Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1487 I am a stupid pig

Chengbei Building is located in the north city of Yingtian City. Since it opened in the morning, people have been coming and going, and business has been very good. Regardless of the local name, it is one of the most prestigious restaurants in Yingtian City. The owner of the restaurant does not have much culture, so he named it Chengbei Tower because it is located in the north of the city. It is famous for its cooking skills. The owner and chef of the restaurant come from a family of royal chefs, and three generations of his family have been royal chefs. When it came to his generation, the inheritance was not broken. He worked as an imperial cook in the palace for ten years. Due to the death of his ancestor in the family, he returned home to observe filial piety. Later, the imperial cook in the palace left the house and had connections with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. While he was at home to observe filial piety, his nephew Due to his shortcomings, the owner of Chengbei Tower had no choice but to stay in Yingtian and open the Chengbei Tower. +

Because the Chengbei Tower is located in the north, unlike the Chengnan Tower, it was not the first time to learn the news about the Japanese invaders in Jiangning.

It is a little later than the south of the city.

When a group of diners were eating and drinking, someone suddenly walked into the restaurant in a hurry, walked to a seat familiarly and picked up a person who was drinking, "Brother, stop drinking, come home with me. ""

"Second brother, can you change your impatience? Why are you in such a hurry to use your chopsticks to eat and drink this food? Wouldn't it be a waste to go home now? This braised lion's head was made by Chef Wang himself. With so many tables, I It’s not easy to grab this plate, hurry up, sit down, try Wang Lao Yu’s chef’s skills, and eat wine and food together before it’s too late to go home.”

The eldest brother at the wine table smiled disapprovingly, patted the second eldest brother on the shoulder, and asked him to sit down and eat together.

"Brother, what else are you eating? Something big has happened. Go home quickly. I'm waiting for you to make up your mind at home."

The second child broke free from the eldest brother's hand and started to pull the eldest brother out again.

"Second brother, I'm not telling you, you are too rough-tempered. Our family lives by guarding two grocery stores. What big trouble could happen? Just calm down and understand. Sit down and eat!"

The eldest brother glared at the second one, took out his hand, patted the chair, and gave instructions in the manner of an elder brother.

"Brother, you are still eating, the Japanese pirates are coming!" the second brother cried, "go home quickly."

The Japanese pirates are coming?!

The boss couldn't help but raise his head and glance at the second child. After hearing this, everyone else in the restaurant also looked at the second child. "

After the restaurant was quiet for a second, laughter suddenly broke out, and the laughter almost brought down the roof of the building.

The old man laughed so hard that he almost burst into tears. He slapped the table with one hand and pointed at the second child with the other hand. He laughed from ear to ear. The Japanese pirates came and made the whole restaurant laugh. Well, that’s right. Now that I think about it, you told me the famous emergency military intelligence joke about Zhao Kuo two days ago. Yeah, yeah, that’s good. You can do it so quickly. I know how to use it, not bad, not bad.

After Boss Wang finished speaking, the laughter in the restaurant became louder. The Wang brothers were regular customers of the restaurant, and most of the regular customers knew each other. They all laughed and teased the two brothers.


"Hahaha, Boss Wang, your brother is so funny. It seems he wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with the current Zhao Kuo."

"But your Wang Laoer is still a little short of the mark. Zhao Kuo was the number one scholar in the world. As the number one scholar, he said the unbelievable saying 'The Japanese pirates are coming'. The contrast effect is better."

"If Zhao Kuo was here in the current generation, he would definitely be very happy. Haha, he is not alone in his way.

For a time, the restaurant was filled with a happy atmosphere, just like the Chinese New Year. "Seeing the happy smiling faces of his eldest brother and everyone in the restaurant, Wang Laoer couldn't help but stamp his feet and shouted hysterically, "The Japanese pirates are coming, they are really coming. This is not alarmist, let alone a joke! It is real. Yes! The Japanese pirates have defeated the Jiangning camp, killing three to four hundred people and injuring countless others. They set fire to the entire military camp. Not only that, this group of Japanese pirates also drove the defeated troops into Jiangning Town and killed people all at once. After setting fire, blood flowed all over Jiangning, and the whole city was set on fire! The fire almost burned half of the sky! You can see it clearly from the south gate! The south of the city has been in chaos for a long time! I just went to the south of the city to receive the goods, and on the way I couldn't believe it when I got the news. I went up to a high building and saw the flames of Jiangning rising into the sky. I also saw the people who had escaped from Jiangning. Then I had to believe it. Also, all the city gates in Yingtian were closed, tightly closed. !Brother, do you still think I’m joking?! Do you still have the heart to eat and drink here?!”?

