Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1514 Planning big things late at night (Part 1)

As night fell, the Zhejiang army set up camp outside the city, lighting up the bonfire like stars.

The Zhejiang army ate big fish and meat and roasted it over the fire. Many generals in Yuanzi were still angry and scorned the officers and soldiers in the city as evil-hearted maggots, cold-blooded snakes and worms, Dongguo wolves who repaid kindness with revenge, and so on.

"What are you yelling about? You didn't listen to the adults. How can we show off the show of our Zhejiang army without a few pig teammates? Before, more than fifty Japanese pirates besieged the city, and the 100,000 troops in the city didn't even dare to let out a single fart. , cowering on the high wall, but our Zhejiang army only has more than 800 people. With a drumbeat, it is as powerful as a tiger, and it attacks the Japanese pirates without fear of death. They beat the Japanese pirates to pieces and fled in embarrassment. Haha, the people on the city are more cowardly, which is a foil. The more fierce we are, the more we compare, the faces of the officials in the city have been swollen, haven’t you seen that all the high-ranking officials in the city have no face to show up?!"

"Hey, it seems like it's a good thing that they closed the city gate tightly. The Japanese pirates we defeated were still able to scare them into closing the city gate. I'm so cowardly that I went to my grandma's house. Are there any officers and soldiers on the city who are guarding them? ! Hehe, I guess if you take off your pants, every officer and soldier in the city will look like a toothpick, hahaha..."

"Hmph, just wait, stay until late at night. Your Excellency will lead us to accomplish something great. We will definitely be famous all over the world, and the officers and soldiers in the city will be infamy for thousands of years. By then, we can make the swollen faces in the city bleed, so that When they see us, they will tie up their crotches in shame. Hehe, when the time comes, people with a discerning eye will know how good we, the Zhejiang Army, are, and how incompetent the Yingtian garrison is!"

After eating and drinking, and talking a lot, the Zhejiang general laughed and was in a happy mood.

It was already dark, and after the meal, Zhu Ping'an ordered all the troops, except for the fifty sentries on guard, to go into the tent and sleep. Even if they couldn't sleep, they had to lie down on the grass bunks and close their eyes to rest and recharge their batteries!

The Zhejiang army here eats well and sleeps well, and the Japanese pirates are not bad either.

After the Japanese pirates safely evacuated from the city to the southeast, they initially lurked in a forest waiting for the Zhejiang Army to pursue them. When the Zhejiang Army pursued them, they rushed out of the woods to attack and kill them. However, the Zhejiang Army simply retreated as quickly as they charged. After retreating, There was no further pursuit at all.

The Japanese pirates ambush a lonely man.

"This Zhejiang army is too cowardly. At first they rushed towards our army. I thought they were a strong army, but I didn't expect that they were no different from other Ming troops. They were all cowards."

Nabeshima Naoji walked out of the woods, spat a mouthful of phlegm, and cursed mockingly.

"The leader of this Zhejiang army is a relative of the emperor, so how can he risk his own life? They just rushed over. It was just speculation. They hid in the woods for who knows how long, until Panasonic was cut off from Yingtian City. Waiting for others, they were sure that we would have no hope of retreating, so they rushed out to bluff and gain fame. In the final analysis, it was nothing more than speculation. These royal relatives and nobles cherished their lives the most. They would accept it as soon as it was good, and if it was expected, until we sailed into the sea , they will never come again..."

Matsuura Sanbanlang looked in the direction of Yingtian from a distance, curled his lips disdainfully, and looked down upon the Zhejiang Army.

"That means they won't attack anymore?" Nabeshima asked.

Matsuura Sanbanlang nodded without hesitation and said confidently, "Now Yingtian is frightened, and the Zhejiang army is risking its life for speculation. If we don't turn back and attack the city, they will be thankful. How dare they pursue it."

"Xingxi! Then go south to find a village, eat and drink well, rest for one night, march southeast to Wuxi tomorrow, enter Suzhou and sail into the sea, return to Feiqian and report back to His Highness." Nabeshima Naoki ordered.

"Onboard! Onboard!"

