Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1486 The Japanese pirates are coming to kill

The Jiangning Camp was on fire, blood flowed into the river, and screams and cries shook Jiangning Town.

The soldiers guarding the gate of Jiangning Town who were drinking and eating food immediately discovered that something was wrong in the Jiangning camp. How could the Hao army make such a big noise and set off such a big fire, but the barbecue was leaked?! No, there were still shouts of killing, something was wrong. , there seemed to be the sound of Japanese pirates. After a few more breaths, the sounds of Jiangning camp crying for father and mother came over. The gatekeepers finally determined that something had happened in Jiangning camp. Japanese pirates were killing people and setting fire to the military camp!

"Close the city gate, close it." When the gatekeeper realized that something was wrong, he shouted to close the city gate, and then he shouted, but he couldn't make any sound, and gurgling blood flowed out of his mouth, nose and ears. , and said vaguely, "The food and wine are poisonous."

Falling to the ground!

Like a chain reaction, after the gatekeeper fell to the ground, the other gatekeepers stood up in panic and knocked over the food and wine in front of them, but they all fell to the ground bleeding and died.

Due to his status, the gatekeeper was the first to eat the food and wine, and he also ate the most, so the poison spread to him the fastest. The other gatekeepers ate later and less, so they were a few seconds late.

All the gatekeepers were poisoned and died. The gate of Jiangning Town was not closed immediately, which led to the complete destruction of Jiangning Town. Although some people realized that something was wrong and hurriedly closed the city gate, the Japanese pirates drove their troops to attack the city gate of Jiangning Town after killing people and setting fires in Jiangning Camp. They easily destroyed the people's efforts and broke open the gate of Jiangning Town in one fell swoop. A series of murders and arson. The tragedy of Jiangning Camp reappeared in Jiangning Town.

Soon, Jiangning Town was in flames, blood flowed into rivers, and miserable howls resounded through the sky. It became a hell on earth.

Jiangning Town is at the foot of Yingtian City. Jiangning Town was blazing with flames and pitiful beaks. It was quickly noticed by Yingtian City. First, the people and merchants coming in and out of Yingtian City discovered that the direction of Jiangning Town was wrong, then the gatekeepers, and then It was the people in the restaurant near the city gate who also discovered it.

"What's wrong? Why are there fires and black smoke billowing over there? Is there a fire?"

"Which way?"

"It's over there, in the direction of Jiangning Town in the south."

"Oh, it's true. The fire in Jiangning is soaring into the sky. Half of the sky seems to have been burned red. It's such a big fire. I'm afraid most of Jiangning Town is on fire, right?"

People in Yingtian City realized that something was wrong. They gathered together in twos and threes and pointed in the direction of Jiangning Town. They came to the unanimous conclusion that Jiangning Town was on fire. It was a fire that Chaoping had imagined. Otherwise, it would not have been so big. movement.

After about tea time, there was a man named Wang Laosan who had extremely good hearing. When he was watching the fire in Jiangning Town, he heard wisps of almost unheard howls, and he couldn't help but feel relieved. You Yongwei said, "That's not right. Something doesn't sound right in Jiang Ning. Why can't I faintly hear screams, howls, and calls for help?"

"With such a big fire, I don't know how many people were trapped. There were screams and wails.

It's normal. "

People around him didn't take it seriously and thought it was strange that Wang Laosan was so rare.

Wang Laosan shook his head and tried his best to prop up his ears. In order to hear more clearly, he put his hands in a trumpet shape by his ears and listened carefully. After a moment, he frowned and said, "No, I heard there were still shouts of killing, and I could faintly hear someone shouting, "Don't kill me." They were still shouting, "What's coming?" Wait, I listened again, and it seemed like many people were shouting, "The invaders are coming." It didn't sound like a fire. The movement seems to have been invaded by thieves."

What?! It didn’t sound like a fire, but it looked like it was being invaded by thieves?! When the people around heard that they were being invaded, they couldn’t help but trembled and froze in place.

"Impossible, you must have heard wrongly. Jiang Ning is at our Yingtian's feet and is our gateway to Yingtian. Even if the thieves are too ambitious, they don't dare to take advantage of Jiang Ning."

"Haha, that's right. We have had peace for hundreds of miles around Yingtian for hundreds of years. Especially there is Jiangning Camp under the city wall of Jiangning Town with more than a thousand soldiers and horses. How can any bandit dare to attack Jiangning? Wang Laosan, You must have heard wrongly, and you have been bragging about how good your ears are all day long. Are you blushing? I think your ears are not working well at all."

"Impossible, no way, Wang Laosan, don't talk nonsense. Do you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the current Zhao Kuo?!"

After being stunned for a moment, the people around them shook their heads, expressing disbelief and denying Wang Laosan's words.

"I really heard it, and I didn't blind myself." Wang Laosan tried his best to defend himself. "Che" the people around scoffed.

More and more people have noticed the abnormality of the fire in Jiangning Town. Many people gathered at the city gate to watch the excitement. Looking in the direction of Jiangning Town, they were talking about what kind of fire broke out, what kind of mutiny in the barracks, what kind of earth dragon turned over, and so on. Ghosts and gods take revenge, mountain bandits attack the city, there are all kinds of theories.

It was about tea time, and a number of horsemen came in a hurry from the official road outside the city gate. Their clothes were scratched and covered in blood, and their faces were as pale as paper. It was obvious that they had not yet recovered from the panic.

The servants kept raising their whips and stepping on the horses' belly, as if there were ghosts behind them demanding their lives.

"The Japanese pirates are coming!"

"The Japanese pirates first broke through Jiangning Camp and then Jiangning Town. They burned, killed, looted and committed all kinds of crimes."

"The Japanese pirates are coming."

After the official approached the gate of Yingtian City, he shouted that the Japanese pirates were coming and rode his horse towards the city as if on patrol.

Due to the rampage of Tolerance's horses, there was chaos at the city gate. Of course, what the official shouted caused chaos at the city gate.

Because someone among the crowd at the city gate recognized that these officials were from Jiangning Town Yamen!

An official from Jiangning has escaped from Jiangning! ! What are they shouting?!

The Japanese pirates are coming?!

Is there a Japanese pirate riot in Jiangning Town?!

Wang Laosan didn't do his job just now. He really wasn't hit by a fire, but by bandits! Or Japanese pirates!!!

Now think about it, what Wang Laosan just heard was "don't kill me" and what kind of pirates are coming. It turns out that the Japanese pirates are coming!!!!

The people in front of Yingtian City Gate felt as if they were struck by thunder. They screamed one by one and ran into the city. They wished their parents had two extra legs. They ran wildly and shouted that the Japanese pirates were coming.

The captain who guarded Yingtian City Gate immediately ordered the gatekeepers to close the city gate immediately. He locked the key, locked the key, and then locked the key again. He used all available closing methods to close the city gate tightly. At the same time, people were asked to leave. The Ministry of War and others in the city reported the news that the Japanese pirates had broken through the Jiangning camp and invaded Jiangning, killing, burning, and looting.

As people ran and shouted and the gatekeepers entered the city to report, the news that the Japanese pirates had broken through the Jiangning camp and invaded Jiangning spread quickly.

At first, when people heard about it, they didn't believe it and took it as a joke. They also used the emergency military intelligence joke of Zhao Kuo-Zhu Pingan to make fun of it. However, as more and more people reported that the Japanese pirates were coming, and as people who escaped from Jiangning entered Yingtian City through hanging frames, people had to accept the fact that the Japanese pirates were really coming.

Soon, the entire Yingtian City was shaken, and an atmosphere of panic instantly enveloped the entire city.

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