Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1516 Planning big things late at night (Part 2)

In the dead of night, the Zhejiang army, led by Zhu Pingan, cautiously advanced into Zhangjiazhai and quietly surrounded the Zhangjiazhai.

It seems that the Japanese pirates were indeed blinded by the peacock tail, otherwise they would not have been touched under their noses and still not reacted.

After the Zhejiang army surrounded the Zhang family's residence, Zhu Ping'an breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Then he turned to look at Liu Dadao, winked, and whispered, "Dadao, bring in the sentry of the Japanese pirates first and deal with it."

Liu Dadao nodded and accepted the order, nodded a few good hands, and quietly touched the wall of Zhang Family Courtyard. Because he had conducted an inspection once, Liu Dadao knew the location of the Japanese pirate sentries. He stretched out his hand to point out the locations of several Japanese pirate sentries, and then moved toward the target quietly.

The beheading went smoothly. Four of the five Japanese sentries were lying on the ground and snoring. The other one was sleeping soundly against the wall. Liu Dadao and the others came closer and covered their mouths and noses with one hand to prevent them from screaming. He woke up the other Japanese pirates and stabbed their hearts with the dagger with his other hand.

The five Japanese pirate sentries ended their short and sinful lives without even a few struggles.

"Well done!" Zhu Ping'an praised Liu Dadao and the others in a low voice when he saw that Liu Dadao and the others had neatly dealt with the Japanese sentry. Then he ordered a hundred people to ambush outside Zhang's house to prevent any Japanese pirates from slipping through and escaping, and led the rest in Zhang Zhai.

Zhang's house is worthy of being a local wealthy family. It has a spacious courtyard with three entrances and more than 20 houses. The Japanese pirates occupied the largest main house as a temporary camp.

The main house of Zhang's house is a large nine-bay high-rise flat house with three rooms, covering an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. In the middle is the hall, which is used as a living room in daily life and as a ceremonial hall during weddings and weddings. The Japanese pirates made the hall full of smoke and lit a fire to keep warm. A group of Japanese pirates slept on the ground around the fire. It couldn't be said to be sitting on the floor. They spread the bedding and quilts they found from Zhang's house on the ground, just like they did. Just like in the Japanese country, bunks were made on the ground, and everyone slept in disorder, snoring like dead pigs.

After all, Nabeshima Naoji and Matsuura Sanbanro had unusual status. They did not sleep in the hall with the other Japanese pirates, but occupied the master bedroom in the back room and occupied the big bed to sleep, snoring one after another.

At this time, the firewood in the hall had burned out, leaving only ashes flickering in the dark night, and the Japanese pirates snored everywhere.

The large number of people would inevitably wake up the Japanese pirates, and the area of ​​​​the house was limited, so there were too many people to move around. Zhu Pingan selected a hundred elites and ordered them to work in groups of three, quietly entering the two outer halls, and killing the Japanese pirates with their own hands.

The rest of the people were standing ready in the courtyard to respond at any time in case any accident happened.

Although it was late at night, there was bright moonlight outside and the flickering ashes of the bonfire inside the house, so it was not so dark that I couldn't see. If I got used to the darkness, I could still see things blurry.

One hundred elite soldiers from the Zhejiang Army filed in cautiously. After adapting to the darkness in the room, they formed a group of three and took out their daggers that shone with cold light. They held their breath and tiptoed towards the Japanese pirate lying on the ground snoring.

Niu Wu is one of them. He is in a group with Zhao Dati and Zhang Laosan.

The three of them carefully walked towards a Japanese pirate who was lying down snoring and singing. They squatted down slowly and looked at each other. Niu Chou reached out and covered the Japanese pirate's mouth to prevent him from making any sound. Zhao Datie pressed down the Japanese pirate's mouth almost at the same time. Using his hands and feet, Zhang Laosan gritted his teeth and stabbed the dagger into the Japanese pirate's heart.


The sharp pain of the dagger piercing the heart made the Japanese pirate wake up from the medicinal properties of peacock tail. His screams were covered in his throat by Niu Wu's hand. After a death struggle, his sinful life ended.


Niu Wu, Zhao Datie, and Zhang Laosan all breathed a sigh of relief, and their hearts were relieved. Looking at the dead Japanese pirates who could no longer die, the three of them felt a sense of accomplishment in their hearts. This was Zongheng The fierce Japanese who traveled thousands of miles to the Ming Dynasty, killed thousands of people, and made the hundreds of thousands of defenders of Yingtian City dare not leave the city!

