Rise From the Humble

Chapter 1517 The battle situation reverses

The two accidents that happened one after another in the hall seemed to have taken a thousand twists and turns, but in fact they only happened in one second.

Zhu Ping'an heard the screams of the Japanese pirates in the hall. To prevent accidents, he decisively ordered: "Raise fire! The first and second sentries rush in to help the battle. Don't give the Japanese pirates time to react! The rest form a formation and don't let any Japanese pirates escape!"

The Zhejiang troops at the first and second posts rushed in after hearing the order, and cooperated with the elite Zhejiang troops inside to deal with the Japanese pirates in the hall.

The Japanese pirates' shouts actually had little effect. All the Japanese pirates in the hall were hit by peacock tails, and none of them woke up. Except for one Japanese pirate who drank little, was in good health, and had strong resistance, he was awakened. No one woke up, but during the fight, the red charcoal in the bonfire was blown away and fell on the unconscious Japanese pirates around them. As a burst of barbecue smell wafted out, six Japanese pirates were awakened by the heat.

After all, the peacock tail is not omnipotent. The Japanese pirates are all skilled in martial arts and strong in body. In addition, the meat burned by the charcoal is cooked. Six Japanese pirates were able to get rid of the peacock under the stimulation of severe pain. It is also normal for the tail medicine to be weak.

Of course, except for these seven Japanese pirates, the other Japanese pirates did not wake up and were still asleep and unconscious under the control of Peacock Tail.

In addition, the seven Japanese pirates who woke up have not completely gotten rid of the influence of the peacock tail. If you look closely, you will find that the steps of these Japanese pirates are a little frivolous, and the hands holding the Japanese swords are also a little trembling, but the people in the hall The Zhejiang army was too nervous. They had heard too much about the ferocity of this group of Japanese pirates, and witnessed the ferocity of the Japanese pirates at the scene. They were timid before fighting and did not notice anything strange about the Japanese pirates.

The seven Japanese pirates discovered the tragedy in the hall. More than half of the Japanese friends who were fighting side by side in a foreign country were killed by Akito. The remaining Japanese friends who were still alive were all asleep and unconscious. They didn't wake up from this kind of movement, and they suddenly understood in their hearts. Understand the treacherous plot of the Ming people.

The blood, severe pain and hatred deeply stimulated the Japanese pirates and aroused their ferocity. Like seven crazy ferocious wolves, the seven Japanese pirates rushed towards the Zhejiang people in the hall with their swords that were ten times more numerous. military.

I don’t know whether it was the Japanese pirates who were bloody in their killing, or whether they were affected by the peacock tail. They seemed not to know what injury was. After being injured in the fight, they became even more crazy. They did not avoid swords during the fight and did not hesitate to trade their injuries for their lives.

The Zhejiang army, which had a large number of people, was suddenly frightened by the ferocity of the Japanese pirates, and was defeated by seven Japanese pirates.

In just a few breaths, seven or eight Zhejiang troops were hacked to the ground by the Japanese pirates. If Zhu Ping'an hadn't immediately ordered one sentry and two sentries into the hall to support them, the Zhejiang soldiers in the room would have been almost forced out of the hall by the Japanese pirates.

After the first and second posts entered the scene, the Ming army relied on its large numbers to contain the ferocious arrogance of the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates were forced to retreat steadily, and retreated to the door of the master bedroom in the back room. Just when they were about to kill the Japanese pirates, they heard a loud "Baga!" shout from the master bedroom, and Nabeshima Naoman, whose steps were sloppy, and Matsuura, who was calm and breathless. The Sanbanrou rushed out together, Naoshima Naoshima holding the Jōhachi Kusanagi sword, and Matsuura Sanbanro holding the Chodachi sword.

The two men jumped out from the master bedroom like tigers coming down from the mountain and evil dragons emerging from the water, and rushed into the Zhejiang army like wild beasts.

