Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1483 Advice and Reminder

"Haha, my nephew is still a young man. He is thin-skinned and unwilling to face failure. That's okay. You are young, and you are allowed to make mistakes. However, my nephew, let's take a step back. Even if it is as you said, this time the Shangyu Japanese pirates The battle damage is abnormal, but what does this mean? When the Japanese invaders landed at Shangyu, they were not related to Commander Miao and Zeng Qianhu. Why should they hide their numbers and help them fake military achievements?! It doesn’t make sense?! Or is it? Commander Miao, Zeng Qianhu and the others had an affair with the Yu Japanese pirates?! However, if they had an affair with the Japanese pirates, there would not have been such a huge defeat. In addition, the Japanese pirates hid their numbers to help them fake military achievements. Sooner or later, they would be exposed. This not only helped If you can’t save them, you will harm them!!”

After Wei Guogong took a sip of tea, he put down the tea cup, patted Zhu Pingan's shoulder gently, shook his head and analyzed with a smile.

"Well, it just doesn't make sense." Linhuai Hou also nodded, agreeing with Wei Guogong's point of view.

Facing the questioning looks of Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis, Zhu Pingan said to them seriously and seriously, "Uncle, I speculated that the Japanese pirates would attack Yingtian before, but I couldn't be 100% sure. But through today's report, Report, I was not only 100% sure that the Japanese pirates would harass Yingtian, but I also found that this group of Japanese pirates had great ambitions. They not only wanted to harass Yingtian, but also wanted to capture Yingtian. If I am not wrong, the Japanese pirates will attack Yingtian this time. The reason why the '24' Japanese pirates were killed in the battle was to allow the twenty-four Japanese pirates who had been 'lost in the battle' to sneak into Yingtian City in advance, so that they could join forces with the fifty-seven Japanese pirates outside and seize the gate of Yingtian City. Maybe, at this moment, the twenty-four Japanese pirates who were killed in the battle have sneaked into Yingtian City."

After Zhu Pingan finished speaking with a serious face, the camp was quiet for a few seconds, and then burst into laughter.

Contrary to Zhu Ping'an's serious look, Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis laughed so much that they put their hands on their foreheads and leaned forward and backward.

"Haha, dear nephew, you can really fabricate fifty-seven Japanese pirates and dare to take Yingtian's idea, and the twenty-four Japanese pirates still cooperate inside and outside. Haha, I think our most famous and eloquent storyteller in Yingtian is not as good as you."

Duke Guo of Wei smiled so hard that the wrinkles on his face bloomed, and crystal tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes.

The Marquis of Linhuai shook his head and patted Zhu Ping'an on the shoulder, "My dear nephew, let it go. The burden of being the number one scholar in your heart is too heavy. No one can make mistakes without being a sage. Making one mistake is no big deal."


Zhu Pingan was completely speechless! He was silent for a few seconds.

Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis felt that their advice had worked, and had touched Zhu Ping'an's soul and had an educational effect.

However, the two soon discovered that they had thought too much.

"Uncle, don't you believe that the Japanese pirates who landed in Shangyu will attack Yingtian?" Zhu Pingan took a deep breath, calmed down, and said slowly.

"There is no evidence and it is unbelievable. We don't believe it." Linhuai Marquis and Wei Guogong nodded without hesitation.

The expression on Zhu Ping'an's face remained unchanged. The answers from Wei Guogong and Linhuai Marquis were what he expected, and then he asked, "Uncle, you don't believe that these twenty-four Japanese pirates who were killed in the battle will sneak into Yingtian." , and cooperate with the Japanese pirates outside the city?!"

"This is even more unbelievable. Of course we don't believe it." Linhuai Marquis and Wei Guogong nodded their heads like garlic. "

"Okay." Zhu Pingan looked at the two people with a serious face, his tone and expression became more formal, and he bowed his hands and bowed to the two people, and said to them in a particularly formal manner, "Since Uncle

My father didn't believe it. So, if the Japanese pirates from Shangyu really appeared outside Yingtian City and harassed Yingtian City, then there must be a group of Japanese pirates who have sneaked into Yingtian City. Please remember Ping An's words today. When the Japanese pirates appeared outside Yingtian City after the Shangyu Landing, the two uncles were asked to take careful precautions and thoroughly check everyone near the city gate to prevent the Japanese pirates from joining forces inside and outside the city. "

"Haha, my dear nephew, you are so worried." Wei Guogong shook his head and smiled disapprovingly. .

"Nephew, you think too much." Linhuai Marquis looked at Zhu Ping'an helplessly, feeling a bit toothache for no reason, "A mere twenty-four Japanese pirates can attack Yingtian City with a population of one million and tens of thousands of soldiers." The inside should be in harmony with the outside?!"

Both Linhuai Marquis and Wei Guogong disagreed with Zhu Pingan's heartfelt words. They felt that Zhu Pingan was completely unfounded. They even thought that Zhu Pingan was full and overthinking.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Zhu Ping'an knew that they had not forgotten it at all. He couldn't help reminding them again with a serious face, "Uncle, if the Shangyu Japanese pirates don't come to harass Yingtian, you can just think that I am talking nonsense today." , but if the Japanese pirates from Shangyu really come to Yingtian, please be sure to remember the words of peace today, be careful to take precautions, thoroughly check the people near the city gate, and prevent the Japanese pirates from joining forces inside and outside. There are only twenty-four Japanese pirates sneaking into the city, but When the inside and outside cooperate, it is not just twenty-four people. These twenty-four Japanese pirates can use heavy money, beautiful women, etc. to lure the local ruffians in the city to cooperate! This is a precedent. I, the Ming Dynasty, was lured by the Japanese pirates and joined the scum. It can be said that Countless! The scum of the Ming Dynasty among the Japanese pirates now account for more than half of the total number of Japanese pirates! This matter is related to the survival of Yingtian, the face of the court, and the millions of people in the city. Please remember Ping An’s reminder today."

Seeing Zhu Ping'an being so serious and insistent, the Marquis of Linhuai and Wei Guogong couldn't help but were startled, and said with a wry smile, "Well, my dear nephew, that's not the case."

"Uncle, as for that." Zhu Ping'an nodded vigorously, and then bowed and said, "Uncle, please believe me this time! This matter has a life-or-death relationship, and it will be of great benefit to my uncle. If The Japanese pirates from Shangyu never appeared in Yingtian, so the two uncles did not need to do anything. If the Japanese pirates from Shangyu appeared outside Yingtian, the two uncles would carefully check the people near the city gate and find out the Japanese pirates' accomplices, which would be a great achievement. We couldn’t find any Japanese pirate accomplices, so we were careful, conscientious and responsible, and no one could find any problems.”

After finishing speaking, Zhu Ping'an kept his bowed posture without moving, as if if you don't stand down, I won't get up.

"Okay, my nephew, please get up quickly." Linhuai Marquis and Wei Guogong helped Zhu Ping'an helplessly, "My nephew has already said this, if we don't accept it anymore, wouldn't it be too close?" It’s a favor.”

What Zhu Pingan said just now moved them. They felt that what Zhu Ping'an said was right, and it would be beneficial to them without any harm if they took action. If the Shangyu Japanese pirates don't come, they don't need to do anything. If the Shangyu Japanese pirates come, then their chance to make meritorious deeds will come. If Shangyu Japanese pirates really come to harass Yingtian, then Zhu Ping'an's analysis just now has to be taken seriously. The twenty-four Japanese pirates who disappeared in this battle are really very likely to have sneaked into Yingtian City in advance, with the intention of communicating with the outside world. The Japanese pirates joined forces inside and outside to seize the city gate.

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