Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1498 The Japanese come to Yingtian, prepare some small gifts

The sun had already set in the west, and in the blood-red afterglow, Naoshima Naoshima and Matsuura Sanbanro led fifty-seven Japanese pirates, swaggering straight along the official road towards Yingtian City. Walking extremely leisurely, they pointed at the huge Yingtian City not far away. , talking and laughing, it doesn’t feel like attacking a city, but like a spring outing.

The Japanese pirates walked leisurely and leisurely, but they could not get up leisurely in Yingtian City. They looked at the Japanese pirates walking leisurely and leisurely outside the city. As if they were facing a formidable enemy, their scalps were numb and their heartbeats were racing with fear and nervousness.

Every time the Japanese pirates took a step closer to the city, the nervousness and fear of the officials and people in the city increased.

When the Japanese pirates appeared outside Yingtian City, and their ferocious faces could be seen clearly from the city, the panic in Yingtian City reached its peak.

This group of Japanese pirates is extremely arrogant and terrifying. The leader of the Japanese chieftain is wearing a gorgeous Japanese-style armor, decorated with red texture, and holding a shining Japanese sword. What frightens everyone the most is that the chieftain is still holding his sword. Holding a bright yellow umbrella and riding a captured war horse, it is very visually impactful.

Dressed in red, riding a horse with a yellow cover!

This is a lot of tricks. Zhang Huanggai is the emperor's support. This group of Japanese pirates invaded Yingtian capital and already slapped the Ming Dynasty in the face. Now the Japanese pirates have overtaken the emperor's group. This is no longer an ordinary slap in the face. , this is to step on Daming's face and rub it hard again and again! In particular, he also stepped on the face of Emperor Jiajing hard, and spit out a mouthful of thick phlegm.

When the officials on the Yingtian City Wall saw the Japanese chieftain's outfit, they all turned pale. They understood that once the current scene was reported to the Emperor Jiajing's case, the Holy Emperor's thunderous wrath would probably double and triple.

When the emperor was angry, he laid down millions of corpses. I am afraid that many of the black gauze hats of all the colleagues present could not be saved! Originally, when the Japanese pirates invaded Yingtian City, a large number of the black gauze hats in the official circles of Nanzhili and Jiangsu and Zhejiang had to be lost. Now the Japanese chieftains Such arrogance, I'm afraid this black gauze hat will lose more than twice as much.

These officials could not feel deeply about how many people the Japanese pirates had harmed. It was just a number, and they could only express a few words of regret and emotion. But now that it was related to their black hats, they felt it deeply.

"Disaster, disaster! Disaster is coming!"

"How dare the Japanese chief insult our Ming Dynasty like this! Such a madman deserves to be cut into pieces with a thousand swords! Your Majesty, I am so unworthy of you!"

"The Japanese leader is so arrogant, the Holy Emperor will be furious. What should we do now?! What should we do?!"

All the officials present were beating their chests and beating their chests as if they were mourning for their heirs. They were much more nervous and fearful than the ordinary people.

Except for the Japanese leader, the rest of the Japanese pirates were also dressed in ferocious Japanese armor, and were armed with Japanese swords, tachi and other weapons that shone coldly and were terrifying. The Mediterranean-style hairstyle of the Japanese pirates looked like disheveled evil ghosts in hell to the officials and people in the city. The Japanese swords they held were almost twice as long as the waist swords of the Ming army. The long bows on their backs were almost as tall as a person, making them even more ferocious and terrifying. All the officials and people on the city wall were frightened.

In addition, this group of fierce Japanese crowns also pulled three carriages. The carriages were covered with black linoleum cloth. It was unknown what was covered underneath. All the officials and people on the city wall were frightened and a little curious about what the Japanese pirates were pulling. "

"What did the Japanese pull? Gunpowder?! Do they want to use gunpowder to blow up the city wall?!"

Someone whispered.

