Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1497 Returning in disastrous defeat

One second I was eating barbecue, and the next second I was having barbecue.

This is an embarrassing and tragic true portrayal of the Ming army who blocked the Japanese pirates in front of the cherry orchard.

Fortunately, the deep trench where the Ming army fought their last battle was hastily dug and was only four meters wide and eight meters deep. More than a thousand Ming soldiers were driven into the trench by the Japanese pirates. Even though they trampled on each other, many Ming soldiers were still able to step on Pao Ze's body. He escaped before being burned to death. The smell of burnt meat and the desperate screams of the Ming army spread extremely far this evening...

Under the desperate protection of his own soldiers, Hu Zongxian and Zhang, the commander of the Zhenwei Battalion, stepped on the bodies of the soldiers and crawled out of the deep ditch. They escaped with their lives, leaving behind their helmets and armor, and their beard and hair were burnt yellow by the fire. His face was covered in blood, his clothes were burned and tattered, and he was in an extremely miserable state.

When the soldiers crossed their arms and ran for their lives in Yingtian City, Hu Zongxian tried his best to tilt his head and look back. "

The setting sun is like blood!

Blood like the setting sun!

Under the bloody sun, the cherry orchard was like a hell on earth. The Japanese pirates were too lazy to kill with their swords. They drove the remaining Ming army into the deep pit like animals, and used gunpowder to burn the Ming army innocently and cruelly.

Although Ming troops were still crawling out of the hell-like deep ditch one after another, fewer and fewer people were able to climb out. At least six to seven hundred burned corpses were left in the deep ditch. "

This was the first group he led. The time, place and people were favorable. He never expected that the competition would be so tragic...

Hu Zongxian still couldn't recover from the defeat in the Cherry Orchard, even after being forced to flee to Yingtian City by his own soldiers.

Even when patrolling the important border towns of Datong and the border troops were defeated by the enemy chiefs, they had never suffered such a disastrous defeat!

Unable to help himself, two lines of hot tears flowed from Hu Zongxian's eyes, and flowed into his mouth along with the blood on his face.

The salty and fishy smell came one after another and was deeply engraved in the bone marrow. Hu Zongxian gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Damn Japanese pirate, just wait for me. The shame of today will never be forgotten! "

"Open the door, open the door, open the door quickly!"

The defeated soldiers fled to Yingtian City and found that the city gate was closed. They couldn't help but slap and scream at the Yingtian City Gate. They shouted loudly for the city to open. They even kicked the door with their feet in excitement.

The defeated soldiers called the door and looked back with lingering fear, fearing that the Japanese pirates would catch up.

Fortunately, Paoze in the deep ditch bought time for them, and no trace of the Japanese pirates was seen behind him.

"Why are you shouting? Who is kicking the door? If you kick the door again, I will shoot an arrow! Who are you?!"

The soldiers guarding the city looked down from the city wall and cursed.

"You are blind, I am the Zhenwei camp for you to stop the Japanese pirates, why don't you open the door for your grandfathers!".

"I was fighting the Japanese pirates in the cherry orchard outside the city to protect you, but you locked me up outside the city."

"Open the door, open the door, open the door quickly!"

"Please, open the door quickly, the Japanese pirates are coming."

The defeated soldiers either threatened, looked fierce, or begged. They used various means to call the door.

However, the city gate has never been opened. The gatekeepers have long received orders from the three giants of Yingtian. No matter what happens, without the joint handwriting of the three, the city gate must not be opened, otherwise they will be killed without mercy!

At the critical moment, Hu Zongxian and Master Zhang, the commander of the Zhenwei Battalion, could not care less about their dignity, so they had to show their faces and let their soldiers shine torches to reveal their identities to the defenders on the city wall.