Now they died at the hands of the three of them. Although this was basically due to the adults' strategizing, Niu Wu and the others couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment for being able to kill a Japanese pirate with their own hands.

Niu Wu and the others succeeded, and other elite groups of the Zhejiang Army also succeeded one after another.

After all, it was really not that difficult for the three of them to work together to kill a Japanese pirate who had been tricked by a peacock tail and fell asleep.


Just as Niu Wu and the others stretched out their black hands to the Japanese pirates, and were about to strike again, a shrill scream suddenly sounded in the hall, and it stopped suddenly like a duck being strangled by the throat.

This is when another group of people struck again. The heart of the Japanese pirate who was slaughtered was different from that of a normal person. It was deflected two inches outward. This allowed the Japanese pirate to escape the fatal heart-piercing knife and did not die instantly. The severe pain caused him to jump from the peacock tail. Awakening from the effects of the medicine, he struggled violently and let out a scream. The Zhejiang Army who attacked was frightened and made timely rescue. He covered the Japanese pirate's mouth and nose again, interrupted his scream, and stabbed him several times in succession. This resulted in the Japanese pirates' sinful life.

Suddenly hearing the Japanese pirate's scream, Niu Wu shuddered. He should have covered his mouth, but instead he covered his nose. Zhang Laosan, who was responsible for stabbing the knife, was also frightened and shivered. The dagger should have stabbed the Japanese pirate in the heart. When it reached the Japanese pirate's waist, Zhao Datie, who was responsible for holding down his hands and feet, was also startled by the sudden screams. None of his hands were holding down. The Japanese pirate's nose was covered and he couldn't breathe. He was stabbed again in the waist. These factors severely stimulated the Japanese pirates' central nervous system, causing the Japanese pirates to suddenly wake up from the effects of the peacock tail medicine.

"Ah! Baga!"

Niu Wucuo covered the Japanese pirate's nose but did not cover the Japanese pirate's mouth. After the Japanese pirate woke up from the pain, he screamed and cursed reflexively.

The severe pain in his waist and the blood that spilled from his mouth and nose stimulated the Japanese pirate's ferocity. Under the threat of death, the Japanese pirate exploded with a fighting power far beyond his usual strength. First, he kicked Zhao Datie, who was holding him down, twice. Meters away, Zhao Datie fell to the ground and vomited blood. He didn't know how many ribs were broken by the kick. Almost at the same time, the Japanese pirates grabbed Niu Wu's hand that was covering his nose and folded it hard. There was a thud, and Niu Wu's wrist was broken. It was broken, and then the Japanese pirates violently slapped it down. Niu Wu was pulled out of his head like a little chicken and violently slapped to the ground. Niu Wu suddenly vomited blood from his mouth and nose, and fell unconscious. He didn't know whether he was dead or not. live.

The Japanese pirate kicked and slapped him in the blink of an eye. Zhang Laosan, who was responsible for stabbing at the side, had no time to react. He only had time to show a look of horror on his face. He was about to pull out the knife and strike again, but unfortunately he didn't have any. After pulling it out, the Japanese pirate who sat up grabbed his head with his hands and twisted it hard, and his neck was broken by the Japanese pirate.

"Baga! Ming people are coming!" After the Japanese pirates killed Zhang Laosan, they shouted a warning with all their strength.

Then, the Japanese pirates picked up the Japanese swords on the ground and rushed towards the Zhejiang army beside them like crazy and fearless of death.

A flash of snow-white light flashed through the air, and the nearest Zhejiang soldier was split in half by the Japanese pirate's knife.

"If you don't respect martial ethics and attack our Yamato samurai in a sneak attack, they will all die!"

The Japanese pirates were bathed in blood, like vengeful ghosts crawling out of hell, and rushed to the next Zhejiang army with their swords in hand.

However, after all, he was seriously injured, and the medicinal properties of the peacock tail still had some effect. When the Japanese pirates rushed to the next Zhejiang army, they were kicked by a Japanese pirate corpse and fell to the ground. The stunned Zhejiang army on the side finally escaped from the Japanese pirates. He came back to his senses from his bravery and cruelty, took advantage of his illness to kill him, jumped on the Japanese pirate, stabbed the dagger in his hand hard, puff, puff, puff, stabbed seven or eight times in one go, until the Japanese pirate was motionless.

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