Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1469 Insight into his traitor

Zhu Pingan once again drew a map of the whereabouts of the Shangyu Japanese pirates after they landed, and also marked Yingtian and other places. He carefully recalled the deeds of the Japanese pirates who attacked Nanjing in modern times.

Zhu Ping'an had read relevant historical records in modern times. It was said that during the Jiajing period, a group of about fifty-three Japanese pirates spread across three thousand miles, robbed Zhejiang, Anhui, and Jiangsu provinces, and raided more than 20 prefectures and counties. Invasion of Nanjing, the remaining capital.

Of course, there is controversy about the number of Japanese pirates in the preserved historical materials. Different historical materials have different records. Some say it was fifty-three days, some say it was seventy-two, and some only roughly recorded sixty or seventy people.

Although there is controversy, the number of Japanese pirates can be basically confirmed to be between fifty and seventy people.

There are now about 90 Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu. They are still separated from Nanjing by Taiping Mansion and other places. It is estimated that when they fight all the way to Yingtian, they will lose some men on the way, especially since Taiping Mansion has a garrison, so By the time they arrived at Yingtian, their remaining manpower was estimated to be between more than fifty to more than seventy people.

Therefore, the numbers of this group of Japanese pirates and the group of Japanese pirates who attacked Yingtian are basically the same.

Then, Zhu Ping'an discovered that in addition to the basic match in numbers, the Japanese pirates' marching routes were also basically consistent. According to historical records, the group of Japanese pirates who attacked Nanjing landed in Zhejiang, and robbed Zhejiang, Anhui, and Jiangsu provinces along the way, spanning three thousand miles. As for this group of Japanese pirates, they landed in Shangyu, Zhejiang, and then turned inland from Zhejiang and entered Anhui. , now spans more than 1,800 miles. Therefore, the route and distance traveled before the attack on Nanjing are basically consistent.

In addition to the above two points, there is also combat effectiveness.

According to historical records, the group of Japanese pirates who attacked Yingtian had astonishing fighting prowess. Like wild boars, they rampaged across the territory of the Ming Dynasty and had few opponents. There are even historical records saying that during the Jiajing period, when the Japanese pirates were most serious, There is no Japanese pirate with a higher fighting ability than this group of Japanese pirates.

The group of Japanese pirates who landed at Shangyu were extremely fierce in combat. The Tang newspaper repeatedly recorded their shocking actions of catching arrows with bare hands. Zhu Ping'an had never seen Japanese pirates who were so capable of fighting, and he even felt that they could be classified as Ancient special forces.

Therefore, in terms of combat effectiveness, the Japanese pirates who landed at Shangyu are basically consistent with the Japanese pirates who attacked Yingtian in history.

There are so many coincidences!

There are no coincidences in history!

Thinking of this, Zhu Ping'an could already conclude that the group of Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu were the group of Japanese pirates recorded in history who brazenly attacked Nanjing.

Therefore, we must report to Yingtian as soon as possible, prepare early and be fully prepared to avoid repeating the mistakes of history.

Historically, this group of Japanese pirates attacked Yingtian, causing Yingtian to lose his troops and generals. Historical data describe it as "almost capturing Yingtian". This shows how harmful this group of Japanese pirates was to Yingtian and how serious the trauma they caused!

This incident had a far-reaching impact. It not only severely humiliated the Ming Dynasty and severely damaged the anti-Japanese morale, but also encouraged and stimulated the Japanese pirates, making the Japanese invasion in Jiangnan more surging and in full swing.

We must never repeat the mistakes of history!

Zhu Ping'an's eyes became firm, and without further ado, he quickly sent someone to call Liu Dadao and others, and ordered them to ride with him to Yingtian to warn!

On the way to Yingtian, Zhu Ping'an kept thinking hard, why did this group of Japanese pirates attack Nanjing? ! Why did this group of Japanese pirates risk going deep into the interior? If they wanted to attack Nanjing, wouldn't it be closer to go directly from Shangyu to Hangzhou to Nanjing? ! Or wouldn't it be more convenient to land near Yingtian? ! Why risk going deep into the interior and making such a long detour before attacking Nanjing? ! What conspiracy do they have? !