However, people are not very worried about this speculation. Firstly, it is difficult for Japanese pirates to get close to the city wall to blast, and secondly, the power of gunpowder is limited. These three carts of gunpowder may seem like a lot, but they can't blow up the city wall. Indeed, the power of gunpowder in this era was limited, and the proportions and formulas were different from modern black gunpowder. The gunpowder formulas in this era were also mixed with some messy impurities such as cinnabar and poisonous smoke. The ratio was impure and the blasting power was poor. It's more than a hundred thousand miles. "

"Could it be that the food the Woko pulled was the food and baggage?"

The people in the city considered this possibility again, wondering whether what Wakko pulled was their food and baggage. Are the Japanese pirates preparing to besiege Yingtian City for a long time?! But they can only fight with about fifty people. Besides, the Japanese pirates committed all kinds of crimes, including burning, killing, and looting. They didn't need food, grass, or supplies. If they were hungry, they could just go to surrounding villages and towns to rob. That's what they had always done.

Therefore, people are also skeptical about this speculation.

So what exactly was pulled on the Japanese pirate carriage? ! Everyone on the city wall was terrified and guessing.

The answer was soon revealed.

After the Japanese pirates arrived at the city, they drove the carriage and continued moving forward.

"Fire the arrows! Fire the arrows! Don't let the Japanese pirates get close, don't give them a chance to plot any tricks!"

"Fire the arrow!"

Shi Pengfei, the right minister of the Ministry of War, and several generals shouted almost in unison, ordering the defenders to fire arrows!

swish swish

The Ming troops on the city wall fired arrows in response.

Immediately, a wave of feather arrows flew down. I can’t praise the lack of effect. Only about one-fifth of the feather arrows were at normal levels. The other two-thirds of the feather arrows were either shot too close or missed. It's too outrageous.

The Japanese pirates looked at the Ming army's feathered arrows and laughed. They were not nervous at all, because they had already estimated the distance. They stopped outside the Ming army's arrows. The Ming army's feathered arrows only had one-fifth of the feathers. The arrow landed two or three meters in front of them, and the others either fell to the ground weakly, or missed by hundreds of thousands of miles.

"Only one-fifth of the feathered arrows are barely passable. Haha, is this the Ming Dynasty's Imperial Guards?! The level of archery is not much better than that of the county soldiers! It seems that the Imperial Guards of the Ming Dynasty are nothing to worry about."

Matsuura Sanbanro roughly counted the number of arrows, twitched his lips, and let out a disdainful laugh.

"Haha, this trip to Yingtian was not in vain. The Ming Dynasty Forbidden Army is just like this. Most of them are incompetent people. In the future, His Highness can rest assured and come with all the troops." Nabeshima Naoman also laughed along with him. .

"The Ming Dynasty's official army is not a concern, but the Ming Dynasty's city is really tall. Such a huge city is really an eye-opener for me. I once went to Shangjing with my family governor, but Shangjing is far inferior to this."

Matsuura Sanbanro looked at Ying Tiancheng and said with emotion.

"Haha, no matter how tall the city is, it will be captured one day, and there is no exception. Let us try this time." Nabeshima Naoman licked his lips, turned to wave to the Japanese pirates who were driving, and ordered, "Give the gift to To Akito.”

Several Japanese pirates who drove the cart shouted loudly, slapped the horse's butt hard, drove the horse forward, and at the same time forcefully opened the linoleum.

"Hahaha, Mingren, we have come a long way, so we have to prepare a small gift, but it is not respectful, and we still ask you to work with a smile."

Nabeshima Naoji laughed loudly and shouted loudly to the officials and people in Tiancheng. His laughter was extremely hideous and terrifying.

After being photographed, the flatterer ran forward in fright, and the linoleum was uncovered by the Japanese pirates. The contents of the carriage were immediately reflected in the eyes of the officials and people in Yingtian City.

"Huh?! A human head, a human head!"

"Oh my god, they are all human heads. I'm scared to death."


After everyone on the city wall saw three carts full of heads, they screamed uncontrollably, and their panic was doubled! Many timid officials and civilians were so frightened that they peed their pants. One even a weak official fainted from fear and rolled his eyes. The people around him slapped and pinched him again, and after some operations, he was rescued. However, the atmosphere of panic increased sharply again, and it spread across the city in an instant like a plague.

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