Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1496 Melting instantly

The winter days are short, and time is not slow. Every time the sun slowly sets on the west mountain, the four waves of scouts sent by Hu Zongxian also return in the afterglow of the sunset, bringing the latest investigation situation.

No Japanese pirates, no Japanese pirates, still no Japanese pirates!

The Ming army was not surprised at all by this.

Now in front of the cherry orchard, it's like a waiting party. On the bonfire, sweet potatoes from Spain, chickens, ducks and geese that "lost" to the cherry orchard, and dry grains are roasted. The roasted oil is crispy and dripping with fat.

The Ming army, who had long taken off their armor and weapons, sat beside the campfire, eating with oily lips.

It doesn't feel like a war, but rather like an outing.

While the Ming army was eating and drinking, another wave of about ten people who had fled came on the road ahead. When they got closer, they stood on the roadside. Each one of them was timid and frightened and looked eagerly at the Ming army who were roasting and eating meat.

Their words and deeds fully demonstrated that they were hungry and cold and wanted to ask for food and drink, but they were also afraid of the Ming army.

"Hey, you guys come here, I have something to ask you." Several Ming soldiers took some cakes and stretched out their hands to call them over.

"Master Jun, what do you want to ask?" The refugees came over, looked at the pancakes in Ming Jun's hands, and swallowed.

"Where did you come from?" Ming Jun asked with his hands on his hips and shouting.

"We escaped from Jiangning." the refugees replied.

"Have you seen any traces of Japanese pirates along the way?" Ming Jun asked, shaking the pancake in his hand.

"No. Did you see it?"

"If we saw it, we would still be alive."

"I didn't see it. I heard that the Japanese pirates robbed things and ran to the beach. We didn't see them either. I don't know whether it's true or not."

All the refugees shook their heads and said they had not seen the Japanese pirates.

"Hey, sure enough, there is still no trace of the Japanese pirates. I don't know if they ran away or took a detour." The Ming army was not surprised at all. He threw the pancakes in his hands to the refugees and said with a smile, "These pancakes are rewarded to you. Who can grab them?" It’s up to whoever.”

Then, the two Ming soldiers laughed and watched the refugees fighting for the cakes like vicious dogs.

After the refugees robbed each other of food, they went to rest in the woods on the roadside. With a large army stationed here, they finally no longer have to worry about Japanese pirates. They can finally rest for a while and recuperate enough to continue their escape to Yingtian.

The Ming army turned a blind eye to this. Several waves of refugees had gone to rest in the woods on the roadside. Some refugees continued to flee to Yingtian after resting, and some refugees had not yet left. As long as they don't cause trouble, the Ming army won't bother to chase them away.

"The sun is almost setting. There is no trace of the Japanese pirates yet, and we haven't heard the Japanese pirates attacking Yingtian from other directions. It seems that this group of Japanese pirates have really escaped."

"Haha, they robbed so much, enough for them to spend dozens of lifetimes. It is normal for Fan to escape without risking his life to attack Yingtian."

"Haha, good job running away."

"Come on, come on, keep eating, keep playing."

After listening to Jin Hou's commendation and the words of the refugees, the Ming army became more relaxed and relaxed. They started eating, drinking and having fun, throwing arrows, throwing dice, chatting and bragging, and wrestling.

While the Ming army was eating, drinking, having fun and letting themselves go, the refugees resting in the woods gathered together at some point. He took out a handful of Japanese knives with cold light from the bedding, baggage and bags carried by the refugees, and took out bags of black powder from the baggage and tied them around his waist.

"Divide the troops into two groups. Be careful when you get in front of the Ming army, and then shout for kill." A stout refugee said in Japanese.

"Hi!" The two refugees lowered their heads and whispered in unison. .

It turns out these refugees are Japanese pirates!!

This group of Japanese pirates has been wandering around the southeast for a long time since they landed, and they are deliberately preparing for a large-scale invasion of Jiangnan in the future. They have mastered the language of the locals in the Ming Dynasty, and their speech is flawless! They are all bold enough to disguise themselves as refugees. I actually have no flaws at all!

In particular, they dispersed into several waves and fled here at different times, which did not arouse any suspicion from the Ming army.

If they hadn't taken out Japanese knives and spoke Japanese at this moment, it would really be impossible to tell that they were Japanese pirates.

It was all fake and real! The Japanese pirates divided into two groups silently and cautiously approached the Ming army from two directions. The Ming army was eating, drinking, having fun, and letting themselves go. No one noticed anything unusual in the woods, and no one realized that the danger was approaching. .

"Kill me!"

The Japanese pirates carefully touched the front of the Ming army's formation, suddenly waved their Japanese swords and jumped into the Ming army's formation, shouting to kill them.



A sword is bloody and a sword is deadly.

It was at this time that the Ming army noticed two directions. Dozens of Japanese pirates were wielding Japanese knives like a whirlwind and slashing in the formation, just like chopping melons and vegetables, knocking each of their comrades to the ground.

The Japanese swordsmanship is exquisite, and when he swings the Japanese sword, it will spin like the wind: he is agile and flashes like an evil ghost.

As for the Ming army.

In order to warm themselves by the fire, the Ming army had already taken off their armor and had no protection. In order to eat barbecue and pancakes, they put their weapons aside and were unarmed, like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

In an instant, the envoys were like hot knives sowing into the snow, and the Ming army was melted in an instant!

Everything is broken!

The rats are scurrying away! They are completely defeated!

Unarmed and without armor protection, they were attacked in a hurry. Apart from being chopped to the ground, they could only run for their lives instinctively.

At this time, the deep ditch they dug before, the deep ditch to prevent the disease from retreating, the deep ditch to encourage the soldiers to break the lottery and sink the boat and fight with their last resort, it worked!

It really works!

Under the Japanese pirates' surprise attack, the Ming army fled in all directions. At this time, the Ming army panicked and fled like dumplings. They rolled and fell into a deep ditch, and their screams resounded through the sky.

When the Japanese pirates raided, Hu Zongxian was still studying the map. While studying, he murmured to himself: "The Japanese pirates can't escape. They will definitely come to kill them. Where will they come from?"

Then the Japanese pirates came to kill them!

"Hold on!".

"Those who escape will be killed without mercy!"

Hu Zongxian raised his sword, shouted, and hurriedly organized his own soldiers to maintain military discipline and stabilize the military formation.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny!

Hu Zong had just gathered seven or eight soldiers, but he was attacked by the Ming army, which was running for their lives in a hurry. Hu Zongxian's head was squeezed out, and his hair was as messy as a chicken coop. The entire cherry orchard was massacred on one side, with the Japanese pirates chasing after them and the Ming army fleeing like headless flies.

"Sir, the matter has come to an end. Preserving your life is the most important thing."

Seeing the overwhelming defeat, the two soldiers, regardless of Hu Zongxian's objections, picked up Hu Zongxian's shoulders and ran back. Then they were uncontrollably wrapped up by the rebels and fell into a deep ditch.

The Ming army screamed in the deep ditch.

The Japanese pirates chased them to the ditch, took off the gunpowder belt from their waists and threw it into the deep ditch. They also threw the gunpowder for the Ming army's artillery into the ditch. Several Japanese pirates took out a few burning sticks from the fire pile and threw them away. Go in.



In the deep ditch, the flames are blazing into the sky, and the people are miserable.

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