Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1489 Regret

The Japanese pirates are coming! It’s a matter of life and property, and the news quickly spreads throughout Yingtian City.

The peaceful life that had lasted for hundreds of years was shattered, the entire city fell into panic, and the people were in panic all day long. There was no one on the street, and there was an atmosphere of panic. Occasionally, people appeared and ran home as if to escape. Some of the people hiding at home packed their bedding with gold and silver, and were ready to leave home at any time, and some closed their doors tightly. The door was locked one after another, and a cellar for hiding was even urgently started.

The only excitement may be the gangsters on the street who are worried about the world being in chaos. They are eyeing every shop and wealthy household. They are not prepared to use the Japanese pirates to attack the city, take advantage of the chaos, smash and loot, and make a lot of money.

Compared with ordinary people, Yingtian's official circles are better informed. Yingtian City's three giants - Zhang Jing, Minister of the Ministry of War, He Sui, the guard eunuch, and Xu Pengju, Yingtian's guard Wei Duke, immediately summoned the chief and deputy officials of Yingtian's large and small yamen. Officials held an emergency military meeting to discuss how to deal with the threat of Japanese pirates attacking Shangyu.

The meeting was held at the Ministry of War.

For a time, the first and second leaders of the large and small yamen in Yingtian City gathered at the Ministry of War Yamen. Because the news of the Japanese pirates' killing was too important and urgent, and it was closely related to their black yarn hats, if it was not handled well, the black yarns would not be taken care of, and their lives would be at risk. Bao, everyone shirks responsibility and blames each other, so that the Ministry of War Yamen is as noisy as a vegetable market.

"Hey, why are these damn Japanese pirates coming so soon?" Some officials gnashed their teeth and cursed. "

"Why, why don't we say hello to you before the Japanese pirates come?!" After hearing this, an official suddenly laughed.

"Haha, the Japanese pirates didn't say hello to us, but someone did."

An official next to him quickly took over the conversation.

"Who?" asked the previous official.

"Si Jinshi, the envoy of the Prosecution Commission, Zhu Ping'an, Mr. Zhu. Last time, the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Husbandry and the generals gathered for a meeting. Although I was not present, I heard that Mr. Zhu Ping'an and Zhu came to report the Japanese pirates who were about to land in Shangyu. Unfortunately, no one present took the urgent military situation that was disturbing Yingtian seriously, and even made it into a joke, saying something about being haunted, etc. spread throughout Yingtian, causing the whole city to laugh at Master Zhu, saying "Zhao Kuo was living in this world" ', Haha, it turns out that the Japanese pirates who landed at Shangyu really came! It's exactly the same as the emergency military situation reported by Mr. Zhu three days ago!" The official glanced at several military headquarters and nearby military attachés with a smile, and sneered.

As soon as the official finished speaking, the entire meeting fell into absolute silence!

You can hear the needle drop!

Almost all the officials present were blushing, especially the officials who participated in the last meeting of the Ministry of War, their faces were so red that it was scalding. Thinking of how they laughed at Zhu Pingan, they wanted to find a mouse hole to crawl in!

Who would have thought that when Shangyu landed, the Japanese pirates would really cause great trouble. Who knew that this group of Japanese pirates would be so ferocious and powerful. First, the three thousand allied troops suffered a huge defeat, and then they hid for two days and then defeated the Jiangning camp in one fell swoop. They killed three to four hundred Jiangning soldiers. Even Zhu Xiang, who was known for his military exploits, was killed on the spot. , the deputy commander Jiang Sheng, who was a martial artist, was also seriously injured, and then captured Jiangning Town, burning, killing, looting, and heading straight towards Yingtian!

What a slap in the face!

Their faces were all swollen!

Hey, to be honest, they also regretted it at this moment, regretting not listening to Zhu Ping'an's urgent military information!

Otherwise, why would it be like this?

Now, it is not only their face problem, but also the face problem of the entire Ming Dynasty!

The Japanese pirates attacked the capital of the Ming Dynasty! Where is the face of the Ming Dynasty, and where is the face of the Holy Emperor?!

This is a big deal!

After the meeting was quiet for a moment, someone sighed and said, "Hey, it's too late to say anything now. The Japanese pirates have already come to kill us. Let's discuss countermeasures. It's not too late to remedy the situation."

"When it comes to countermeasures, what is there to say? As the saying goes, 'When soldiers come, they will be blocked, and when water comes, the soil will cover them.' If the Japanese pirates come to kill them, then just block them. We have many military camps in Yingtian. We can raise troops for a thousand days and use them for a while. Now we are using them." It’s their time, just send them.”

"Master Wang, what do you mean by this? How come the Japanese pirates are all the responsibility of our barracks as soon as they come? Isn't it your criminal department and other yamen's responsibility? If you want to clean yourself up at this time, do you think it's possible?!"

"Okay, okay, just say a few words. There are intact eggs under the overturned nest. This time the Japanese pirates attack, no one can escape the responsibility."

"Haha, that's not necessarily true. Mr. Zhu Ping'an definitely has no responsibility. He reported the emergency military situation three days in advance. Unfortunately, no one paid attention to it. These three days of precious time were wasted. If Mr. Zhu had paid attention to it at that time, The urgent military situation, how can there be today's disaster?"

"I've said it all, it's too late to say anything now, think about it quickly, the Japanese pirates will kill them in front of the city!"

The scene was like a flock of ducks ushering in a vegetable market, quacking, quacking, noisy as much as possible. Some officials were even so noisy that they blushed and even rolled up their sleeves.

Zhang Jing, Minister of the Ministry of War, came out from outside together with the guarding eunuch He Sui and Yingtian guard Wei Guogong Xu Pengju, and happened to see this scene. When Zhang Jing saw the messy scene, he couldn't help but frown and scolded, "That's enough! Everyone should be quiet. They are all officials of the imperial court. How can they be so noisy?"

After Zhang Jing scolded him, the officials at the scene immediately restrained themselves a lot, and the scene became much quieter.

The guarding eunuch He Sui's face was still unkind. He glanced at the officials at the scene with squinted eyes. He raised his orchid finger and said sadly, "The Za family, Mr. Zhang and Duke Wei called you here to discuss countermeasures, not to listen to you." You are quarreling. A group of Japanese pirates came to kill you, and you have lost your sense of proportion and dignity. How can you be considered a man like this? How can you share the worries of the Holy One? It is better to castrate yourself and go to the palace to serve the Holy King and the nobles."

After He Sui spoke, the officials present felt a cool breeze under their crotches and subconsciously tightened their thighs.

Hearing He Sui say "castration", Linhuai Marquis Li Tingzhu couldn't help but think of his uneducated young son at home! This little bastard almost made himself angry to death by saying "It takes six months to give birth to a child, and a loving father castrates". This sentence reminds me of the past, and I can't help but feel itching at this moment.

Seeing that both Zhang Jing and He Sui had spoken, Wei Guogong thought about whether he should also say something. He opened his mouth and found that he didn't know what to say, so he had to cough and stop.

After the meeting was quiet, Zhang Jing and He Sui took the main seats, Wei Guogong took a seat next to him, and the other officials took their seats according to their rank.

"Everyone, now the Japanese pirates from Shangyu have broken through the Jiangning camp and captured Jiangning Town. They are killing me all the way to Yingtian. Do you have any good ideas to teach me?" He Sui couldn't help but spoke first.


The scene was quiet. At this critical moment, no one wanted to be the first person for fear of taking responsibility and being held accountable later.

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