Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1490 Fight or Defend

Zhang Jing glanced at everyone and knew that everyone was just worried about being held responsible. He sneered with disdain and slowly said: "Everyone, Yingtian is the capital of my Ming Dynasty. The Japanese pirates are brazenly attacking Yingtian. I don't need to say anything." , you also know how great the impact of this matter is. Since we are deprived of the emperor's salary, we should be loyal to the emperor, no matter who we are! Today, we have summoned you to come for a meeting. Please speak freely, and there is no need to worry about being punished for your words. We have pooled our collective wisdom and efforts to discuss countermeasures. The final decision is our joint decision, and all results are jointly borne by us. Of course, I, He Zhengshou, and Wei Guogong bear the primary responsibility."

Hearing Zhang Jing say that he would not be punished for his words, all the officials couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and started talking one after another.

"As the saying goes, when the soldiers come, they will block the water and cover up the soil. When the Japanese pirates come, then just send troops out of the city to destroy the Japanese. We have Dajiachang Camp, Xiaoxiaochang Camp, Shenji Camp, Patrol Patrol Camp, Xinjiangkou Camp and other Beijing camps. There are no less than 100 soldiers. One hundred thousand means raising an army for a thousand days and using it for a period of time. This time, we can select elite soldiers and generals from various camps and go out of the city to destroy the Japanese."

"That's it. On the battlefield, we are afraid of laymen commanding experts. I think the matter of destroying the Japanese should be decided by the experts like the Ministry of War and your Beijing camp. We laymen can just play the drums in Yingtian City. We will fully cooperate with you, wave the flag and cheer for you, and wait for your triumphant return."

"What do you mean? It means that the Japanese pirates are our business and have nothing to do with you, right?!"

"No, we should cooperate inside and outside. You, the experts, go out of the city to destroy the Japanese, while we, the outsiders, beat drums and wave flags inside the city."

"Going out of the city to annihilate the Japanese? Haha, you said you are amateurs, but you really are. It is very inappropriate to go out of the city to annihilate the Japanese. This group of Japanese pirates are very brave. I think defending the city with all our strength is the best strategy."

"Defend the city with all your strength?! It's shameful, it's shameful! There are only fifty or sixty Japanese pirates in Shangyu. I have a hundred thousand defenders every day. On weekdays, all the nobles, military academy cavalry and subordinates crowd around the road, and the soldiers attack my household every month. I asked for no more than 80,000 yuan of food. The so-called raising troops for a thousand days and using them for a while, and the imperial salary, food and grass to support you and so on, is not just for today?! A mere fifty or sixty thugs knocked on the door, and you and other 100,000 defenders only dared to defend the city?! "

"What do you know? Where are the 100,000 defenders? Today there are only 6,000 soldiers in the large teaching camp, only 9,100 in the small teaching camp, and only 2,500 in the Shenji camp. The patrols are The patrol troops are only 3,600, and the Xinjiangkou camp is only 5,800... The total number of troops we can fight in Yingtian is only more than 30,000 and less than 40,000."

"Is more than thirty thousand still too little?! There are only about fifty Japanese pirates!"

"Although there are few Japanese, they are very rare! Three days ago, during the meeting of Jiangsu and Zhejiang to discuss punishment and inspection, Mr. Zhu Ping'an, the chief minister, said that this Japanese is extremely brave and has great fighting power."

"Haha, you still have the nerve to mention Mr. Zhu. If you paid attention to Mr. Zhu's urgent military situation at the beginning, why would you end it today! Three days ago, Mr. Zhu reminded Shangyu that the Japanese pirates would attack Yingtian, and suggested dispatching troops and setting up an ambush midway. As a result, you took Mr. Zhu and Mr. Zhu’s emergency military situation as a joke. Haha, now, let’s see who is the joke! If you had adopted Mr. Zhu’s suggestion, this group of Japanese pirates would have been wiped out long ago. Why? As for Jiangning being breached and Yingtian being attacked?!”

"Come again, are you done yet? It's too late to say anything now. Yes, yes, we regret it, regret it, regret that we didn't listen to Mr. Zhu's words at that time, but what can we do! Now the Japanese pirates have come to kill, Whether we should go out of the city to exterminate the Japanese, or close the city behind closed doors, let’s quickly come up with a charter.”

The meeting place became noisy again.

The main points of contention among the people are "war" or "defense", and who should bear the responsibility for guarding the Japanese.

Shi Pengfei, the right minister of the Ministry of War, looked red, smelly and embarrassed.