Zhu Ping'an racked his brains and thought hard about the above questions while riding his horse and whipping his whip.

This group of Japanese pirates definitely got lost and took the wrong direction! When they fought against the government and the army, they not only used powerful force, but were also good at setting ambushes, attacking in the east and attacking in the west. It can be seen that this group of Japanese pirates are definitely cunning and cunning people!

Therefore, this group of Japanese pirates will never go deep into the inland for no reason. They must have ulterior motives and ulterior motives!

But why did the Japanese pirates, who were so cunning and had ulterior motives, take such great risks to go deep into the interior and attack the heavily guarded Yingtian Giant City? ! The lone army went deep into a foreign country to make a big circle, and even though half of its troops were lost, it still had to attack a heavily guarded giant city!

This is nothing less than a suicide journey!

Why? !

What conspiracy are the Japanese pirates brewing? !

Zhu Ping'an thought for a long time on horseback, but still couldn't come up with a reasonable answer.

If you can’t think clearly, then think about it in another person’s shoes.

Zhu Pingan imagined himself as a Japanese pirate who came across the ocean and landed in Shangyu, Zhejiang Province during the Ming Dynasty. After burning, killing and looting a village, he not only did not escape, but instead drank and ate meat in the most magnificent courtyard of the village without fear. Singing and dancing, recuperating their strength, they waited for the Ming Dynasty's Shaoxing Prefecture and Weisuo coalition forces to come to encircle and suppress them. After the Ming army came, they took the initiative to attack and kill the Shaoxing Prefecture and Weisuo coalition forces. After killing the Ming army in fear, they took the initiative to retreat into the courtyard and waited for the Ming Dynasty. The military reinforcements, before the Ming army's night fire attack, killed another wave of besieging Ming troops, opened a hole, and easily escaped from the Ming army's siege by crossing the river on a raft; after crossing the river, they found more than 300 fully armed teams escorting official sedans at night, and they were ambushed After the attack, they headed north; after reaching the Qiantang River in the north, they turned around and headed west deep into the interior. They marched quickly to Changhua County and Tuyumi Village. They killed the Changhua County officers and soldiers who came to encircle and suppress them, and took advantage of the situation to invade. After a period of burning, looting and looting in Changhua County, they continued westward to Yuqian County, where they burned, killed and looted again, attracting officers and soldiers from Yuqian County to encircle and suppress them. They ambush on the road where the officers and soldiers must pass, and the officers and soldiers from Yuqian County attacked and killed a man. ;Continue to march west to Chun'an County and defeat the officers and soldiers again; march west to Huizhou Prefecture and attack the pass.

Zhu Pingan imagined himself as a Japanese pirate, landing, killing, attacking officers and soldiers, attacking county towns, and attacking passes


The corners of Zhu Ping'an's eyes suddenly jumped, and he realized that something was wrong. This group of Japanese pirates fought with the officers and soldiers too frequently!

They came across seas and oceans, not to seek wealth, but to fight with the Ming army in various places. No matter which county or prefecture they went to, they had to fight with the local officers and soldiers. Even if they could avoid it, they Don’t avoid it either!

If the person who is most familiar with the situation of the Ming army along this route is none other than this group of Japanese pirates!

Wait, are you familiar with the situation of the Ming army? ! !

Like a flash of light piercing the night! Zhu Ping'an's eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't help blurting out, "They are spies!"

This group of Japanese pirates landed at Shangyu, Shaoxing, Zhejiang, went north to the Qiantang River, and turned inland. They circled around the most prosperous Suzhou and Shanghai areas in the south of the Yangtze River, including Changhua, Yuqian, Chun'an, Huizhou, Ningguo, Taiping, Yingtian, and Suzhou. I made a big circle and traveled three thousand miles to fight. I couldn't understand the human resources, material resources, terrain, troops, and combat power in my mind. My terrain and military strength were seen by others. How could I control them when they invaded in large numbers in the future?

What a big appetite!

Sure enough, he has ulterior motives!

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