Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1491 The whole army sets off

Since it is not feasible to defend the city with all our strength, we must send troops out of the city to suppress the Japanese.

However, there is a lot to be said for sending troops out of the city.

Who was sent out of the city to suppress the Japanese?! To be honest, no one wanted to lead troops out of the city to suppress the Japanese. After all, Zhu Xiangdu, the commander of the Jiangning Battalion who was famous for his martial arts, was killed by the Japanese pirates. Jiang Shengdu, the commander of the Jiangning Battalion who was famous for his martial arts, was seriously injured. Hanging by a thread, if I hadn't faked my own death and deceived the Japanese pirates by luck, I would have burned paper for him today next year. Who would be willing to risk their lives to go out of the city to suppress the Japanese pirates now? Isn't it nice to defend the city safely in the city? Why go out? Risk your life to destroy the Japanese.

Also, how many soldiers and horses should be sent out of the city to suppress the Japanese pirates?! If you send too few, you might not be able to wipe out the Japanese pirates. But if you send too many, Yingtian's defense will have problems. If Yingtian makes a mistake, no one can bear it. With this responsibility, even dozens of heads can't quell the thunderous wrath of the Holy One.

As a result, the meeting place became noisy again, with people trying to shirk each other.

"The last general is willing to lead the troops out of the city to serve as a deputy marquis." Yu Dayou frowned for a long time, and finally impatiently walked away from the crowd and stepped forward to ask for a fight.

Seeing that Yu Dayou took the initiative to ask for a war to go out of the city to suppress the enemy, the two officials immediately breathed a sigh of relief and all agreed.

"Oh, it's General Yu, that's no problem. General Yu has been fighting on the front line of destroying the princes all year round. He has rich experience and a strong military strategy. General Yu must be the one to go out of the city to make judgments.

"That's right, General Yu couldn't be more suitable. General Yu is proficient in both water and land warfare. I wholeheartedly support General Yu in going out to suppress the Japanese."

"General Yu has repeatedly exterminated and driven out Japanese pirates. He has a long history of military exploits. This time he goes out of the city to suppress Japanese pirates and he will definitely succeed."

"General Yu is a veteran on the battlefield. He has been campaigning east and west all the time. He has been in battle for many years. I think it will work."

Hearing everyone's praise, Yu Dayou couldn't help but laugh at himself, why didn't you realize that I have such good popularity before? You all hid it too deeply.

"General Yu, please be patient." Zhang Jing nodded approvingly to Yu Dayou, then looked at everyone one by one and asked slowly, "Everyone, are there any who volunteer to go out of the city to destroy the Japanese?"


All was quiet.

At this moment, Zhang Jing seemed to have become a great mage. His question seemed to have cast a magic spell of silence. The entire meeting place became eerily quiet, a lifeless silence.

All the officials present lowered their heads, even breathing carefully not to make a sound, for fear of being spotted by Zhang Jing.

"I would like to ask again, are there any of you who have volunteered to go out of the city to destroy the Japanese?!" Zhang Jing asked again.

Everyone present looked at the scene with their eyes and noses, their noses and their hearts, but still said nothing. The scene was still quiet.

"Haha, look at you. As an official of the imperial court, you have no responsibility at all. As early as when the Japanese pirates in Shangyu captured Jiangning, Hu Zongxian, the Zhejiang patrol censor who happened to be supervising the army in Zhenwei camp, had already sent me a formal invitation to fight. , the Zhenwei Battalion has selected 800 elite soldiers to intercept and annihilate this group of bold Japanese pirates in the Yingtian Waiguo Cherry Orchard! The performance of all of you will be faithfully recorded by this officer, and will be submitted to the unified report after the war. Your Majesty."

Zhang Jing glanced at everyone, sneered, took out an official document from his sleeve and showed it to everyone.

This official document was a petition for war sent by Hu Zongxian. The impassioned writing revealed determination and confidence in wiping out the Japanese pirates.