Upon hearing the news about returning to the sea, a group of Japanese pirates howled excitedly. After fighting in the Ming Dynasty for so long and stealing so many precious gold and silver jewels, they were homesick and wanted to return to their hometown with dignity and prestige.

Suddenly, a group of Japanese pirates, led by Nabeshima Masao and Matsuura Sanbanro, sang Hizen ballads and marched swaggeringly.

After traveling a few miles, the Japanese pirates encountered a small village. However, all the villagers fled with their families and their valuables and food, leaving only some worthless household items that were inconvenient to carry.

From the stone tablet erected at the entrance of the village, we can know that the name of this village is Guocun.

The Japanese pirates went into the village and plundered it, but they didn't find much, only half a bag of millet.

The millet was inedible and had to be ground into rice. The Japanese pirates thought it was troublesome, so they threw away the millet and continued on their way, cursing.

What they don't know is that there is an inconspicuous but not difficult to find secret cellar in the backyard of the main family in Guo Village. The secret cellar contains a lot of grain, dark meat bacon and Laotan wine. However, the Japanese pirates did not search very carefully. They rummaged through the boxes and cabinets and left without finding anything valuable. They missed such a secret cellar.

Not far from Guo Village is Niu Village. The Japanese pirates came out of Guo Village and entered Niu Village. Like Guo Village, Niu Village also lost thousands of villagers, taking away valuables and food.

The Japanese pirates plundered Niucun, but found neither valuable things nor enough food. They were very angry. If they didn't want to expose their traces too much, they would have burned Guocun and Niucun.

Similarly, the Japanese pirates did not search carefully and did not find a cellar under the wall of the Niucun house of the largest and richest man. The cellar also contains a lot of grain, soy sauce chicken and sauce duck, as well as several jars of fine daughter's red wine.

After successively gathering ashes in Guo Village and Niu Village, the Japanese pirates entered Zhangjiazhai, and Zhangzhong Village was also empty of people.

However, Zhangjiazhai is indeed a famous wealthy village nearby. The Japanese pirates found a cellar in the ancestral hall of the Zhang family in Zhangjiazhai. In the deepest part of the cellar, there were dozens of bags of grain, more than ten jars of flour, dozens of jars of good wine, and dozens of jars of flour. pickles, and dozens of bacon hanging on the roof of the cellar.

Not only that, the Japanese pirates found two large black pigs, five goats, and a group of chickens, ducks, and geese deep in the Zhang family's garden. They also placed several bags of grain on the ground for these animals to eat. It was obvious that the Zhang family members were running away in a hurry and had no time to take the livestock away, so they could only hide the livestock in the garden and throw away a few bags of grain, intending to take them home after escaping.

These are all cheaper for Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates occupied the most luxurious home of the Zhang family in Zhangjiazhai and used his two-story house as a temporary base camp. They gathered all the food, wine, pigs, chickens and ducks plundered from the Zhang family ancestral hall into the yard. .

"Make rice, kill pigs and sheep. The sons and gentlemen have their feet as high as the sky. It's been a hard day, so let's give them a good reward."

Nabeshima Naoman waved his hand and ordered.

"General, wait a minute. In order to prevent accidents and avoid poisoning by Mingren, it is not too late to verify it for a while before using it as before. Although this possibility is almost zero, Mingren is cowardly and does not know where we will end up today, but To be prepared, we will return to Heizen soon, so it’s better to be careful.”

Matsuura Sanbanro took a step forward, pointed at the food and wine in the yard, and reminded him softly.

"Haha, Sanbanro, you are just careful. However, if you are careful, let's verify it first as usual." Nabeshima Masao smiled and nodded, instructing the Japanese pirates to verify whether there were any problems with the food, wine, and meat.

The Japanese pirates poured flour, pickles and wine into several basins and fed the pigs, chickens and ducks. After waiting for half an hour, they found that the pigs, chickens, ducks and geese were all fine. Then they felt relieved and started killing pigs, muttons, stews and barbecues. , making pancakes

Soon, the aroma of meat and wine wafted from the Zhang family's residence.

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