There are generals on the city wall who have met Hu Zongxian and Mr. Zhang, and they have their waistbands. Their identities were quickly verified! "

Seeing the Zhejiang Supervisory Censor and the Zhenwei Battalion Commander outside the city, the defenders did not dare to neglect the city blockade and hurriedly reported it. Zhang Jing and others were sitting on the city wall. When they heard the news about Hu Zongxian and Mr. Zhang, they left in a hurry To confirm that it was Hu Zongxian and others, he ordered the defenders on the city wall to put down nearly a hundred hanging baskets and hoisted Hu Zongxian and others up. +

"Your Majesty Hu, Mr. Zhang, please forgive me. Now that the Japanese pirates have invaded the country, I have no choice but to force you to enter the city via a hanging basket as a precaution."

Shi Pengfei, the right minister of the Ministry of War, stepped forward and explained to Hu Zongxian and Master Zhang of the Zhengan Battalion.

"It's the right thing to do when the situation arises." Hu Zongxian coughed, cupped his fists and thanked him. Mr. Zhang, the coach of the Zhenwei Camp, had not yet recovered from the shock. He had a look of lingering fear on his face and could only nod along.

"Hu Yushi and Mr. Zhang, you two are blocking the Japanese pirates in front of the cherry orchard. What is the specific situation of the battle?"

Zhang Jing asked with concern.

In fact, at the first sight of Hu Zongxian and Mr. Zhang, Zhang Jing knew that they were defeated. They abandoned their armor and were defeated. Only half of the more than a thousand troops returned, but he still held on to a glimmer of hope in case of a tragic victory. Well. In addition, even if we are defeated, to what extent we were defeated and what the damage was to both sides, we still have to ask clearly.

Upon hearing Zhang Jing's inquiry, Hu Zongxian's face suddenly turned red as blood, and Mr. Zhang's head almost dropped to his crotch.

The two of them were extremely embarrassed and ashamed. Hu Zongxian took a deep breath and said ashamedly: "Ahem, I dare not hide this from you, you, we are waiting for a big defeat. We will be completely defeated."


Shi Pengfei, the right minister of the Ministry of War, and others were stunned.

"How were the battle losses? How were the Japanese pirates' losses?" Zhang Jing then asked. Battle damage?!"

What happened to the Japanese pirates?!

When Hu Zongxian heard this, his face turned even redder, as if his face had been smeared with pig blood. He was so ashamed that he used all his strength to speak out, "The Japanese pirates didn't lose a single person. Our army lost more than half."

After a while, Hu Zongxian lifted his robe and knelt down in the direction of the capital, saying, "Oh, I am so ashamed of my superior."

"Ah?! What?! The Japanese pirates didn't lose a single person, but our army lost more than half?! How could it be like this?!"

Zhang Jing opened his mouth in disbelief, took a breath, and asked four questions in succession.

"This is what happened." Hu Zongxian simply dictated the Battle of the Cherry Orchard.

"Haha, it was such a complete defeat. The Japanese pirates didn't lose a single person, but they actually lost half of their troops! You couldn't show off when you took the initiative to fight in the morning, but you didn't expect to be slapped in the face so quickly. By the evening, they were already completely routed and completely defeated."

"It's ridiculous. Painting a tiger can't be compared to a dog. Xiang Yu broke the cauldron and sank the boat. Han Xin fought with his last resort. He also followed others' example of digging ditches and fought, but in the end he killed half of his own troops. It's really ridiculous."

"If you don't have diamonds, don't take the porcelain job. It's embarrassing to try to stop the Japanese pirates. See if he still has the nerve to go to our military camp to inspect and supervise in the future. He's going to talk about it, and he's going to have something to say. The result is In actual combat, more than a thousand people fought against dozens of Japanese pirates, and they were all defeated like this. Any one of them would be better than his command!"

Hearing this, some officials on the city wall couldn't help but make comments. In particular, some generals from the Beijing camp made several undisguised jeers.

Hearing this, Hu Zongxian's face turned red as blood

News of the tragic defeat of the Cherry Orchard in blocking the Ming army spread quickly, and extreme panic swept the entire city of Yingtian in an instant!

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