All the officials looked ashamed, but they were more relaxed. Hu Zongxian had already led eight hundred elite soldiers to the Waiguo Cherry Orchard to stop the Japanese pirates. Yu Dayou took the initiative to ask for a fight. Now, with the two of them, we don't have to. Worried about being sent out to destroy the Japanese.

If you don't take responsibility, you don't take responsibility. It's better than losing your life. You must know that this group of Japanese pirates is not ordinary, and they are not as fierce as they are. Just look at their achievements since landing ashore, and you will know that this group of Japanese pirates are working part-time as if they were the god of death and evil stars with brain problems.

More than a hundred people landed ashore, and after more than half a month, they fought thousands of miles, fighting large and small.

Someone has just counted that these Japanese pirates have killed a censor, a county magistrate, two commanders, and two commanders, totaling more than 3,000 officers and soldiers, not to mention countless injured officers and soldiers.

Today, there are only about fifty people left in this group of Japanese pirates, and they still dare to attack Yingtian! Isn’t this a mental illness?! And they even destroyed Jiangning Camp and fell Jiangning Town! After these two battles, this Not a single one of the Japanese pirates was lost!

Tell me, are these Japanese pirates still human?

Each and every one of them is a ruthless character who can match one to a hundred! It’s as if the murderous god and evil star are still alive!

Going out to fight against Japanese invaders was not only dangerous, it was extremely dangerous. It would not be an exaggeration to say that leaving the city to destroy the Japanese would mean a narrow escape from death.

One "irresponsible" bad comment can be exchanged for a life, it couldn't be more cost-effective! This account is a sure profit!

In a state of official rejoicing, Zhang Jing, He Sui and Wei Guogong left the table to discuss for a while and reached an agreement. Zhang Jing came back and scanned everyone, and issued orders one after another without any doubt:

"Everyone, from today onwards, until the threat of invading Japanese pirates disappears, Yingtian has entered a wartime situation. I, He Zhenshou and Xu Shoubei will take over the entire city, and all government offices will obey the command! The whole city, whether it is Anyone who dares to disobey orders will be killed without mercy!"

"General Yu, I have ordered you to be the commander-in-chief of Yingtian City Guards. You will be under your unified command of the troops and horses of all the capital camps in the city. If Yingtian makes the slightest mistake, even if a Japanese pirate invades Yingtian, come and see him!"

"You and other camps in the capital, obey the command of General Yu. Anyone who dares to be dirty will be killed without mercy! In addition, each of your battalions will dispatch a hundred elite soldiers and generals, equipped with full weapons and armor, and go out of the inner city to the Cherry Garden. Mr. Hu Zongxian Please obey your orders! Remember, I am talking about elite soldiers and strong generals. Anyone who dares to deal with the old, weak, sick and disabled will be killed and not disturbed!"

"Everyone else should follow my officer and go up to the city wall to obey orders. Anyone who dares to leave the city wall without permission will be killed and not disturbed!"

"All officials and generals guarding the city must fight bravely. No matter who dares to take even a step back, they will be killed without mercy!"

While Zhang Jing was issuing wartime orders one after another, more than 700 people from the whole camp of the Zhejiang Army on the Taohuaji Campus had finished eating and were fully armed and assembled at the camp gate. At the front of the entire army, Zhu Ping'an wore a bright light armor on the outside and soft body armor on the inside. He held a long sword in his left hand and looked in the direction of the sky. His eyes showed confidence and perseverance. He waved his right hand and ordered: "The whole army is marching." , the second route is heading south, rushing to support Yingtian!".

Zhu Pingan gave the order, and the Zhejiang army broke out of camp and headed south under the leadership of Zhu Pingan.

This time, we must not let this group of Japanese pirates, who are full of crimes, escape calmly from Yingtian City like history did!

You're pretending to be cool, but you still want to run away, it's a beautiful idea!

I, Zhu Pingan, don’t agree!

Once you're here, don't leave! This time, these bandits must be buried under Yingtian City.

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