Naoshima Naoshima was so fierce that although his steps were frivolous, he jumped straight into the Zhejiang Army, actively surrounded him, and then swung the grass pheasant knife like a wheel, as if it was unparalleled, and in an instant there were four Zhejiang Army members. The dead souls were killed by his sword. They were injured if they touched them, and they died if they touched them. It was like the god of death coming.

Matsuura Sanbanro did not give in to the ferocity of Nabeshima Naoto. He did not drink alcohol, but ate well water stew with peacock tail, and was infected with a small amount of peacock tail. Among all the Japanese pirates, he was the most ferocious. The easiest hit.

Therefore, when the Japanese pirates screamed for the first time, Matsuura Sanbanlang was awakened. However, he was cunning and cautious. He knew that he had fallen into Mingren's trick. He heard the noise and knew that he was surrounded by the Ming army, so he did not immediately He rushed out, but first woke Nabeshima Naoman. First, he whispered in Nabeshima's ear, but it had no effect. He then tried to pinch Nabeshima's nose to suffocate him, but Nabeshima was almost suffocated to death and could not wake up. . The matter was urgent, and Matsuura Sanbanro had to resort to extreme measures. He took out a dagger from his calf. In order to prevent the Ming army in the hall from finding out the clues, he first covered Nabeshima Nao's mouth with one hand to prevent Nabeshima from making any sound. The other hand used a dagger to stab Nabeshima Naoshima in insignificant parts such as his buttocks, causing Nabeshima Naoshima to wake up from the pain.

Matsuura Sanbanro immediately held Nabeshima Naoo down, who was about to explode, and whispered in his ear to tell him the current situation.

After some calculations, we have the current situation.

Since Matsuura Sanbanlang is the least susceptible to attacks, his combat effectiveness can basically be brought out 100%.

When Nabeshima Naoji went on a killing spree, Matsuura Sanbanro also went on a killing spree. He strikes very quickly, accurately and ruthlessly, either sealing the throat or piercing the heart. The Zhejiang Army has almost no enemies under his command, and the killing efficiency is higher than that of Nabeshima Naoshima. Before the Zhejiang Army can react, there are Six people became the dead souls of his sword.

After Naoshima Nabeshima and Matsuura Sanbanrou joined in the hall, the battle situation reversed again.

When the seven Japanese pirates saw Naoshima Naoshima and Matsuura Sanbanro, they immediately had a backbone. Under the shouts of Nabeshima Naoo and Matsuura Sanbanro, they quickly moved closer to the two of them. With the two as their heads, they were not afraid of death. Charge and kill the Ming army.

The hall was small, and it was difficult for the Zhejiang soldiers to use them if there were too many. Their swords had no eyes, and they were afraid of accidentally hurting their colleagues. Therefore, the Zhejiang soldiers were somewhat timid during the fight. On the contrary, the Japanese pirates did not care about life and death, and gave it a go. Avoid and fight ferociously, like bloodthirsty madmen.

The Zhejiang army was deeply shocked by the ferocity and bravery of the Japanese pirates, especially the two killers Nabeshima Naoo and Matsuura Sanbanro. They had almost no enemies with the Zhejiang army they took on. They were either seriously injured or killed, and even more so. This frightened the Zhejiang troops who were fighting with them. I don't know which Zhejiang troops shouted "Feng Jia Hu" and fled in fear of death. Anyway, a chain reaction was quickly caused, and many Zhejiang troops in the hall followed suit and fled.

It is unbelievable that a mere nine Japanese pirates defeated more than a hundred elite Zhejiang troops and fled!

These nine Japanese pirates were tricked by peacock tails!

"What a good opportunity! Rush out! You can survive by rushing out of the yard! Akito used a lot of dirty tricks, and he will definitely seek revenge from them in the future!" Matsuura Sanbanro's eyes suddenly lit up, and he shouted in Japanese.

"go away!"

Naoshima Naoshima swung his knife like a full moon, and took the lead to pursue the Japanese pirates, followed closely by Matsuura Sanbanro and other Japanese pirates.

All of a sudden, nine Japanese pirates including Nabeshima Naoji and Matsuura Sanbanro drove dozens of fleeing Zhejiang troops out of the hall.

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