Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1513 Not opening the city gate

"The whole city was cheering and praising me. It feels so good."

Listening to the cheers and praises from the city, all the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army felt as sweet as drinking honey.

"We have achieved such great achievements, and the people in the city are so enthusiastic. When we enter the city, we will definitely be received by the officials and rewarded with endless wine, endless chicken, duck, and fish, and warm and comfortable big bed"

"That's for sure. I just don't know if there are passionate girls and wives. If they get into a fight, how should I choose so as not to hurt other people? Or, hehe, I might as well sleep together."

"Bah, you have such a horse face, and you still have the big girl and the little daughter-in-law competing for it. In what era? The big girl and the little daughter-in-law can't even leave the door. You can dream. Of course, you have received the reward, and you can take it. If you go to a prostitute with money, there is a real possibility that the brothel sister will fight for you for the sake of the money..."

"You can eat more meat, but you can't drink wine. Didn't you listen to the adults? I have something else to do tonight."

All the Zhejiang troops followed Zhu Ping'an towards the city gate, feeling all kinds of jealousy in their hearts and mouths.

When they were about to reach the city gate, a general from the city came forward. Under the light of the surrounding torches, he clasped his fists and saluted Zhu Ping'an at the bottom of the city. He said loudly: "Zhang Gu, a humble official, has met Mr. Zhu. First of all, Zhang Gu, the humble official, represents Mr. Zhu." Shangshu, Eunuch He, Duke Wei and all the lords as well as the elders in the city express their gratitude to Lord Zhu and the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army for traveling all the way to rescue Ying Tian."

"General Zhang, you're welcome." Zhu Pingan returned the salute slightly.

"What are you thanking for? Don't be polite. Open the city gate quickly and let us go into the city to rest. Is it easy for us to come out early in the morning? All we can do is eat dry food and drink cold drinks. We feel like a bird in our mouths."

A group of Zhejiang troops laughed and laughed. They had just made a great achievement. Facing the defenders in the city who were closed behind closed doors and did not dare to fight, they had a strong sense of superiority. Even Zhang Gu, who was obviously a general, was not afraid and dared to make jokes.

"Ahem, the city gate cannot be opened for the time being. I am only acting under orders. Please forgive me, Mr. Zhu and all the Zhejiang Army officers and soldiers. In order to ensure the safety of Yingtian and prevent the Japanese pirates from pretending to withdraw their troops and enter the city one after another when you are entering the city, so No one is allowed to open the city gate until it is confirmed that the Japanese pirates are indeed far away from Yingtian or have been eliminated. Therefore, we can only grieve Master Zhu and other soldiers and rest outside the city."

Zhang Gu clasped his fists at Zhu Ping'an and the Zhejiang soldiers with an apologetic look on the city, coughed and said.

"What?! Don't open the door, don't let us enter the city, and let us rest in the wilderness outside the city?!"

"We just defeated the Japanese pirates and saved Yingtian City. They are your saviors. Is this how you treat your saviors? You are trying to kill the donkey! It's really chilling!"

"Why are the Japanese pirates pretending to withdraw their troops and march into the city? We have already beaten them away. There are still Japanese pirates behind us. Don't you have any eyesight?"

"When the Japanese pirates besieged the city, you were so obedient that you didn't dare to leave the city. It was us who fought off the Japanese pirates desperately! You don't mind blushing, but you didn't even let us enter the city to rest?! Do you still want to be embarrassed?!"

Hearing Zhang Gu's refusal, the Zhejiang army suddenly became angry and shouted and cursed. I came all the way to rescue you. I set out early in the morning before dawn. I lurked in the dense forest for most of the day, eating dry food and drinking cold water. The cold wind was biting. I risked my life and charged at the Japanese pirates without fear. I fought off the Japanese pirates life and death, rescued Yingtian, and rescued you, but you didn't even let me enter the city to rest. Is this your attitude towards your savior?! The more the Zhejiang Army officers thought about it, the more dissatisfied they became, and they became angry. God, the curses are endless.

The common people in the city who were assisting in the defense could not stand it for a long time. They shared the same hatred with the Zhejiang Army, fought against the Zhejiang Army, supported the Zhejiang Army, and asked the defenders on the city to open the city gates to allow the Zhejiang Army to enter the city to rest and recuperate.