During this meeting, he had heard more than once that someone mentioned Zhu Ping'an's emergency military situation three days ago.

In the meeting three days ago, Zhu Pingan's emergency military information was mainly rejected by him. He ridiculed Zhu Pingan for being unfounded and worried, leading the trend of ridiculing Zhu Pingan and treating Zhu Pingan and his emergency military information as a joke.

Also, during the break during the meeting, Mr. Zhang Jing stopped him and asked him to pay due attention to and study Zhu Ping'an's urgent military situation. After the meeting, he had dinner with several coaches from the Beijing camp and made it a joke at the dinner table. Just a mouthful.

Even when the allied forces of Wuhu Censor, Jianyang Guards and others suppressed the Japanese rebels, they were defeated by the Japanese pirates. He also told Zhang Shangshu that although the Japanese pirates in Shangyu won this time, it was a disastrous victory and they lost twenty or thirty people. They no longer have the ability to fight. With their ability to attack cities and commit evil, this group of Japanese pirates had nothing to worry about. They had no choice but to flee.

Who would have thought that the Japanese pirates from Shangyu, with only fifty-seven people left, would be slapped in the face so quickly, and actually kill them all in Yingtian!

What a slap in the face!

I was already embarrassed, but these people kept mentioning Zhu Ping'an over and over again. It was really a case of not mentioning Zhu Ping'an!

At the meeting site, Yu Dayou stood in the corner, watching with cold eyes the officials who were arguing and arguing. He looked down with disdain. What is there to discuss? More than fifty Japanese pirates attacked, with more than 30,000 soldiers and horses, but they didn't It was ridiculous to dare to go out of the city to exterminate the Japanese. His mind went back to the meeting three days ago, when Master Zhu Ping'an reported the emergency military information. At first, he concluded that the emergency military information reported by Zhu Ping'an was too unbelievable, and he couldn't help but despise Zhu in his heart. Sir, looking back now, I feel so ashamed. I have wasted more than thirty years in the army! Mr. Zhu deserves to be the number one scholar. He is really amazing. He actually predicted that the Japanese pirates from Shangyu would attack Yingtian three days in advance! Planning a strategy and winning a decisive victory thousands of miles away, I'm talking about people like Mr. Zhu. He is really a formidable person!

Zhang Jing also watched the discussion with a cold eye. After hearing that everyone was going to defend the city with all their strength, he couldn't help but knock on the table, glanced at everyone with a serious face, shook his head and said, "Everyone, defend the city with all your strength, no!"

"Why?" The official who advocated all-out defense of the city couldn't help but ask.

"Why? Haha, the year before last, Shuntian, the northern capital, was besieged by the Tatars. What did the capital do at that time?! What happened afterwards?" Zhang Jing sneered, glanced at the crowd and said, "There are fifty thousand forbidden troops in the capital, and eight troops from various places. Ten thousand, facing the Tatar soldiers and horses, the generals did not dare to fight. Someone also asked the generals to fortify the wall and not fight. As a result, more than 100,000 troops sat and watched the Tatar soldiers and horses plundering outside the city. Later, although the Tatar troops retreated, the capital was intact. , but for me, the Ming Dynasty, and for the Holy Emperor, it is also a great shame and great humiliation. Ding Rukui, the Minister of the Ministry of War, was executed, and many people were punished! Now, the Japanese pirates from Shangyu are attacking Liuyingtian, and you still have to defend the city with all your strength and sit back and watch the Japanese pirates. Burning, killing and looting outside the city?! The lessons learned by Ding Rukui and others are still there, so you are going to make the same mistakes again?! Could it be that you are deceiving the Holy Spirit because you are confused?!"


When the officials who advocated all-out defense of the city heard this, they suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Yes, the year before last, the Tatar soldiers invaded the capital. The capital was fully defended. The emperor felt it was a great shame and humiliation to watch the Tatar soldiers and horses plunder outside the city. He ordered the beheading of Ding Rukui, the Minister of War who was in charge of the defense at that time. Many officials were implicated and were severely punished by the emperor. After a while! Yingtian stayed in the capital, and now the Japanese invaders invaded Yingtian. The nature and severity of the Japanese pirates' invasion of Yingtian is not much different from that of Anda's soldiers invading the capital!

Ding Rukui and others are here to teach you a lesson!

If you do it again this time, it will be the second time! The Holy Lord's thunderous wrath must be even greater than the year before!

Indeed, defending the city with all your strength will fail!

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