After Wang Laoer's Gostilian shout, the whole restaurant became quiet, so quiet that it was terrifying!

The Japanese pirates are coming!

The Japanese pirates penetrated the Jiangning camp and captured Jiangning town? !

real or fake? !

impossible? !

impossible! Will not! I do not believe! This must not be true! Jiangning is at the foot of my Yingtian and is the gateway to my Yingtian. There is also a Jiangning camp guarding outside the city wall of Jiangning. How could it be so easily captured by Japanese pirates!

Absolutely impossible!

Therefore, this news is false. Well, it must be fake, haha, I was almost fooled by Wang Laoer.

After being quiet for a few seconds, someone in the restaurant coughed and laughed, "Ahem, Wang Laoer, you can do it. Your talent for comedy has the potential to catch up with Zhao Kuo of the time. Quiet, you are so fake." The military intelligence almost bluffed us all, and it was much more conceding than the urgent military intelligence of Zhao Kuo at that time."

After the man finished speaking, the quiet and oppressive atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly disappeared.

"Yeah, yeah, I almost believed it. This guy Wang Laoer said he had a nose and eyes, and I was sweating. Haha, interesting, interesting. I will use this to scare people later."

"Hahaha, it is indeed false news. I felt something was wrong from the beginning. Jiangning is our gateway to Yingtian, and there is a Jiangning Camp guard outside the city. The Japanese pirates broke through Jiangning Camp first and then Jiangning Town?! How is this possible!"

"Hahaha, Wang Lao Er, Wang Lao Er, I really have you."

"Wang Laoer, with you here, Zhao Kuo is no longer alone in this world, hahahaha, your joke is interesting."

The people in the restaurant pointed at Wang Laoer, smiled and shook their heads, half smiling and half teasing.

What? !


You still don’t believe it? !

Wang Laoer glanced at the people in the restaurant who were pointing and laughing at him. He couldn't help but get angry. He clenched his fists and shouted: "Why are you laughing? The Japanese pirates are here. Is it funny? Is it funny that the Japanese pirates kill people and set fires?" ?! There have been countless casualties in Jiangning, and rivers of blood have flowed! The next target of the Japanese pirates is our Yingtian!"

Well? !

Is this Wang Laoer so funny and addicted? !

Everyone in the restaurant was stunned for a moment, shook their heads and laughed bitterly.

"That's enough, second brother! That's almost enough!" Boss Wang saw that his brother was too involved, and it was too much, and it was enough to be funny, but it would be annoying if it didn't end. He had to come to this restaurant often, so he couldn't help but yelled loudly.

"It's okay, Boss Wang, your brother is ambitious and wants to surpass the current Zhao Kuo, hahahaha."

Someone in the restaurant said with a smile.

"Shut up! You can insult me, but you can't insult Zhuangyuanlang! They predicted a few days ago that the Japanese pirates would attack Yingtian, so they kindly reminded us, but it turned out to be a joke to the whole city. I feel ashamed now thinking about it. Panic! I want to apologize to the No. 1 Scholar. I, Wang Laoer, am a stupid pig. I misunderstood the No. 1 Scholar and let down the good intentions of the No. 1 Scholar. You, you, you, and you, everyone here is also the same. idiot!"

Wang Laoer couldn't control himself and exploded.

"Wang Laoer, if you call yourself a stupid pig, we have no problem with it, but if you call all of us pigs, that's enough! Isn't this funny! If you mistake vulgarity for a joke, you are going in the wrong direction! "

"Wang Laoer, are you crazy?!"

"Boy, you've had enough!"

Wang Laoer's words were like lighting a powder keg, and everyone in the restaurant was angry.

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