftain's chest.

Humph, you didn’t expect it. This time, instead of shooting on your head, I will shoot on your chest. Let me see how you take it with your mouth!

Let me die!

Miao Yin watched the feather arrow hit the Japanese chieftain's chest and snorted, quite confident in his archery skills.

The eyes of the coalition forces also followed the feather arrows. Seeing the feather arrows flying straight to the Japanese pirates' chests, they couldn't help but look forward to it. The morale that had been scattered for thousands of miles also began to gather a little bit.

Seeing that the feather arrow was about to hit the Japanese chieftain's chest, the corners of the mouths of the coalition forces were about to open. When cheering for the general's sharpshooting, the situation in the field suddenly reversed. At the moment when the feather arrow was about to hit, the Japanese chieftain moved, and he held his hand As soon as he stretched out, he grabbed the feathered arrow with one hand. The arrow cluster stayed one centimeter away from the Japanese chieftain's chest. The arrow feathers were like the tail of a caught fish, trembling violently in the Japanese chieftain's hand.


When the coalition forces saw this scene, they couldn't help but let out another scream. The first time was a coincidence, but the other two times, the coalition forces all turned pale, and they shuddered when they looked at the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates can catch arrows with their mouths and hands. They are simply inhuman. How can they beat such Japanese pirates?

We can only risk death if we go up there! !

There was still a little bit of morale to gather momentum just now, but this time it completely collapsed, and every one of the coalition forces wanted to turn around and run away.

"What do you call it? Look at you all, you are like useless bears. The Japanese pirates only have a few people. No matter how powerful they are, it doesn't matter. We have a large number of people. There is nothing to be afraid of. The archers came forward for me and fired arrows. Shoot them to death, turn them into hedgehogs, they can dodge with one arrow, but let me see how they can dodge with so many arrows!”

Commander Miao's face turned red, he turned around and cursed, then waved his hand vigorously and ordered the archers to aim at the Japanese pirates and release arrows.

The archer took a few steps forward, drew the bow and released the arrow.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

For a moment, arrows flew towards the Japanese pirates like rain, but the arrows were not as strong or accurate as Miao's command. Some of the arrows landed before they could reach the Japanese pirates, and some of the arrows strayed to grandma's house. , even the feather arrows shot in front of the Japanese pirates were mostly weak. The Japanese pirates in front of the city gate avoided the arrows shot without any pressure, and many Japanese pirates copied the unique skill of catching arrows with their hands.


"My dear mother, how come these Japanese pirates are so powerful! How can humans be so powerful? These Japanese pirates are all ghosts!"

"I'm scared to death! How can we fight against such Japanese pirates?! If we were to suppress such Japanese pirates, wouldn't this mean that we are going to die!"

None of the arrows made any difference. When the coalition forces saw this scene, their morale collapsed to the point of negative, and the team became confused.

"Haha, there is an old saying in the Ming Dynasty that it is disrespectful to come and not to reciprocate! It's time for us to give them some color."

Nabeshima Naoshima sneered and said to the Japanese pirates. Just now, the Japanese chieftain Miao Yin was targeting was him.


A group of Japanese pirates shouted ferociously, picked up Japanese swords, and under the leadership of Nabeshima Naoshima, took the initiative to charge towards the coalition forces.

The Japanese pirates just started to charge, and they were still about twenty meters away from the coalition forces. The coalition forces completely collapsed like a flock of sheep seeing the wolf coming down the mountain. The chaotic team began to collapse. Many soldiers turned around and ran away in fear, and then Like a plague, the entire coalition army fled in all directions in an instant.

"Hold on!"

"Hold on!"

Commander Miao and others shouted repeatedly, but it was of no use. The soldiers ran as they should, and even ran faster. Seeing something was wrong, Commander Miao and the others gritted their teeth, stamped their feet, and ran away.

In an instant, the battle situation turned into a Japanese bandit with less than 100 people chasing the coalition army of nearly 2,000 people.

The Japanese pirates chased the coalition forces for seventeen or eight miles, killing all the coalition forces along the way and leaving their helmets and armor behind, and corpses littering the fields.

It was already the next day when Zhu Ping'an received the Tongbao. He was speechless when he saw the Japanese war in Nanling County.

The Tang News reported that the Japanese pirates pursued the coalition forces until they reached Fugui Town in Ningguo Prefecture, but were stopped by the town residents who climbed onto the roofs and threw stones, lime, and bricks. Only then did the coalition forces escape from the Japanese pirates' pursuit.

It's ironic that more than 1,800 coalition forces failed to suppress the Japanese, but they were hunted down by the Japanese pirates! The Japanese pirates chased him all the way and killed more than 300 people. The coalition forces did not cause any damage to the Japanese pirates, and did not even touch a finger of the Japanese pirates. However, in Fugui Market Town, the residents of the market town threw stones, lime, and bricks on the roofs, killing two Japanese pirates.

Zhu Ping'an closed the newspaper, twitched the corner of his mouth, and smiled bitterly.

Currently, the Japanese pirates are in Fugui Town, Ningguo Prefecture. Fuguo Town is in the northernmost part of Ningguo Prefecture, and further north is Taiping Prefecture.

According to Tangbao records, there are now only 91 Japanese pirates left. Where will the Japanese pirates go next? ! It would be too arrogant to continue heading north to Taiping Prefecture, or turn to this group of Japanese pirates. Since landing at Shangyu, they have burned, killed, looted, attacked county towns, and killed officers and soldiers. So far, they have traversed the Ming Dynasty for more than 1,800 miles.

No, wait.

There are now ninety-one Japanese pirates, and they have traversed the Ming Dynasty for more than 1,800 miles.

Could this group of Japanese pirates be?

An idea suddenly appeared in Zhu Pingan's mind, and then Zhu Pingan couldn't help but stood up suddenly, his eyes suddenly widened.

Couldn't this group of Japanese pirates be the same group of Japanese pirates who almost broke through the Ming Dynasty? !

Zhu Ping'an has read a record in modern times, which is also a true historical record of the "Japanese pirates in Nanjing" incident. According to many documents, during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, a group of fifty-three Japanese pirates landed on the southeastern coast of the Ming Dynasty. He traveled more than three thousand miles across the territory of the Ming Dynasty, killed nearly five thousand Ming troops, and finally brazenly attacked Yingying Tiancheng, the Ming Dynasty's companion, causing an uproar in the Ming Dynasty!

Could this group of Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu be the same group of Japanese pirates in history? !

The more Zhu Pingan thought about it, the more he suspected it was!

This group of Japanese pirates numbered 150 when they landed. They attacked the city, burned, killed and looted all the way. Now there are only more than 90 people left.

The Japanese pirates are currently in Fugui Town, Ningguo Prefecture. To the north is Wuhu, Taiping Prefecture, to the north is Fucheng, Taiping Prefecture, to the north is Jiangning, and then to Yingtian! After fighting all the way to Yingtian, the Japanese pirates had to lose more men. After all, the number of Japanese pirates when they arrived at Yingtian was not much different from the number of people who attacked Nanjing according to historical records.

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