Closing the city gates is a collective decision made by a group of official leaders, and they, assholes, have nothing to do.

"Quiet!" Zhu Pingan turned around and looked at the Zhejiang Army soldiers, and shouted loudly.

Suddenly, the Zhejiang army became quiet.

Zhu Pingan's prestige in the Zhejiang Army is increasing day by day. Especially in today's battle, Zhu Pingan knew the enemy first and hit the target every time he spoke. The Japanese pirates seemed to obey Zhu Pingan's orders, and their advance and retreat were all within Zhu Pingan's expectation. Under his leadership, he won a bloodless victory, and all the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army were convinced by Zhu Ping'an. Therefore, when Zhu Pingan gave an order, all the officers and soldiers of the Zhejiang Army obeyed the order.

After seeing the Zhejiang army calm down, Zhu Pingan nodded with satisfaction, then raised his head and looked towards the city.

Seeing Zhu Pingan comforting the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, Zhang Gu couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. Just now he thought that the Zhejiang Army was going to mutiny, and his heart was in his throat. Fortunately, Lord Zhu Pingan and Zhu controlled the situation. However, the actions of the adults are really embarrassing. They are really shameless to face the Zhejiang Army, but there is no way. The adults can hide, but he, a subordinate general, cannot hide. He can only come forward and be responsible for conveying and delivering orders under layers of orders. To appease the soldiers of the Zhejiang Army, he could not help but blush with guilt in the face of the Zhejiang Army's angry curses.

Zhu Pingan twitched the corner of his mouth, smiled and cupped his hands to Zhang Gu, and said in a leisurely manner: "My lords' worries are not unreasonable, and it is the bounden duty of soldiers to protect their homes and country and obey orders. Since you are Your Majesty's decision, then our Zhejiang Army must obey the camp and rest outside the city. However, our Zhejiang Army sent out troops early in the morning and fought fiercely with the Japanese pirates. Now we are exhausted and it is getting late. It is not easy to bury pots and make rice. Please provide some heat from the city. Can Teng Teng reward your soldiers with some food?"

It is the bounden duty of soldiers to protect their homes and country and obey orders. Hearing Zhu Pingan's words, Zhang Gu was filled with admiration and his face became even redder. He quickly said, "It should be done, it should be done. Just now, the adults have prepared fine wines and delicacies. I'm humble." This makes one offer it to adults through a hanging basket.”

"Now that we are at war, fine wine is not necessary. The more delicacies the better." Zhu Pingan replied with a smile.

"Definitely, definitely." Zhang Gu responded repeatedly.

Soon, baskets of hot chicken, duck, fish, steamed buns, steamed buns, meat cakes and broth were lowered from the city. Zhu Pingan thanked Zhang Gu and others on the city, sent someone to receive them, and divided them equally among the soldiers.

The city specially prepared a banquet for Zhu Ping'an that was extremely exquisite, extremely rich, and could be called a Man-Han banquet. It was served in two large baskets. Zhu Ping'an counted a total of thirty dishes.

"When we charge against the Japanese pirates today, the soldiers at the front of the array will line up." Zhu Pingan looked around at the soldiers and said loudly.

Soon, the soldiers who were charging at the front all stood up. There were more than eighty people in total, most of whom were brave men pushing wooden carts.

"Good!" Zhu Ping'an glanced at them one by one and praised with satisfaction, "You are well-dressed, strong-willed, leading the troops, and not afraid of Japanese pirates. I will reward you with the meal given to me by the city."

Then, Zhu Ping'an couldn't refuse, and asked them to sit down in front of the big meal. Considering that thirty dishes were not enough to feed more than eighty people, they were plated with chicken, duck, and fish.

Zhu Ping'an did not have a big meal with them. Instead, he walked to a group of ordinary soldiers and sat on the ground like them. He picked up a big bowl. Seeing everyone dumbfounded, he couldn't help laughing and scolding: "Stop being dumbfounded and eat meat." , eat and drink enough, set up camp and rest, there are big things happening tonight.”

"Hey, eat meat, eat meat." The soldiers laughed and started to eat.

The soldiers and civilians in the city were deeply touched when they saw Zhu Ping'an awarding a big meal to the soldiers who fought hard, and went to eat the big pot meal themselves.

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