Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1499 Japanese pirates’ plot

Yingtian has been singing and dancing for hundreds of years, and only warm winds and peach blossoms have been seen. Never have I seen such a cruel scene!

The heads of three whole cars! Just like the view of three cars!

There are many traces of gunpowder explosions on the heads. There is no doubt that these heads are the heads of those who blocked the Ming army in front of the cherry orchard!

When the officials and civilians on the city wall saw the heads of those who were blocking the Ming army, they were all so frightened that their foreheads trembled, their teeth were fighting desperately, their whole bodies were trembling like chaff, their hearts were frightened and trembling, and their souls were scattered. The Japanese pirates outside are like black and white and impermanent, and the end of the world seems to be coming in an instant.




There was chaos on the city wall. If Zhang Jing hadn't strictly ordered those who guarded the city wall to die, and the defenders had killed a minor official on the spot who tried to escape down the underground wall, all the officials on the city wall would have escaped.

Nabeshima Naoman and other Japanese pirates looked at the panicked officials and citizens on the city wall, pointing and laughing.

"Sanbanlang, I see that Ming people are already timid and panicked. Why not take advantage of this opportunity and send out a signal to ask Matsushita and others who sneaked into the city to communicate with each other the day before yesterday to cooperate inside and outside and seize the city gate!"

Nabeshima Masao's eyes were glowing red, and he looked greedily at the giant city in front of him. He turned to ask Matsuura Sanbanro who was standing aside. His words did not conceal his covetousness and greed for the giant city.

If he can capture Yingtian Castle, Nabeshima Naoman will be the most powerful general in the history of Japan!

Leave your name in Japanese history!

Of course, Nabeshima Masao knew that even if he could seize the city gate, it would be impossible to hold it, but he could take the opportunity to coerce and lure a group of desperadoes in Yingtian, bury them deep in Yingtian, and wait for His Highness to mobilize all his troops to plunder the Ming Dynasty in the future. In the south of the Yangtze River, he can make Nailus ambushes in the city work together inside and outside again to take down this huge city. Countless wealth and glory will make him Nabeshima Straight Man famous in Japanese history!

Such a majestic giant city, compared with Luoyang, the capital of the Japanese Kingdom, is simply the difference between a baby and Sumo Henggang! I heard that this was only the companion capital of the Ming Dynasty, but I didn’t know that the current imperial capital of the Ming Dynasty, Shuntian, should be so majestic. ! Of course, there is no need to think about Shuntian, Yingtian is right at hand! If Yingtian Juji becomes my stepping stone, then how far will I, Nabeshima Straight Man, reach!

Maybe, I, Nabeshima, will also have the opportunity to become a powerful daimyo after I am a straight man.

Our Nabeshima family also has the opportunity to become a famous family!

It's so possible! With the wealth of the Ming Dynasty Jiangnan as your backing, His Highness can dominate Hizen without any effort, unite the army in Luo, and spread military power all over the world. It's also very possible! When the time comes, our Nabeshima family will rely on my military exploits this time and my future. For the military exploits you have accomplished with your eldest brother and other brothers, there is a high probability that His Highness will reward our Nabeshima family with a great name!

Nabeshima Naoshima looked at the giant city of Yingtian with lust, his heart getting hotter and hotter, and his eyes getting redder and redder.

With such a huge temptation in front of you, how can the straight man Nabeshima not salivate and be ready to make a move!

Compared to the excited Nabeshima Naoman, Matsuura Sanbanro was obviously much calmer, and he shook his head slightly.

"General Nabeshima, now is not the time. Yingtian is the capital of the Ming Dynasty. You have also seen how tall this city is and how many guards there are. Although they are panicking at the moment, they are not something we can capture with this small force. Unless Panasonic and the others and the treacherous forces they develop cooperate inside and outside, we have no chance to capture such a huge city. And Panasonic and the others only have one chance to cooperate inside and outside. Once used, if it can succeed, it will be successful. If it fails, there will be no chance again. !So, we have to seize the best opportunity when the opportunity is greatest and use Panasonic and the others, so that we can have a chance to get involved in this second most majestic city in the Ming Dynasty!"

Matsuura Sanbanro patiently and calmly explained to Nabeshima Naoo.

"Sanbanro, Akito is scared out of his wits, why isn't this a chance? If we wait a little longer and give Akito a buffer, Akito won't be so scared." Naoshima Naoshima said dissatisfied.

"Nabeshima has only one chance to win the army, so we have to be cautious. This is not the best time. When I was a child, my uncle once told me a story. He asked me when the shuriken was the most threatening? I said in the hand The sword is most intimidating when it is shot at the enemy general. My uncle shook his head. He was wrong. The shuriken is the most intimidating before it is released. Once it is released, the deterrent effect is gone. As long as the shuriken is not released, the enemy will be worried. They are frightened. They don’t know when you will take action, so they will have to worry about it all the time and be highly nervous. In the end, the enemy will collapse and reveal fatal flaws. General Nabeshima, the situation at this time is just like what his uncle said As long as we are under the city, our deterrence will increase day by day. As long as we do not take action, it is like planting a seed of fear, and the fear in the city will grow wildly with the wind, growing and growing until we take action. So far. There are Ming people guarding the city gate now. Panasonic and the others are weak and difficult to win. We must make the Ming people so frightened that they recruit people to defend the city. I have already given the order to Matsushita and the others before they sneaked into Yingtian. Let them wait for this opportunity. Once the Ming Dynasty recruits the people to help the Ming army defend the city, Panasonic and the others will take the initiative to join the people and help the Ming Dynasty defend the city. They will look for opportunities to help defend the city gate. Haha, at this time, only This is the best time for us to take action. Therefore, I hope General Nabeshima will wait patiently for some more time and wait for the best time before taking action."

Matsuura Sanbanro patiently explained to Nabeshima Naoji and revealed the back-up tactics he had laid out.

Nabeshima's eyes couldn't help but light up when he heard this. Although he is not good at strategy, he is not stupid either. He can analyze the pros and cons of strategies, and he has a keener intuition about military matters than ordinary people. According to Matsuura Sanbanro's plan, Matsushita and the others infiltrated into the people who were assisting the gatekeepers. If they cooperate inside the city gate, and then launch a sudden attack, the success rate of seizing the city gate is quite high! Compared with the current attack that combines inside and outside, the chance of winning is at least 40% higher!

Nabeshima Masao looked at the huge city of Yingtian, and even thought of the moment when he stood on the city of Yingtian holding a Japanese sword.

Excited, excited!

Naoshima Naoshima's breathing became heavier and his saliva almost flowed out.


Well worth the wait!

Have to wait!

"円西! Sanbanro, your strategy is great." Nabeshima Masao couldn't help but reached out and patted Matsuura Sanbanro on the shoulder and praised him.

"It's because of General Nabeshima's trust that I have the opportunity to perform." Matsuura Sanbanro said modestly.

"Okay, let's wait a little longer." Nabeshima nodded.

"However, we can't wait forever. General, we divided our troops into two groups and roamed within two miles on both sides of the city gate at a safe distance to put pressure on the defenders on the city and force them to recruit civilians to defend the city."

Matsuura Sanbanro suggested.

"Okay, everything is up to you. Then you and I will each lead half of the troops to create pressure on Akito in the city." Nabeshima Masao nodded, adopted Matsuura Sanbanro's suggestion, and waved to face off. The Japanese pirate ordered.

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