Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1511 Incredible Battle Situation

It was already dusk, the sun had already set in the west, the sky was filled with sunset glow, and the vision was slightly blurred.

At the foot of Yingtian City, under the gaze of everyone, the Zhejiang army rushed out of the woods like a wild boar with chicken blood. With an indomitable momentum, it rolled up billows of dust and rushed straight towards the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates below the city were like a towering silent mountain, standing where they were, unmoved by wind and rain.

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and they are only more than a hundred meters away from a hand-to-hand encounter. Whether the wild boar broke the mountain, or whether it hit the head in front of the mountain and caused bleeding, we will soon know.

The soldiers and civilians on the city wall watched the imminent battle situation below the city, and they all clasped their toes nervously.

"Reinforcements outside the city have launched an attack on the Japanese pirates. Why don't we in the city send troops out of the city to respond and attack the Japanese pirates with the reinforcements? The Japanese pirates want to attack from inside and outside, so we treat them in their own way and give the Japanese pirates a Attacked from both inside and outside."

"As for the soldiers in our city, why are all of them timid? They hit the common people hard and are submissive to the Japanese pirates. Are you still a man who takes the lead? Can you have some spirit?"

"Hurry up and send troops out of the city. We will attack from both sides with the Zhejiang army. Don't miss the opportunity."

"The Zhejiang Army came to the rescue from the original route, but we Yingtian just stood aside and watched?! Is this the attitude towards our benefactor?!"

Many people in the city couldn't help but cheered as they watched the Zhejiang army rushing towards the Japanese pirates, but the officers and soldiers in the city did not send troops to cooperate.

"What do you know? If the Zhejiang army under the city rushes blindly before it has a stable foothold, isn't that giving death to the Japanese pirates? If we send troops out of the city and are defeated by the Japanese pirates, what should we do if the Japanese pirates take the opportunity to seize the gate? Wouldn't Yingtian be in danger?! We are standing still, this is all to protect you, what are you making nonsense of."

"Hmph, look at it, this group of Japanese pirates is extraordinary. Hu Yushi led more than a thousand elite soldiers and they were no match for the Japanese pirates. They were killed by the Japanese pirates and their blood flowed like rivers. How can the Zhejiang army be a match for the Japanese pirates with these few soldiers and horses of the Zhejiang army? Aren't you giving away your head?"

"Keep your eyes wide open and look carefully. The Zhejiang army will be defeated soon. Then you will know how wise we are to close the city and not come out. Then you will thank us for our caution."

Shi Pengfei, the right minister of the Ministry of War, and others reprimanded a few people who were making noises, and shook their heads and sighed at the city.

The news of being defeated by Japanese pirates in front of the cherry orchard was mentioned again. Hu Zongxian's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, he clenched his teeth, as if he had been whipped to death, and glanced at Shi Pengfei and others with narrowed eyes.

Whichever pot is not opened, which pot is picked up? Very good, I will remember you!

"My lord, this opportunity must not be missed. The last general requested to lead troops out of the city to attack the Japanese pirates, and to attack the Japanese pirates from front to back with the Zhejiang army under the city."

Yu Dayou led his soldiers to Zhang Jing, Eunuch He, Duke Wei and others, and clasped his fists to them to ask for their battle instructions.

"This." Zhang Jing began to think after hearing this.

"Nonsense! The common people don't know about military affairs, so it's just a joke. You, a veteran general on the battlefield, are causing trouble! Yu Dayou, you are the general responsible for defending the city. Defend the city! Defend the city! Your mission is to defend the city! What happened? City?! If something goes wrong in Yingtian, can you, a mere general, take the responsibility?!"

Shi Pengfei, the right minister of the Ministry of War, first reprimanded Yu Dayou, and then said to Zhang Jing and others, "Sir, you must not send troops out of the city! If we can't hold on, Yingtian will be fine. If we go out of the city, there is no guarantee. If The soldiers leaving the city were defeated by the Japanese pirates, and the Japanese pirates chased after them, so Yingtian was in danger! Hu Yushi's lessons learned clearly, please take Yingtian as your top priority and don't build it under the wall."

"Yes, sir, we cannot take this risk! Yingtian is the capital of our Ming Dynasty, and there are millions of people in it. We cannot put Yingtian and millions of people in danger just because of a sudden speed. We will give Zhejiang people in the city Just provide military support.”

