Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1484 The wealthy businessman rewards the army

In the early morning, the fog is filled with fog. The majestic and roaring fog crosses the mountains, crosses the sea and spreads to the sky. It looks like a completely frivolous boy, while the rising sun on the horizon looks like a frightened girl, wrapped in the fog and teasing her, her pretty face flushed. Hidden under the horizon, he shyly and angrily waved a jade hand of the morning light, through the heavy fog, and gave the frivolous foggy boy a loud slap in the face.

It is Yingtian under the heavy fog in the morning light.

Yingtian Jucheng spans the natural barrier of the Yangtze River to the north, is adjacent to Zhongshan Longpan in the east, is surrounded by stone tigers in the west, and looks to the south of the Yangtze River in the south.

The city wall is more than 100 meters high, like a mountain, and is divided into an inner city and an outer city. There is an Wengcheng behind each city gate in the inner city, and each gate has a thousand-jin gate. Even if the enemy is lucky enough to attack the first gate, he will be blocked by the thousand-jin gate put down by the Wengcheng and become a turtle in the urn. Due to the strength of the mountains, an outer city was built with 18 gates. The circumference is nearly a hundred miles, and you can't see the edge at a glance.

Such a gigantic beast is like a wild beast that towers over the sky and the earth, steps on mountains and swallows seas!

Anyone who sees this majestic giant city can't help but feel a sense of admiration and awe in their hearts. This city honestly dare not compete!

If you look from top to bottom, you will find that there are several small beasts guarding this wild beast. These small beasts are guarding the small towns surrounding the giant city of Yingtian. Among them, the small guarding town in the southwest is called Jiangning Town. .

After the first ray of morning light came out, Yingtian, this wild giant beast, opened its big mouth as if it was alive, swallowing up groups of people, cars and horses, and the sounds of hawking, chatting, horses neighing and donkeys braying. He was relieved, and the whole Yingtian City became alive.

"Knife sharpening, scissors sharpening, kitchen knives sharpening, this little old man has been sharpening knives professionally for fifty years, and everyone who has used them says it is good."

"We sell bean curds, hot bean curds, some are sweet, some are spicy, and some are spicy."

"Blow up Qin Hui, blow up Qin Hui."

"Pork pot stickers, pot stickers, pork pot stickers, my guests are in for a treat. My uncle's cattle accidentally hit the wall yesterday when he came home from plowing. I had no choice but to report it to the government for slaughter. Beef pot stickers are available in unlimited quantities today. "

The small guard towns surrounding Yingtian Giant City also came to life. The city gates were opened, and the sounds and smells of life could be heard from within the city.

Although news of Japanese pirates came from time to time, especially the Japanese pirates from Shangyu who made a scene in Wuhu in the southwest, it had no impact on Jiangning Town. People's lives remained the same and the city remained bustling.


In addition to the fact that Jiangning is backed by Yingtian City, it is the gateway to Yingtian, and Yingtian covers the outside. The military camp camped next to the city wall outside the city is also the confidence for the people of Jiangning to live and work in peace and contentment, and the city remains bustling and lively.

This military camp next to the city wall of Jiangning has more than a thousand soldiers. It is commanded by Zhu Xiang and Jiang Sheng, the capital of Jiangning. The commander Zhu Xiang comes from a family of military generals. His ancestors once fought with Emperor Hongwu and have a long history of military exploits. Zhu Xiang himself is also famous. He once led an army to annihilate a group of water bandits and killed two bandits with his own hands. The commander, Jiang Sheng, was a martial artist. He was proficient in bow and horse, and his good marksmanship was praised by the world.

The close military control and the powerful coach are the confidence that Jiang Ning can live and work in peace and contentment.

In the early morning, after Jiangning Town opened the city gate, groups of people and carriages came and went in an endless stream.

Amid the flow of people, a team led by a wealthy businessman walked out from the city to the city gate. The leading wealthy businessman was like a nouveau riche, wearing a brand-new silk brocade dress, a mink fur coat, a jade pendant hanging on his waist, and a bracelet on his hand. He bought six gold rings and two jade rings. More than thirty servants pushed and pulled eight carts behind the wealthy businessman. The carts were loaded with vegetables, fruits, wine and meat. Two of the carts were pulling wine jars, and the top ones were Several wine jars were open, exuding a strong aroma of wine, and behind the last carriage there were more than 20 servants with heavy burdens in their hands following behind.

"Haha, the military master has worked hard. Thanks to the military master guarding the door day and night, we can live a peaceful life. It's disrespectful to be careless."

The wealthy businessman was an acquaintance. He walked towards the city gate guard with a smile and thrust a full five taels of silver into the hands of the leader of the city gate school. Then he waved to the servant behind him and loudly ordered, " Second Pillar, Third Daozi, you two come over and hand over the wine and food you brought to the military master. Wang Er and Liu Qiang, you two come over with two jars of good wine. It's freezing cold and you can warm up the military master who is watching the door. "

"Hi," Erzhuzi said happily and walked out with a food box. As soon as he opened his mouth, he was bumped into by a servant on the side, who glared at him without any trace. Erzhuli immediately realized that he had made a mistake and quickly changed his words, " Yes, it’s coming.”

The main schoolmaster at the city gate focused on the silver in his hand, and the gatekeepers focused on the food boxes and wine jars. This little episode of Erzhuzi's slip of the tongue did not attract their attention at all.

"Ahem, this is so bad."

Chengmen Primary School couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva, clenched the money tightly in his hands, and pretended to decline.

"Master Jun, this is just a little thought on our part. We can make a lot of money and live a good life in the back, not because you are protecting us from the wind and rain in the front, it's just a little thought. I also ask Master Wan to decline. It's freezing today, and you guys have to stick to your posts. It's really hard. A glass of wine can warm you up a little bit. In fact, it's not just you, we also have to go to the military camp in front to reward the troops."

The wealthy businessman chuckled and said, insisting on giving the money, wine and food to Chengmen Primary School and others as a token of gratitude.

"Haha, since that's the case, then we'd rather be respectful than obey. Thank you very much for your kindness." Chengmen Primary School took advantage of the situation and retracted the hand that was holding the silver. He didn't mean to refuse in the first place. These five taels of silver were his military pay for half a year. , and the richly fragrant wine and food made him and his soldiers drool unsatisfactorily, and they were not willing to push it out.

"Thank you very much for your kindness." The soldiers guarding the door eagerly took over the food and wine, all of them smiling like flowers.

"Haha, military masters, we are determined to go to the military camp in front of us to reward the troops. Thank you military masters for protecting us from the Japanese pirates. It's just that we are not familiar with the military camp. It will probably take a lot of effort to enter the military camp to reward the troops. In order to avoid unnecessary Please, Sir, can you send someone to accompany us and help us call down the camp gate so that we don’t waste time at the camp gate? The food and wine will not taste good when they are cold, and the taste will be reduced by at least half."

The wealthy businessman laughed and said to the gatekeeper school, asking the gatekeeper school to send someone to accompany them to reward the army.

"Haha, it's a trivial matter, it's a trivial matter." The gatekeeper responded nonchalantly, and immediately turned to look at a gatekeeper soldier and waved to him, "Zhang Suo, isn't your brother-in-law guarding the gate at the camp gate? Just accompany them on their trip. Don't worry, I'll leave you a share of the food and wine. It's indispensable for you."

"Okay." Zhang Suole, the gatekeeper, responded happily.

I just accepted people's money and food and drinks, but this little thing of calling someone in is nothing.

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