Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1512: Stop as soon as you see fit

"Zhejiang Army is mighty!" "Zhejiang Army is awesome!" "Zhejiang Army, come on!" "Zhejiang Army is a real man!" "Zhejiang Army, Zhejiang Army, I love you."

Listening to the waves of people in the city praising the Zhejiang army and cheering for them, the Zhejiang soldiers below the city were chasing after the Japanese pirates with howls as if they had drank three kilograms of chicken blood and three kilograms of white wine.

This is an experience they have never had before. In the past, they were bandits and bandits. They were like rats crossing the street and everyone yelled and beat them. The common people cursed and hated them before it was too late. How could they praise them and cheer them on?

Listening to the voices of praise and cheers, at this moment, they were not fighting alone. Overlord Xiang Yu, Lu Bu of the Three Kingdoms, and the fierce Yuan Ba ​​were possessed one after another. Even when the Japanese pirates evacuated to the southeast, the Zhejiang Army officers and soldiers also screamed and rushed toward the southeast.

Seeing the Zhejiang Army officers and soldiers being so powerful and domineering, the people in the city even raised their voices to cheer. The sound shook the world, one wave after another, one after another, and the city walls seemed to be shaken by the sound.

On the way of the Japanese pirates retreating to the southeast, Nabeshima Naoman saw that the Zhejiang army dared to pursue them one after another. He couldn't help but grinned and ordered with murderous intent, "Hey, you don't know how to live or die. I really think you are afraid of them. Wait until they move forward." After chasing for a hundred meters, I broke away from the support in the city, and quickly turned around to eat them, letting them know what death is! Hehe, I haven't killed the royal family of the Ming Dynasty yet."

"Hi!" Sanbanlang Matsuura nodded, glanced back at the Zhejiang army that was still pursuing them, and then said, "Just in time to kill this group of Ming Dynasty's royal troops, and use their heads to pay homage to Matsushita and their dead souls!"

"Hey, my sword has been thirsty for a long time."

"Everyone is dead!"

The Japanese pirates howled and howled like a group of hungry wolves that had been hungry and depressed for countless days.

Forty meters

fifty meters

sixty meters

Come on, come on, in another thirty meters, I can send you on your way. The Japanese pirates are looking forward to it ferociously, and are ready to turn around and kill you at any time.

But at this moment, the Japanese pirates saw the young general in the military formation stretched out his hand and shouted loudly:

"Stop! Everyone stop! Don't pursue the enemy! Anyone who dares to pursue without authorization will be severely punished for violating military orders! If one person pursues without authorization, the whole team will be severely punished! If one company pursues, the entire team will be severely punished! By analogy, severe punishment will not be spared!"

Although the Zhejiang army could not follow the orders and prohibitions, they all stopped one after another after listening to Zhu Ping'an's order. Some of the superiors wanted to continue chasing, but were dragged back by their troops.

Seeing that the Zhejiang army was scattered and stopped pursuing, the Japanese pirates all felt regretful. Damn it, there was only about twenty meters left! They could kill them easily!

"Although this Ming army did not continue the pursuit, it is still more than 300 meters away from the city. If Yingtian City wants to support it, it also needs to send troops and generals 300 meters out of the city. This distance is enough for us to turn back and kill. It’s been a while. Besides, haha, the city may not have sent out support. The best time to support was when this army rushed over. As a result, no troops were sent out on the city."

Matsuura Sanbanro looked back at the stopped Zhejiang Army, his eyes were bloodthirsty and scarlet, and he whispered to Nabeshima Naoman.

Since landing in the Ming Dynasty, he has made suggestions and never failed. But today, not only was his plan to Yingtian foiled, but twenty-four of Panasonic and his group were killed as well. This unprecedented defeat caused him great loss of face, and he was so angry that he desperately wanted to vent his anger.

"Sanbanlang, do you mean you can turn around and charge for a while?"

Naoshima Naoman opened his mouth in excitement and licked his tongue. He had long wanted to kill this Ming army to vent his hatred, and killing the Ming royal family was a rare honor. He had lost the power to conquer Yingtian. However, the honor of killing the Ming Dynasty royal family can barely be comforted.

But at this moment, a group of Japanese pirates saw the young general giving another order. The Zhejiang army pushed the carriage with thick wooden boards in front. While slowly retreating, they kept shooting bows and arrows in the direction of the Japanese pirates and setting off firecrackers.

Although the aiming distance was still tight, the flying arrows and lead pellets also formed a blockade that was difficult to break through.

Looking at the ferocious hedgehog-like Ming army, Matsuura Sanbanro shook his head regretfully, "It doesn't work now."

"This Ming army is really cowardly and treacherous!"

Nabeshima Naoman looked at the Zhejiang army that was slowly retreating and shooting arrows randomly. He couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth and cursed with disdain.

Matsuura Sanbanro shook his head slightly and said slowly, "It's not that he is cowardly and treacherous, but that he values ​​profits and cherishes his own life. The commander of this Ming army is worthy of being a member of the royal family of the Ming Dynasty. After taking full credit for rescuing Yingtian, he decisively retreated." Retreat, not willing to take any risks, and only these royal families will cherish their lives so much. Of course, they can only occupy a small position. No matter how well-equipped they are, they cannot shoulder the heavy responsibility."

"Hmph, he's lucky! Let's go!" Nabeshima snorted, leading a group of Japanese pirates to the southeast in a hurry.

Seeing the Japanese pirates leaving to the southeast, Zhu Pingan breathed a sigh of relief. If this group of Japanese pirates rushed over without fear of death, the Zhejiang Army might not be able to withstand it. After all, the Zhejiang Army had only been an army for more than a month. .

When they charged from the woods to the Japanese pirates, the Zhejiang army had already exposed many problems.

Fortunately, the Japanese pirates retreated.

Zhu Ping'an looked at the direction in which the Japanese pirates were evacuating, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth. Then he turned to the Zhejiang troops and ordered, "All the troops, gather together and return to the city to rest. There are still things to do tonight."

"Oh, go back to the city, go back to the city, the Japanese pirates have escaped. Our Zhejiang army won the first battle and got off to a good start. Hahaha, this Yingtian City was saved by us, right?"

"Nonsense, it must be counted. The Japanese crowns surrounded Yingtian Yitong and showed off their power. The Yingtian defenders didn't even dare to let out a fart. It was us, under the leadership of the adults, who rushed out like gods descending from the earth and killed the Japanese pirates as if they were dead. All of them are expert archers and musketeers, and they will kill the Japanese pirates until they pee and scurry away. The faces in the city must have been swollen."

"I heard from the book before that when the army won, the common people would carry ten jugs of pulp and welcome them along the way. We saved Yingtian City, do we get the same treatment? The big girls and the little wives will carry ten jugs of pulp for us."

"You're an illiterate old man. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. What about carrying ten pots of pulp? That's Huangshi Pot of pulp. It's not embarrassing and conspicuous."

"I'm talking about carrying ten jugs of pulp, not four jugs of pulp. It's because you were on duty."

When all the Zhejiang troops saw the Japanese pirates running away, they all relaxed and laughed loudly while forming the team under Zhu Pingan's order.

Soon, the Zhejiang army formed its formation. Under the leadership of Zhu Pingan, each one marched towards Yingtian City with a pace that made them awesome, laughing and laughing as they walked.

When a crowd of people at the top of Yingtian City saw the Zhejiang army returning from expelling the Japanese pirates, they burst into thunderous applause and cheered like thunder.

Of course, not everyone is so excited.

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