"You can't leave the city. This group of Japanese pirates kill without blinking an eye. Every time they break into the city, they burn, kill, loot and commit all kinds of evil. Especially since we have just beheaded all the Japanese pirates and internal officers they have mixed into. The Japanese pirates already hate us. If we are killed by the Japanese pirates, we can't leave the city." Once the city gate is breached, I'm afraid Yingtian's chickens and dogs won't be able to stay."

"You must never send troops out of the city."

Shi Pengfei's words fell behind, and several officials followed closely to echo. They were really too afraid of the Japanese pirates outside the city, fearing that sending troops out of the city would give the Japanese pirates an opportunity to take advantage of it and bring danger to Yingtian.

Especially not putting them in danger.

They have great years, power, wealth, lovely wives and concubines, a happy life, and a happy life, but they can't let anything go wrong.

Zhang Jing, Eunuch He and Duke Wei looked at each other. The three of them shielded themselves from the people around them and lowered their heads to discuss in low voices.

"What do you think, Eunuch He?" Zhang Jing first asked Eunuch He for his opinion.

"Ahem, Mr. Zhu and I once experienced the Zhenwuying mutiny and experienced life and death hardships. He led his troops to come to the rescue. I should send troops out of the city to support him." He Gonggong said openly, but his voice changed and he added, "However, as a Ying Tian is on guard, but I can’t be emotional, I need to focus on the overall situation.”

Zhang Jing understood, and turned to ask Wei Guogong for his opinion.

"Zihou is the nephew-in-law of a family friend. I should send troops out of the city both emotionally and rationally. However, what Eunuch He said is reasonable, but I cannot act emotionally. In addition, if the Japanese pirates attack the city, we have betrayed the trust of the Holy Emperor. If Ying Tian If there is any mistake, I can't bear the responsibility even if I wait for nine deaths." Wei Guogong said slowly.

The overall situation is the most important thing, and Ying Tian cannot make any more mistakes. What Eunuch He and Duke Wei said makes sense.

After Zhang Jing heard this, he thought for a moment and made up his mind. He turned around and said to Yu Dayou, "General Yu is very brave, but the sky is so big that there is no room for mistakes. It is not appropriate to send troops out of the city for the time being and order the bows and crossbows to cooperate with the Zhejiang army."

"Yes." Yu Dayou clasped his fists and accepted the order, sighing slightly.

Bow and crossbow coordination? How to cooperate with bows and crossbows? The Japanese pirates are currently out of range of the city and cannot cooperate even if they want to.

"Huh, General Yu is very alert. Once the Zhejiang army is defeated by the Japanese pirates, we must not let the Japanese pirates take advantage of the victory."

Before Yu Dayou left, Shi Pengfei, the right minister of the Ministry of War, stopped Yu Dayou and gave a command from above.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a burst of excited screams like thunder around me, "The Japanese pirates have run away, the Japanese pirates have run away! The Zhejiang army has beaten the Japanese pirates away!", "The Zhejiang army is mighty, the Zhejiang army is awesome, the Zhejiang army saves you" Liao Yingtian saved us!"

what happened? !

Shi Pengfei, the right minister of the Ministry of War, changed his expression greatly. He raised his head and looked outside the city, and then his eyes widened instantly.

"Impossible, how can this not be true?" Shi Pengfei and others were shocked by the scene outside the city. They all seemed to have been struck by lightning. They were in a half-mad and half-stupid state, muttering to themselves.

In their sight, the Zhejiang army was like a rainbow, shouting and killing, and the Japanese pirates threw away their yellow umbrellas and carriages, and fled to the southeast.

Not only Shi Pengfei and others, but also Zhang Jing, Wei Guogong, He Eunuch and others also opened their mouths in shock.

A pair of eyes quickly popped out in disbelief.

They had been looking at the bottom of the city, watching the Zhejiang army charging directly at the Japanese pirates, with the drums beating and the shouts of killing rising to the sky. When they were tens of meters away from the Japanese pirates, they fired arrows and fire muskets at a step while rushing towards the Japanese pirates.

As for the Japanese pirates, when the two sides were about to come into contact, they retreated hastily. The reason why they retreated hastily was because the Japanese pirates abandoned the carriage, and even the Japanese chief also abandoned his arrogant and pretentious yellow umbrella.

I don't know who took the lead. The sounds of "Zhejiang Army is mighty" and "Zhejiang Army is mighty" kept rolling on the city and resounded through the sky.

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